
  • 1992 - Master (Licentiaat) Biology: University of Antwerp, advisor: Frits De Vree. Thesis title: A functional morphological analysis of feeding behavior in the lizard Agama stellio, 7/07/1992.
  • 1992 - Teaching certificate upper secondary school (geaggregeerde voor het hoger secundair onderwijs, agrégé de l'enseignement secondaire supérieur), University of Antwerp, 8/07/1992.
  • 1998 - PhD: University of Antwerp, advisor: Frits De Vree. Thesis title: Lizard herbivory, a functional morphological approach, 20/02/1998.
  • 2011 - HDR: Université Paris-Sud 11, Orsay, 23/02/2011.


  • 1998-2007, postdoctoral researcher Fund for Scientific Research Flanders, Belgium (FWO-Vl).
  • 1999-2000, postdoctoral researcher in the Lab. of Dr. K. Nishikawa (Northern Arizona University) on a FWO-Vl mobility grant.
  • 2001-2002, postdoctoral researcher in the Lab. of Dr. D. Irschick (Tulane University) on a FWO-Vl mobility grant.
  • 2008, postdoctoral researcher in the Lab of Dr. J.B. Losos (Harvard University).
  • 01/2009 - 09/2015, Chargé de Recherche (CR1) at the French CNRS based at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (UMR7179).
  • 10/2015 - 09/2019, Directeur de Recherche (DR2) at the French CNRS based at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (UMR7179).
  • 10/2019 - present, Directeur de Recherche (DR1) at the French CNRS based at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (UMR7179)


  • 01/2023 - present, Research associate, Naturhistorisches Museum Bern, Switzerland.
  • 10/2015 - present, Research associate, Ghent University, Belgium.
  • 02/2008 - present, Research associate, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
  • 2010 - 2014, Associate of the Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University, USA.
  • 09/2013 - 08/2015, Professor at Ghent University (10% appointment).
  • 05/2016 - 12/2019, Responsable scientifique et technique du Labex BCDiv.
  • 01/2020 - present, Responsable de l'initiative Biodiversité, Evolution, Ecologie, Société (IBEES; Alliance Sorbonne Université)


  • 2007 - Society for Experimental Biology President's Medal.
  • 2012 - Prime d'excellence scientifique du CNRS.
  • 2019 - Biodiversa prize for Excellence and Impact for the INVAXEN project.

    Grants (>8 million Euro total)

    Major research grants:

  • 2024 - PhD grant from the DIM PAMIR (Predart): 100kEuro (PI, co-PI E. Robert) Prey and predators, the art of Upper Palaeolithic hunters: graphical and anatomical analysis.
  • 2023 - BBSRC grant: 438,622.00£ (Co-PI, PI Jen Bright, Hull University UK) Understanding functional performance in bird skulls: advanced computational modelling to investigate cranial biomechanics and kinesis.
  • 2023 - SOUND.AI program partial funding for PhD student: 95kEuro (PI, co-PI R. Cornette) Museum collections as a source for artificial-intelligence based species identification: have invasive species driven the evolutionary trajectory of endemic frogs in the French Antilles?
  • 2023 - Marie Curie HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01: 200 kEuro (PI, co-PI R. Allemand; NeuroSquam)
  • 2023 - Marie Curie HORIZON-MSCA-2022-PF-01: 195.9 kEuro (PI, co-PI N. Mohanty; SLEEPCHANGE)
  • 2022 - BBSRC grant: 485457£ (co-PI, PI E. Rayfield, U. Bristol, U.K.) Form, function and development of the amniote skull: a case study using lepidosaurs.
  • 2021 - FEDER project 403kEuro (co-PI, PI F. Cézilly - Caribaea Initiative) Maîitrise des Espèces de Reptiles exotiques dans la Caraïbe Insulaire (MERCI).
  • 2021 - Allocation doctorale Labex CEBA: 100kEuro (co-PI, PI P-H. Fabre, U. Montpellier) Investigation de la convergence anatomique et biomécanique d’un trait impliqué dans la locomotion arboricole, le cas de la queue préhensile chez les mammifères amazoniens.
  • 2021 - Allocation doctorale PRPhD2021: 100kEuro (PI, co-PI K. Daoues) Nouveaux animaux de compagnie et santé : état des lieux (HERPET).
  • 2020 - ANR: 465kEuro (co-PI, PI L. Hautier, U. Montpellier) DispaRat: Skull trait interactions and macroevolutionary dynamics of the adaptive radiation of rodents.
  • 2020 - ANR: 600kEuro (co-PI, PI X. Bonnet, CNRS Chizé) DRAGON2: The return to an aquatic life, the evolution of propulsive efficiency & biomimetics.
  • 2019 - DIM MAP: 53kEuro (co-PI, PI A. Pradel, MNHN) PHARE: Pharyngeal Evolution : illuminating its form and function in early jawed vertebrates.
  • 2019 - NSF IRES: 350 k$US (co-PI; PI A. Hartstone-Rose) Comparative Anatomy and Functional Morphology in Cuvier’s Paris.
  • 2019 - HFSP grant $1,2M ($300k for the French team; co-PI, PI: M. Moazen at the University College London, co-PI: A. Abzhanov at the Imperial College London, M. vickaryous at U. Guelph, Canada). Unravelling an unusual biomineralization from nano to macro scale using advanced technologies.
  • 2018 - ANR HOBIS 460 kEuro (co-PI, PI: G. Berillon) HoBiS (Hominin BipedalismS): Exploration of bipedal gaits in Hominins thanks to Specimen-Specific Functional Morphology.
  • 2018 - NSF RAPID: (co-PI, PIs: J. Kolbe & J. Losos) Testing for hurricane-induced natural selection that reverses the direction of morphological adaptation in Anolis lizards.
  • 2018 - DIM MAP: 58kEuro (co-PI, PI: I. Rouget) NEMO: Nautili evolution: a new morpho-functional outlook.
  • 2018 - Labex BCDiv grant: 55kEuro (co-PI, PI: Thomas Cucchi) CAPTIVmorph: Captivité et développement crânien chez le sanglier (Sus scrofa): exploration de nouveaux marqueurs du processus de domestication animale en archéologie.
  • 2018 - Labex BCDiv postdoc grant: 55kEuro (Co-PI, PI: G. Billet) Convergences morphologiques et inférences fonctionnelles : étude intégrative de l'appareil masticateur au sein du groupe fossile des notongulés comparé à celui des rongeurs actuels.
  • 2018 - FCT: 237,3kEuro (Collaborator, PI: A. Kaliontzopoulou) MEDBIODIV: Linking phenotypes to diversification dynamics to decipher the temporal and spatial scaling of biodiversity evolution in the Mediterranean basin.
  • 2017 - Sorbonne Universités: 100kEuro (PI) An engineering approach to understanding the functional and ecological implications of small-scale morphological variation in an evolutionary context.
  • 2017 - Croatian Science Foundation HRZZ project: 132kEuro (co-PI, PI: A. Stambuk) Genomic aspects of rapid evolution of Italian wall lizard (Podarcis sicula).
  • 2016 - Labex BCDiv postdoc grant (co-PI, PI: N. Vidal) APODES: Anatomie, Phylogénie et Origines : Déchiffrer l’Evolution des Scolécophidiens.
  • 2016 - NSF IOS grant: 672k$US (co-PI, PIs: Sharlene Santana and Adam Hartstone-Rose, Macroevolutionary analyses of cranial morphology and function in mammals).
  • 2016 - ANR ACHN: 400kEuro (Co-PI, PI: Sam Van Wassenbergh; IOFLOW: Biomechanics of intra-oral water flow generation in fish).
  • 2015 - FWO Vlaanderen: 296kEuro (co-PI, PI: Dominique Adriaens; Een grip op evolutie: testen van hypotheses rond adaptieve evolutie van grijpsystemen bij dieren).
  • 2015 - Labex BCDiv postdoc grant (PI, co-PI: S. Peigne; Relations forme-fonction et évolution de la locomotion arboricole chez les mammifères).
  • 2015 - Labex BCDiv postdoc grant (Co-PI, PI: G. Billet; Convergences morphologiques et inférences fonctionnelles : étude intégrative de l'appareil masticateur au sein du groupe fossile des notongulés comparé à celui des rongeurs actuels).
  • 2015 - MC IEF: 173 kEuro (PI, co-PI A.C. Fabre; GETAGRIP - Evolutionary trends and grasping form and function in primates and other tetrapod lineages).
  • 2014 - Allocation Doctorale Hors DIM, Financement Region Ile de France: 110 kEuro (PI) - L'eau, un moteur de l'évolution : exemple des serpents aquatiques.
  • 2014 - MC IEF: 200 kEuro (PI, co-PI K. Boyle; EvoMorphASIS - Evolutionary morphology of accessory auditory structures in pirhanas, pacus, and related serrasalmid fishes: is acute hearing an adaptation for prey location?)
  • 2014 - NSF Collaborative Research: 314 k$US (Co-PI; PI: J. Losos; co-PI: T. Roberts; A functional perspective on adaptive radiation: explaining differences in the adaptive radiations of mainland and island Anolis lizards)
  • 2014 - ERANET BiodivERsA “Invasive species and biological invasions”: 700 kEuro (PI, Co-PIs: T. Backeljau, R. Rebelo, D. Rödder and J. Measey; INVAXEN: INVAsive biology of XENopus laevis in Europe: ecology, impact and predictive models).
  • 2014 - Labex BCDiv PhD grant: 78 kEuro (Co-PI, PI: E. Bapteste; Etude de l'impact d'un changement rapide de régime alimentaire sur le microbiome intestinal de lézards par des méthodes de réseaux de similarité).
  • 2013 - NSF Catalyzing New International Collaborations (CNIC) $US 46.902,00 (Co-PI, PI: D. German; What does it take to be an herbivorous lizard? Revealing the digestive anatomy and physiology of manipulated populations of Podarcis sicula.
  • 2013 - ANR retour postdoc: 333 kEuro (Co-PI, PI: A. Houssaye; Aquabone, The secondary adaptation to an aquatic life - contribution of bone microstructure).
  • 2013 - ANR Jeune Chercheur: 195 KEuro (Co-PI, PI: T. Cucchi; DOMEXP, Wild boar (Sus scrofa) experimental domestication: functional and ontogenetic approach of limb bone development in captive conditions).
  • 2012 - Labex BCDiv PhD grant: 78 kEuro (Co-PI, PI: A. Tresset; Petits mammifères commensaux et invasions biologiques en Europe à l’Holocène).
  • 2009 - Research grant from the ANR, France: 716 kEuro Euro (PI, C0-PI's: J. Clobert, M. Baguette, C. Bonneaud, H. Freville and A. Coulon; MOBIGEN: A functional, genetic, and genomic approach to the evolution of mobility in a changing world)
  • 2008 - Research grant of the Special Research Fund of the University of Antwerp: 65 kEuro - grant extension (Co-PI, PI: P. Aerts; Analysis of form-function relationships in complex musculo-skeletal systems by means of computer modelling and measurement of stress and strain distributions).
  • 2007 - Research grant of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (Belgium): 25.5 kEuro (PI - Equipment grant to by a 10 channel strain set-up).
  • 2007 - Research project of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (Belgium): 293 kEuro (Co-PI, PI: D. Adriaens; Functional consequences and ecological implications of extreme morphological specialisation: design and function of the feeding apparatus in seahorses and pipefishes (Syngnathidae)).
  • 2006 - Research grant of the Special Research Fund of the University of Antwerp: 65 kEuro (Co-PI, PI: P. Aerts; Analysis of form-function relationships in complex musculo-skeletal systems by means of computer modelling and measurement of stress and strain distributions).
  • 2006 - BWS-BOF Bilateral cooperative project with Dr. Z. Rocek (Czech Republic): 36.9 kEuro (Co-PI, PI: P. Aerts; Anuran locomotion and evolutionary origin of its anatomical context).
  • 2006 - Research project of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (Belgium): 484.8 kEuro (Co-PI, PI: R. Van Damme; Island populations as model systems for rapid evolution).
  • 2004 - Research grant of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (Belgium): 25.5 kEuro (PI - Equipment grant to by a high-resolution high speed camera).
  • 2003 - Research grant of the Special Research Fund of the University of Antwerp: 110 kEuro (PI - Scaling of the feeding system in catfish).
  • 2002 - Research programme of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (Belgium): 112.3 kEuro (Co-PI, PI: P. Aerts; Equipment grant to upgrade the cineradiographic system).
  • 2001 - Research grant of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (Belgium): 32.2 kEuro (PI - Equipment grant to upgrade the electromyography system).

    Small grants & travel grants

  • 2023 - ATM Muséum -Etude des microorganismes des reptiles et amphibiens : risques liés au commerce, rôle en Conservation et impact de l’anthropisation 13kEuro (PI, co-PI Soline Bettencourt Amarante).
  • 2022 - ATM Muséum - Impact of urbanisation on the microbiota of reptiles and amphibians in Ile de France: 12kEuro (PI, co-PI Soline Bettencourt Amarante).
  • 2022 - AAP Fédérateur Département AVIV - Potential transmissions of pathogens between exotic species from the pet trade and native species of Ile de France: 5kEuro (PI, co-PI Soline Bettencourt Amarante)
  • 2022, renouvellement 2023 - PHC Amadeus Vocal communication in geckos - how do reptiles generate vocal signals? (PI, co-PI B. Chagnaud, U. Graz and L. Kéver, MNHN).
  • 2021 - CNRS MITI Adaptation du vivant à son environnement: 22kEuro. Adaptive variation in sleep in relation to variation in predation pressure? (co-PI; PI: P-A. Libourel).
  • 2021 - Beamtime Grant at the ESRF for nantomography of osteoderms (with C. Williams, Aarhus University).
  • 2020 - Bourse de mobilité post PHC Tournesol: 1704 Euro (avec D. Adriaens and A. Lowie, Ghent University)
  • 2020 - CNRS MITI Adaptation du vivant à son environnement: 25800 (co-PI, PI M. Ollivier, co-PIs C. Hitte, F. Barloy-Hubler, M. Balasse, S. Bréhard, D. Fiorillo, R. Debruyne, C. Bon; CROC: Thousands of years of human-dog relationships: uncovering adaptation to dietary changes of dogs, resulting from the transition to farming).
  • 2019, 2020 - CNRS Défi Modélisation du vivant: 14 + 9 kEuro (co-PI, PI: X. Bonnet, co-PI R. Godoy-Diana; MODULO: Modeler les structures tourbillonnaires propulsives de la nage par ondulations).
  • 2018, 2019 - PHC Tournesol: 4.4kEuro (PI, co-PI: D. Adriaens; Kinematic and mechanical variation of prehensile systems).
  • 2016 - ATM blanc (co-PI, PI: R. Cornette; Patrons morpho-fonctionnels en milieux insulaires chez les musaraignes à dents blanches).
  • 2016 - PEPS interdisciplinaires EXOMOD (co-PI, PI: P-A. Libourel; Les reptiles « rêvent »-ils ? Caractérisation physiologique, éléctrophysiologique et comportementale des états de vigilance chez Tupinambis merianae).
  • 2016 - Défi ENVIROMICS (co-PI, PI: E Bapteste, co-PI P. Lopez, co-PI M. Habib; Etude de l'impact d'un changement rapide de régime alimentaire sur le microbiome intestinal de lézards par des méthodes de réseaux de similarité)
  • 2015 - CARESE-SU funding for a master project: 7kEuro (co-PI, PI T. Van Dooren; Performance de juveniles des poissons annuels en fonction de leur histoire de vie dans le sol).
  • 2015 - National Geographic Committee for Research and Exploration: 17k$ (PI; The evolution of morphology and diet: insular Podarcis lizards as a model system).
  • 2015 - PEPS interdisciplinaires EXOMOD: 20 kEuro (co-PI, PI: P-A. Libourel; Les reptiles « rêvent »-ils ? Caractérisation physiologique, éléctrophysiologique et comportementale des états de vigilance chez Tupinambis merianae).
  • 2015 - Défi ENVIROMICS: 15 kEuro (co-PI, PI: E Bapteste, co-PI P. Lopez, co-PI M. Habib; Etude de l'impact d'un changement rapide de régime alimentaire sur le microbiome intestinal de lézards par des méthodes de réseaux de similarité)
  • 2015 - ATM Emergences: 3.5 kEuro (PI: The island syndrome : origin and evolution of island phenotypes in lizards).
  • 2014 - ATM formes: 2 kEuro (PI: Form, function and evolution of the cranial system in lemurids).
  • 2014 - Défi ENVIROMICS: 15 kEuro (co-PI, PI: E Bapteste, co-PI P. Lopez, co-PI M. Habib; Etude de l'impact d'un changement rapide de régime alimentaire sur le microbiome intestinal de lézards par des méthodes de réseaux de similarité)
  • 2013 - International Collaboration Fund from the National University of Singapore: 6000 $S (Co-PI - Ecology and Prey Capture Performance in Aquatic Snakes of Southeast Asia)
  • 2013 - ATM Biodiversite et role des microorganismes dans les ecosystemes actuels et passes: 4300 Euro (PI - The evolution of microbial digestion and diversity in the gut of experimentally introduced lizards on islands: evolution in action.).
  • 2011 - PHC Protea (collaborative grant with Dr. K. Tolley, SANBI, South-Africa): 16472 Euro (PI - Can lizards beat the heat? Quantifying thermal optima, adaptation and empirical niches for ectothermic vertebrate communities in the face of global climate change)
  • 2011 - CNRS/CSIC Collaborative grant (with M. Lopez-Darias, CSIC, Tenerife, Spain): 6000 Euro (PI - The role of frugivory in the evolution of large body size in lizards of the genus Gallotia).
  • 2011 - PHC Tournesol (collaborative grant with Dr. D. Adriaens, Ghent University, Belgium; grant extension): 1000 Euro (PI - Does history repeat itself: adaptation to seed cracking in granivorous birds as a model system).
  • 2010 - FACCTS (France and Chicago Collaborating in the Sciences; with Dr. Callum ross, University of Chicago): 15.500 $US (Co-PI - Modulation of the mechanics and motor control of feeding behavior of small primates).
  • 2010 - ATM Formes possibles, formes realisees (MNHN in-house grant): 2500 Euro (PI - The ghost of selection past? dietary specialization, cranial morphology and performance in Liolaemus lizards).
  • 2010 - PHC Tournesol (collaborative grant with Dr. D. Adriaens, Ghent University, Belgium): 1000 Euro (PI - Does history repeat itself: adaptation to seed cracking in granivorous birds as a model system.
  • 2009 - PPF Biodiversite actuelle et fossile (MNHN in-house grant): 8000 Euro (PI - The importance of key innovations in the diversification and persistence of clades: insights from the origin and early radiation of frogs).
  • 2009 - NRF Key International Science Capacity Fund Programme (KISC) International collaborative program: 16.728 Euro (Co-PI; PI: Dr. K. Tolley, SANBI, South-Africa)
  • 2008 - Travel grant of the Royal Society of New Zealand - Bilateral Research Grant: 2.068,31 $NZ (Co-PI; PI: Dr. N. Nelson, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand)
  • 2007 - Travel grant of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (Belgium): 2.520,00 Euro (Visit Museum Comparative Zoology, Harvard University)
  • 2006 - Travel grant of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (Belgium): 1.800,00 Euro. (International Mastication Symposium, Brisbane, Australia)
  • 2005 - Research grant of the Special Research Fund of the University of Antwerp: 6.840,00 Euro (small research grant to study the scaling of muscle physiology in catfish).
  • 2005 - Travel grant of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (Belgium): 431,00 Euro. (Annual SEB meeting, Barcelona)
  • 2001 - Journal for Experimental Biology travel grant: 737,00 Euro (to attend the IUPS sattelite meeting on specialized muscle; Wollongong, Australia).
  • 2000 - Travel grant of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (Belgium): 744,00 Euro (Visit to Dr. L.F. Aguirre's lab, Cochabamba, Bolivia).
  • 1999 - Society for Experimental Biology travel grant: 442,00 Euro (visit to Dr. J. O'Reilly, U. Mass, USA).
  • 1996 - Travel grant of the Fund for Scientific Research - Flanders (Belgium): 500,00 Euro (to attend the annual SICB meeting, Albuquerque, USA).

    Peer-reviewed publications (571 total)

  • Herrel, A., J. Cleuren and F. De Vree (1995) Prey Capture in the Lizard Agama stellio. J. Morphol. 224: 313-329.
  • Herrel, A., J. Cleuren and F. De Vree (1996) Kinematics of feeding in the lizard Agama stellio. J. Exp. Biol. 199: 1727-1742.
  • Herrel, A., R. Van Damme and F. De Vree (1996) Sexual dimorphism of head size in Podarcis hispanica atrata: Testing the dietary divergence hypothesis by bite force analysis. Neth. J. Zool. 46 (3/4): 253-262.
  • Herrel, A., J. Cleuren and F. De Vree (1997) Quantitative analysis of jaw and hyolingual muscle activity during feeding in the lizard Agama stellio. J. Exp. Biol. 200: 101-115.
  • Herrel, A., I. Wauters, P. Aerts, and F. De Vree (1997) The mechanics of ovophagy in the beaded lizard (Heloderma horridum). J. Herpetol. 31(3): 383-393.
  • Herrel, A., P. Aerts and F. De Vree (1998) Static biting in lizards : functional morphology of the temporal ligaments. J. Zool Lond. 244: 135-143.
  • Herrel, A., P. Aerts and F. De Vree (1998) Ecomorphology of the lizard feeding apparatus: a modelling approach. Neth. J. Zool. 48(1): 1-25.
  • Herrel, A., J-P Timmermans and F. De Vree (1998) Tongue-flicking in agamid lizards: morphology, kinematics and muscle activity patterns. Anat. Rec. 252(1): 102-116.
  • Herrel, A., L. Spithoven, R. Van Damme and F. De Vree (1999) Sexual dimorphism of head size in Gallotia galloti; testing the niche divergence hypothesis by functional analyses. Funct. Ecol. 13(3): 289-297.
  • Herrel, A. and F. De Vree (1999) The cervical musculature in helodermatid lizards. Belg. J. Zool. 129(1): 175-186.
  • Herrel, A., P. Aerts, J. Fret and F. De Vree (1999). Morphology of the feeding system in agamid lizards; ecological correlates. Anat Rec. 254(4): 496-507.
  • Herrel, A. and F. De Vree (1999). Kinematics of intraoral transport and swallowing in the herbivorous lizard Uromastix acanthinurus. J. Exp. Biol. 202(9): 1127-1137.
  • Herrel, A., M. Verstappen and F. De Vree (1999) Modulatory complexity of the feeding repertoire in scincid lizards. J. Comp. Physiol. A. 184(5): 501-518.
  • Herrel, A., F. De Vree, V. Delheusy and C. Gans (1999) Cranial kinesis in gekkonid lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 202: 3687-3698.
  • Herrel, A. (1999) Adaptations to herbivory. In: Corucia zebrata, Der Wickelschwanzskink (A. Hauschild und P. Gabner eds.). Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. pp. 33-34.
  • Zaaf, A., A. Herrel, P. Aerts and F. De Vree (1999) Morphology and morphometrics of the appendicular musculature in geckoes with different locomotor habits (Lepidosauria). Zoomorphology 119(1), 9-22.
  • Aerts, P., R. Van Damme, B. Vanhooydonck, A. Zaaf and A. Herrel (2000) Lizard locomotion: how morphology meets ecology. Neth. J. Zool. 50(2): 261-278.
  • Herrel, A., P. Aerts and F. De Vree (2000) Cranial kinesis in geckoes: functional implications. J. Exp. Biol. 203: 1415-1423.
  • Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers, K.C. Nishikawa and P. Aerts (2000) The mechanics of prey prehension in chameleons. J. Exp. Biol. 203: 3255-3263.
  • Herrel, A. (2000). Die Funktion der Zungenfärbung bei Blauzungenskinken (Tiliqua spp.). In: Blauzungenskinke, Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus (A. Hauschild, R. Hitz, G. Shea und H. Werning eds.). Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. pp. 27-30.
  • Aerts, P., J. Van Damme and A. Herrel (2001) Intrinsic mechanics and control of fast cranio-cervical movements in aquatic feeding turtles. Am. Zool. 41: 1299-1310.
  • Alfaro, M. and A. Herrel (2001) Major issues of feeding motor control in vertebrates. Am. Zool. 41: 1243-1247.
  • Herrel, A., R. Van Damme, B. Vanhooydonck and F. De Vree (2001) The implications of bite performance for diet in two species of lacertid lizards. Can. J. Zool. 79: 662-670.
  • Herrel, A., E. De Grauw and J.A. Lemos-Espinal (2001) Head shape and bite performance in xenosaurid lizards. J. Exp. Zool. 290: 101-107.
  • Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers, K.C. Nishikawa and F. De Vree (2001) Morphology and histochemistry of the hyolingual apparatus in chameleons. J. Morphol. 249: 154-170.
  • Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers and B. Vanhooydonck (2001) Relations between habitat use and body shape in a phrynosomatid lizard (Urosaurus ornatus): a population-level analysis. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 74: 305-314.
  • Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers, P. Aerts and K.C. Nishikawa (2001) Functional implications of supercontracting muscle in the chameleon tongue retractors. J. Exp. Biol. 204: 3621-3627.
  • Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers, K.C. Nishikawa and F. De Vree (2001) The evolution of feeding motor patterns in lizards: modulatory complexity and constraints. Am. Zool. 41: 1311-1320.
  • Zaaf, A., R. Van Damme, A. Herrel and P. Aerts (2001) Spatio temporal gait characteristics of level and vertical locomotion in a level-running and a climbing gecko. J. Exp. Biol. 204: 1233-1246.
  • Zaaf, A., R. Van Damme, A. Herrel and P. Aerts (2001) Limb joint kinematics during vertical climbing and level running in a specialist climber: Gekko gecko (Lacertilia: Gekkonidae). Belg. J. Zool. 131:173-182.
  • Aerts, P., K. D'Aout, A. Herrel and R. Van Damme (2002) Topics in Functional and Ecological Vertebrate Morphology. Shaker Publishing, Maastricht.
  • Aerts, P., K. D'Aout, A. Herrel and R. Van Damme (2002). Introduction. In: Topics in Functional and Ecological Vertebrate Morphology (P. Aerts, K. D'aout, A. Herrel and R. Van Damme, Eds.). Shaker Publishing, Maastricht. pp. 1-4.
  • Aguirre, L.F., A. Herrel, R. Van Damme and E. Matthysen (2002) Ecomorphological analysis of trophic niche partitioning in a tropical savanna bat community. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 269: 1271-1278.
  • Herrel, A., D. Adriaens, P. Aerts and W. Verraes (2002) Bite performance in clariid fishes with hypertrophied jaw adductors as deduced by bite modelling. J. Morphol. 253: 196-205.
  • Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers and B. Vanhooydonck (2002) Relations between microhabitat use and limb shape in phrynosomatid lizards. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 77(1): 149-163.
  • Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers, J.-P. Timmermans and K.C. Nishikawa (2002) Supercontracting muscle: producing tension over extreme muscle lengths. J. Exp. Biol. 205: 2167-2173.
  • Herrel, A., J.C. O'Reilly and A.M. Richmond (2002) Evolution of bite performance in turtles. J. Evol. Biol. 15: 1083-1094.
  • Meyers, J.J., A. Herrel and K.C. Nishikawa (2002) Comparative study of the innervation patterns of the hyobranchial musculature in three iguanian lizards, Sceloporus undulatus, Pseudotrapelus sinaitus and Chamaeleo jacksonii. Anat. Rec. 267: 177-189.
  • Meyers, J.J., A. Herrel and J.M. Birch (2002) Scaling of morphology, bite force and feeding kinematics in an iguanian and scelroglossan lizard. In: Topics in Functional and Ecological vertebrate morphology (P. Aerts, K. Daout, A. Herrel and R. Van Damme, eds.). Shaker Publishing, Maastricht. pp. 47-62.
  • Van Cakenberghe, V., A. Herrel and L. Aguirre (2002) Evolutionary relationships between cranial shape and diet in bats (Mammalia: Chiroptera). In: Topics in Functional and Ecological vertebrate morphology (P. Aerts, K. Daout, A. Herrel and R. Van Damme, eds.). Shaker Publishing, Maastricht. pp. 205-236.
  • Verwaijen D., R. Van Damme and A. Herrel (2002) Relationships between head size, bite force, prey handling efficiency and diet in two sympatric lacertid lizards. Funct Ecol. 16: 842-850.
  • Aguirre, L.F., A. Herrel, R. Van Damme and E. Mathyssen (2003) The implications of food hardness for diet in bats. Funct. Ecol. 17: 201-212.
  • Dumont, E.R. and A. Herrel (2003) The effects of gape angle and bite point on bite force in bats. J. Exp. Biol. 206: 2117-2123.
  • Herrel, A. and P. Aerts (2003) Biomechanical studies of food and diet selection. In: Nature Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. London: Nature Publishing Group. [doi:10.1038/npg.els.0003213].
  • Irschick, D.J., B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel and A. Andronescu (2003) Effects of loading and size on maximum power output and gait characteristics in geckos. J. Exp. Biol. 206: 3923-3934.
  • Toro, E., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck and D.J. Irschick (2003) A biomechanical analysis of intra- and interspecific scaling of jumping biomechanics and morphology in Caribbean Anolis lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 206: 2641-2652.
  • Herrel, A., B. Vanhooydonck, R. Joachim and D.J. Irschick (2004) Frugivory in polychrotid lizards: effects of body size.Oecologia 140: 160-168.
  • Herrel, A., B. Vanhooydonck and R. Van Damme (2004) Omnivory in lacertid lizards:adaptive evolution or constraint ? J. Evol. Biol. 17: 974-984.
  • Huysentruyt, F., D. Adriaens, G.G. Teugels, S. Devaere, A. Herrel, W. Verraes and P. Aerts (2004) Diet composition in relation to morphology in some African aguilliform clariid catfish. Belg. J. Zool. 134: 41-46.
  • Lailvaux, S.P., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, J.J. Meyers and D.J. Irschick (2004) Fighting tactics differ in two distinct male phenotypes in a lizard: Heavyweight and lightweight bouts. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 271: 2501-2508.
  • Toro, E., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2004) The evolution of jumping performance in Caribbean Anolis lizards: resolution of a biomechanical trade-off? Am. Nat. 163: 844-856.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2004) Effects of jaw adductor hypertrophy on buccal expansions during feeding of airbreathing catfishes (Teleostei, Clariidae). Zoomorphology 123: 81-93.
  • Vincent, S., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2004) Ontogeny of intersexual head shape and prey selection in the pitviper Agkistrodon piscivorus. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 81: 151-159.
  • Vincent, S.E., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2004) Sexual dimorphism in head shape and diet in the cottonmouth snake (Agkistrodon piscivorus). J. Zool., Lond. 264:53-59
  • Herrel, A., J. Podos, S.K. Huber and A.P. Hendry (2005) Bite performance and morphology in a population of Darwin's finches: implications for the evolution of beak shape. Funct. Ecol. 19: 43-48.
  • Herrel, A., J. Podos, S.K. Huber and A.P. Hendry (2005) Evolution of bite force in Darwin's finches: a key role for head width. J. Evol. Biol. 18:669-875.
  • Herrel, A., M. Canbek, Ü. Özelmas, M. Uyanoglu and M. Karakaya (2005) Comparative functional analysis of the hyolingual anatomy in lacertid lizards. Anat. Rec. 284: 561-573.
  • Herrel, A., S. Van Wassenbergh, S. Wouters, P. Aerts and D. Adriaens (2005) A functional morphological approach to the scaling of the feeding system in the African catfish, Clarias gariepinus. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 2091-2102.
  • Irschick, D.J., B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel and J.J. Meyers (2005) Intraspecific correlations among morphology, performance, and habitat use within a green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) population. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 85: 211-221.
  • Irschick, D.J., E. Carlisle, J. Elstrott, M. Ramos, C. Buckley, B. Vanhooydonck, J.J. Meyers and A. Herrel (2005) A comparison of habitat use, morphology, clinging performance, and escape behavior among two divergent green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) populations. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 85: 223-234.
  • Irschick D.J., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, K. Huyghe and R. Van Damme (2005) Locomotor compensation creates a mismatch between laboratory and field estimates of escape speed in lizards. Evolution 59: 1579-1587.
  • Metzger K.A. and A. Herrel (2005) Correlations between lizard cranial shape and diet: a quantitative, phylogenetically informed analysis. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 86: 433-466.
  • Meyers, J.J. and A. Herrel (2005) Prey capture kinematics of ant eating lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 113-127.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2005) Does dewlap size predict male bite force in Jamaican Anolis lizards? Funct. Ecol. 19: 38-42.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., A. Andronescu, A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2005) Effects of substrate structure on speed and acceleration capacity in climbing geckos. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 85: 385-393.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel, J.J. Meyers, R. Van Damme and D.J. Irschick (2005) The relationship between dewlap size and performance changes with age and sex in an A. carolinensis lizard population. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 59: 157-165.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., P. Aerts, A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2005) A dynamical model of mouth closing movements in clariid catfish: the role of enlarged jaw adductors. J. Theor. Biol. 234: 49-65.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., P. Aerts and A. Herrel (2005) Scaling of suction feeding kinematics and dynamics in the African catfish Clarias gariepinus. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 2103-2114.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2005) A test of mouth-opening and hyoid-depression mechanisms during prey capture in a catfish. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 4627-4639.
  • Vincent, S.E., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2005) Aquatic versus terrestrial strike performance and kinematics in the pitviper, Agkistrodon piscivorus. J. Exp. Zool. 303:476-488.
  • Bilcke, J., A. Herrel and R. Van Damme (2006) Correlated evolution of aquatic prey capture strategies in European and American Natricine snakes. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 88: 73-83.
  • Herrel, A., T. Speck and N. Rowe (2006) Ecology and Biomechanics: A mechanical approach to the ecology of animals and plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton. 352 pp.
  • Herrel, A. and A.C. Gibb (2006) Ontogeny of performance in vertebrates. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 79: 1-6.
  • Herrel, A. and J.C. O'Reilly (2006) Ontogenetic scaling of bite force in lizards and turtles. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 79: 31-42.
  • Herrel, A., R. Joachim, B. Vanhooydonck and D.J. Irschick (2006) Ecological consequences of ontogenetic changes in head shape and bite performance in the Jamaican lizard Anolis lineatopus. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 89: 443-454.
  • Irschick D.J., G. Gentry, A. Herrel and B. Vanhooydonck (2006) Seasonal patterns of Sarcophaid fly infections and male mortality in a North American lizard (Anolis carolinensis) population. J. Herpetol. 40: 107-112.
  • Irschick D.J., M. Ramos, C. Buckley, J. Elstrott, E. Carlisle, S. Lailvaux, N. Bloch, A. Herrel and B. Vanhooydonck (2006) Are morphology -> performance relationships invariant across different seasons? A test with the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis). Oikos 114: 49-59.
  • Irschick D.J., A. Herrel and B. Vanhooydonck (2006) Whole-organism studies of adhesion in pad-bearing lizards. J. Comp. Physiol. A. 192: 1169-1177.
  • Measey, J. and A. Herrel (2006) Rotational feeding in caecilians: putting a spin on the evolution of cranial design. Biology Letters 2: 485-487.
  • Meyers, J.J., D.J. Irschick, B. Vanhooydonck and A. Herrel (2006) Divergent roles for multiple sexual signals in a polygynous lizard. Funct. Ecol. 20: 709-716.
  • Meyers, J.J., A. Herrel and K.C. Nishikawa (2006) Ecomorphology of the feeding system in a specialized group of lizards (Phrynosoma). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 89: 13-24.
  • Metzger, K.A. and A. Herrel (2006) Utility of skeletal mass as a measure of body size in lizards. J. Herpetol. 40: 381-384.
  • Toro, E., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2006) Movement control strategies during jumping in a lizard (Anolis valencienni). J. Biomech. 39: 2014-2019.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., P. Aerts, D.J. Irschick and A. Herrel (2006) Power generation during locomotion in Anolis lizards: an ecomorphological approach. In: Ecology and Biomechanics: A mechanical approach to the ecology of animals and plants (A. Herrel, T. Speck and N. Rowe, Eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp. 253-269.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel, R. Van Damme and D.J. Irschick (2006) The quick and the fast: the evolution of acceleration capacity in Anolis lizards. Evolution 60: 2137-2147.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2006) Out on a limb: the differential effect of substrate diameter on acceleration capacity in Anolis lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 209: 4515-4523.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., P. Aerts and A. Herrel (2006) Scaling of suction feeding performance in the catfish Clarias gariepinus. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 79: 43-56.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens, F. Huysentruyt, S. Devaere and P. Aerts (2006) Catfish strikes on land. Nature 440:881.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2006) Modulation and variability of prey capture kinematics in clariid catfishes J. Exp. Zool. Part A 305: 559-569.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., P. Aerts and A. Herrel (2006) Hydrodynamic modeling of aquatic suction performance and intra-oral pressures: limitations for comparative studies. J. R. Soc. Interface 3: 507-514.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2006) No trade-off between biting and suction feeding performance in clariid catfish. J Exp. Biol. 210: 27-36.
  • Vincent, S.E., B.R. Moon, R. Shine and A. Herrel (2006) The functional meaning of "prey size" in water snakes (Nerodia fasciata, Colubridae). Oecologia 147: 204-211.
  • Vincent, S.E., P.D. Dang, A. Herrel and N.J. Kley (2006) Morphological integration and adaptation in the snake feeding system: a comparative phylogenetic study. J. Evol. Biol. 19: 1545-1554.
  • Bilcke, J., A. Herrel and P. Aerts (2007) Effect of prey- and predator size on the capture success of an aquatic snake. Belg. J. Zool. 137: 191-195.
  • Castilla, A.M., A. Herrel, G. Diaz and A. Francesch (2007) Developmental stage affects eggshell breaking strength in two ground-nesting birds: the partridge (Alectoris rufa) and the quail (Coturnix japonica). J Exp. Zool. A. 307: 471-477.
  • Geerinckx, T., M. Brunain, A. Herrel, P. Aerts and D. Adriaens (2007) A head with a suckermouth: a functional-morphological study of the head of the suckermouth armoured catfish Ancistrus cf. triradiatus (Loridariidae, Siluriformes). Belg. J. Zool 137: 47-66.
  • Herrel, A. (2007) Herbivory and foraging mode in lizards. In: Lizard Ecology: The evolutionary consequences of foraging mode. (S.M. Reilly, L.D. McBrayer and D.B. Miles, Eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp. 209-236.
  • Herrel, A., J. Van Damme and P. Aerts (2007) Cervical anatomy and function in turtles. In: The Biology of turtles (J. Wyneken, V.L. Bels and M.H. Godfrey). CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp. 145-167.
  • Herrel, A., L.D. McBrayer and P.M. Larson (2007) Functional basis for intersexual differences in bite force in the lizard Anolis carolinensis. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 91: 111-119.
  • Herrel, A., R.S. James and R. Van Damme (2007) Fight versus flight: physiological basis for temperature dependent behavioral shifts in lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 210: 1762-1767.
  • Herrel, A., V. Schaerlaeken, J.J. Meyers, K.A. Metzger and C.F. Ross (2007) The evolution of cranial design and performance in squamates: consequences of skull-bone reduction on feeding behavior. Integr. Comp. Biol. 47: 107-117.
  • Huyghe, K., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, J.J. Meyers and D.J. Irschick (2007) Microhabitat use, diet, and performance data on the Hispaniolan twig anole, Anolis sheplani. Zoology 110: 2-8.
  • Huyghe, K., B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel, Z. Tadic and R. Van Damme (2007) Morphology, performance, behaviour and ecology of three colour morphs in males of the lizard Podarcis melisellensis. Integr. Comp. Biol. 47: 211-220.
  • Irschick, D.J., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck and R. Van Damme (2007) A functional approach to sexual selection. Funct. Ecol. 21: 621-626.
  • James, R.S., C.A. Navas and A. Herrel (2007) How important are skeletal muscle mechanics in setting limits on jumping performance? J. Exp. Biol. 210: 923-933.
  • Parmentier, E., M. Fine, P. Vandewalle, O. Colleye, B. Frederich and A. Herrel (2007) Sound production in the clownfish Amphipirion clarkii. Science 316: 1006.
  • Ross, C.F., A. Eckhardt, A. Herrel, W.L. Hylander, K.A. Metzger, V. Schaerlaeken, R.L. Washington and S.H. Williams (2007) Modulation of intra-oral processing in mammals and lepidosaurs. Integr. Comp. Biol. 47: 118-136.
  • Schaerlaeken, V., J.J. Meyers and A. Herrel (2007) Modulation of prey capture kinematics and the role of lingual sensory feedback in the lizard Pogona vitticeps. Zoology 110: 127-138.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., R. Van Damme, A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2007) A performance based approach to distinguish indices from handicaps in sexual selection studies. Funct. Ecol. 21: 645-652.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel and R. Van Damme (2007) Interactions between habitat use, behavior and the trophic niche of lacertid lizards. In: Lizard Ecology: The evolutionary consequences of foraging mode. (S.M. Reilly, L.D. McBrayer and D.B. Miles, Eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp. 427-449.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2007) Determinants of sexual differences in escape behavior in Anolis lizards: a comparative approach. Integr. Comp. Biol. 47: 200-210.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2007) Interspecific variation in sternohyoideus muscle morphology in clariid catfishes: functional implications for suction feeding. J. Morphol. 268: 232-242.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, R.S. James and P. Aerts (2007) Scaling of contractile properties of catfish feeding muscles. J. Exp. Biol 210: 1183-1193.
  • Velasco, J and A. Herrel (2007) Ecomorphology of Anolis lizards of Chocoì region in Colombia and comparisons with Greater Antillean ecomorphs. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 92: 29-39.
  • Vincent, S.E., B.R. Moon, A. Herrel and N.J. Kley (2007) Are ontogenetic shifts in diet linked to shifts in feeding mechanics? Scaling of the feeding system in the banded watersnake, Nerodia fasciata. J. Exp. Biol. 210: 2057-2069.
  • Vincent, S.E. and A. Herrel (2007) Functional and ecological correlates of ecologically-based dimorphisms in squamate reptiles. Integr. Comp. Biol. 47: 172-188.
  • Wyckmans, M., S. Van Wassenbergh, D. Adriaens, R. Van Damme and A. Herrel (2007) Size-related changes in cranial morphology affect diet in the catfish Clariallabes longicauda. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 92: 323-334.
  • Abdala, V., A.S. Manzano and A. Herrel (2008) The distal forelimb musculature in aquatic and terrestrial turtles: phylogeny or environmental constraints? J. Anat. 213: 159-172.
  • Anderson, R., L.D. McBrayer and A. Herrel (2008) Bite force in vertebrates: opportunities and caveats for use of a nonpareil whole-animal performance measure. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 93: 709-720.
  • Brecko, J., K. Huyghe, B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel, I. Grbac and R. Van Damme (2008) Functional and ecological relevance of intraspecific variation in body size and shape in a lizard, Podarcis melisellensis. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 94: 251-264.
  • Castilla, A.M., A. Herrel and A. Gosá (2008) Mainland versus island differences in behaviour of Podarcis lizards confronted with dangerous prey: the scorpion Buthus occitanus. J. Nat. Hist. 42: 2331-2342.
  • Gifford, M.E., A. Herrel and D.L. Mahler (2008) The evolution of sprinting performance among populations of Leiocephalus lizards from the Dominican Republic. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 93: 445-456.
  • Herrel, A. and V. Holanova (2008) Cranial morphology and bite force in Chamaeleolis lizards, adaptations to molluscivory? Zoology 111: 467-475.
  • Herrel, A., A. De Smet, L.F. Aguirre and P. Aerts (2008) Morphological and mechanical determinants of bite force in bats: do muscles matter? J. Exp. Biol. 211: 86-91.
  • Herrel, A., K. Huyghe, B. Vanhooydonck, T. Backeljau, K. Breugelmans, I. Grbac, R. Van Damme and D.J. Irschick (2008) Rapid large scale evolutionary divergence in morphology and performance associated with exploitation of a different dietary resource. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 105: 4792-4795.
  • Herrel, A., V. Schaerlaeken, C.F. Ross, J.J. Meyers, K.C. Nishikawa, V. Abdala, A. Manzano and P. Aerts (2008) Electromyography and the evolution of motor control: limitations and insights. Integr. Comp. Biol. 48: 261-271.
  • Herrel, A., S.E. Vincent, M.E. Alfaro, S. Van Wassenbergh, B. Vanhooydonck and D.J. Irschick (2008) Morphological convergence as a consequence of extreme functional demands: examples from the feeding system of natricine snakes. J. Evol. Biol. 21: 1438-1448.
  • Herrel, A., B. Vanhooydonck, J. Porck and D.J. Irschick (2008) Anatomical basis of differences in locomotor behavior in Anolis lizards: a comparison between two ecomorphs. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 159: 213-238.
  • Hoyer, S.C., A. Eckart, A. Herrel, T. Zars, S. Fischer, S.L. Hardie and M. Heisenberg (2008) Octopamine in male aggression of Drosophila. Curr. Biol 18: 159-167.
  • Kohlsdorf, T., M.B. Grizante, C.A. Navas and A. Herrel (2008) Head shape evolution in Tropidurinae lizards: does locomotion constrain diet? J. Evol. Biol. 21: 781-790.
  • Manzano, A., V. Abdala and A. Herrel (2008) Morphology and function of the forelimb in arboreal frogs: specializations for grasping ability? J. Anat. 213: 296-307.
  • Schaerlaeken, V., A. Herrel and J.J. Meyers (2008) Modulation, individual variation, and the role of lingual sensory afferents in the control of prey transport in the lizard Pogona vitticeps. J. Exp. Biol. 211: 2071-2078.
  • Schaerlaeken, V., A. Herrel, P. Aerts and C.F. Ross (2008) The functional significance of the lower temporal bar in Sphenodon. J. Exp. Biol. 211: 3908-3914.
  • Van Damme, R., P. Entin, B. Vanhooydonck and A. Herrel (2008) Causes of sexual dimorphism in performance traits: a comparative approach. Evol. Ecol. Res. 10: 229-250.
  • Abdala, V., A.S. Manzano, M.J. Tulli and A. Herrel (2009) The tendinous patterns in the palmar surface of the lizard manus: tests of functional consequences for grasping ability. Anat. Rec. 292: 842-853.
  • Adriaens, D. and A. Herrel (2009) Functional consequences of extreme morphologies in the craniate trophic system. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 1-6.
  • Adriaens, D., T. Geerinckx, J. Vlassenbroeck, L. Van Hoorebeke and A. Herrel (2009) Jaw movements in suckermouth armoured catfishes (Loricariidae): does morphological decoupling lead to increased functional versatility? Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 51-62.
  • Castilla, A.M. and A. Herrel (2009) The scorpion Buthus occitanus as a profitable prey for the endemic lizard Podarcis atrata in the volcanic Columbretes islands (Mediterranean, Spain). J. Arid Environm. 73: 378-380.
  • Castilla, A.M., A. Herrel and A. Gosá (2009) Marine prey in the diet of Podarcis atrata from the Columbretes Islands. Munibe 57: 187-190.
  • Castilla, A.M., A. Herrel and A. Gosá (2009) Predation by scorpions (Buthus occitanus) on Podarcis atrata from the Columbretes Islands. Munibe 57: 191-194.
  • Castilla, A.M., J.M. de Aragon, A. Herrel and S. Moller (2009) Eggshell Thickness Variation in Red-legged Partridge (Alectoris rufa) from Spain. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121: 167-170.
  • Castilla, A.M., A. Herrel, S. Van Dongen and N. Furio (2009) Determinants of egg shell strength in endangered raptors. J. Exp. Zool. 311A: 303-311.
  • Clabaut, C., A. Herrel, T. Sanger, T. Smith and A. Abzhanov (2009) Development of beak polymorphism in the African Seedcracker, Pyrenestes ostrinus. Evol. Devel. 11: 636-646.
  • Dumont, E.R., A. Herrel, R.A. Medellin, J. Vargas and S. Santana (2009) Built to bite: cranial design and function in the wrikle faced bat (Centurio senex). J. Zool. 279: 329-337.
  • Hendry, A.P., S.K. Huber, L.F. De Léon, A. Herrel and J. Podos (2009) Disruptive selection and the dynamics of divergence: inferences in a bimodal population of Darwin's finch. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 276: 753-759.
  • Herrel, A. and F. De Vree (2009) Jaw and hyolingual muscle activity patterns and bite forces in the herbivorous lizard Uromastyx acanthinurus. Arch. Oral Biol. 54: 772-782.
  • Herrel, A., S.M. Deban, V. Schaerlaeken, J-P. Timmermans and D. Adriaens (2009) Are morphological specializations of the hyolingual system in chameleons and salamanders tuned to demands on performance? Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 29-39.
  • Herrel, A., J. Podos, B. Vanhooydonck and A.P. Hendry (2009) Force-velocity trade-off in Darwin's finch jaw function: a biomechanical basis for ecological speciation? Funct. Ecol. 23: 119-125.
  • Herrel, A., D.V. Andrade, J.E. de Carvalho, A. Brito, A. Abe and C. Navas (2009) Aggressive behavior and performance in the tegu lizard Tupinambis merianae. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 680-685.
  • Herrel, A., V. Schaerlaeken, J. Moravec and C.F. Ross (2009) Sexual shape dimorphism in tuatara, ecological niche divergence or sexual selection ? Copeia 2009: 727-731.
  • Huber, D.R., J.M. Claes, J. Mallefet and A. Herrel (2009) Is extreme bite performance associated with extreme morphologies in sharks. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 20-28.
  • Huyghe, K., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens, Z. Tadic and R. Van Damme (2009) It 's all in the head. Morphological basis for differences in bite force among colour morphs of the Dalmatian wall lizard. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 96: 13-22.
  • Huyghe, K., J.F. Husak, A. Herrel, Z. Tadic, I.T. Moore, R. Van Damme and B. Vanhooydonck (2009) Relationships between hormones, physiological performance and immunocompetence in a color-polymorphic species, Podarcis melisellensis. Horm. Behav. 55: 488-494.
  • Montuelle, S.J., A. Herrel, P.-A. Libourel, L. Reveret and V.L. Bels (2009) Locomotor-feeding coupling during prey capture in a lizard (Gerrhosaurus major): effects of prehension mode. J. Exp. Biol. 212:768-777.
  • Montuelle, S., A. Herrel, V. Schaerlaeken, K.A. Metzger, A. Mutuyeyezu and V.L. Bels (2009) Inertial feeding in the teiid lizard Tupinambis merianae: the effect of prey size on the movements of hyolingual apparatus and the cranio-cervical system. J. Exp. Biol. 212: 2501-2510.
  • Prikryll, T., P. Aerts, P. Havelková, A. Herrel and Z. Rocek (2009) Pelvic and thigh musculature in frogs (Anura) and origin of anuran jumping locomotion. J. Anat. 214: 100-139.
  • Roos, G., H. Leysen, S. Van Wassenbergh, A. Herrel, P. Jacobs, M. Dierick, P. Aerts and D. Adriaens (2009) Linking morphology and motion: a test of a four-bar mechanism in seahorses. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 7-19.
  • Roos, G., S. Van Wassenbergh, A. Herrel and P. Aerts (2009) Go with the flow: kinematics of suction feeding in the seahorse Hippocampus reidi. J. Exp. Biol. 212: 3490-3498.
  • Tulli, M.J., F.B. Cruz, A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck and V. Abdala (2009) The interplay between claw morphology and microhabitat use in Neotropical Iguanian lizards. Zoology 112: 379-392.
  • Van Daele, P.A.A.G., A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2009) Biting performance in teeth-digging African mole-rats (Fukomys, Bathyergidae, Rodentia). Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 40-50.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel, J.J. Meyers and D.J. Irschick (2009) What determines dewlap diversity in Anolis lizards? An among-island comparison. J. Evol. Biol. 22: 293-305.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., G. Meulepas, A. Herrel, R. Boistel, P. Tafforeau, V. Fernandez and P. Aerts (2009) Ecomorphological analysis of aerial performance in a non-specialized lacertid lizard, Holaspis guentheri. J. Exp. Biol. 212: 2475-2492.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel, A. Gabela and J. Podos (2009) Wing shape variation in the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis): an ecomorphological approach. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 98: 129-138.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., T. Lieben, A. Herrel, F. Huysentruyt, T. Geerinckx, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2009) Kinematics of benthic suction feeding in Callichthyidae and Mochokidae, with functional implications for the evolution of food scraping in catfishes. J Exp. Biol. 212: 116-125.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., G. Roos, A. Genbrugge, H. Leysen, P. Aerts, D. Adriaens and A. Herrel (2009) Suction is kids play: extremely fast suction in newborn seahorses. Biol. Lett. 5: 200-203.
  • Vincent, S.E., M.C. Brandley, A. Herrel and M.E. Alfaro (2009) Convergence in trophic morphology and feeding performance among piscivorous natricine snakes. J. Evol. Biol. 22: 1203-1211.
  • Boistel, R., A. Herrel, G. Daghfous, P-A. Libourel, E. Boller, P. Tafforeau and V. Bels (2010) Assisted walking in Malagasy dwarf chameleons. Biol. Lett. 6: 740-743.
  • Campas, O., R. Mallarino, A. Herrel, A. Abzhanov and M.P. Brenner (2010) Scaling and shear transformations capture beak shape variation in Darwin's finches. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 107: 3356-3360.
  • Castilla, A.M., S. Van Dongen, A. Herrel, A. Francesch, J. Martínez de Aragón, J. Malone and J.J. Negro (2010) Increase in membrane thickness during development compensates for eggshell thinning due to calcium uptake by the embryo in falcons. Naturwissenschaften 97: 143-151.
  • Castilla, A.M., A. Herrel, H. Robles, J. Malone, J.J. Negro (2010) The effect of developmental stage on eggshell thickness variation in endangered falcons. Zoology 113: 184-188.
  • Herrel, A., J. Soons, P. Aerts, J. Dirckx, M. Boone, P. Jacobs, D. Adriaens and J. Podos (2010) Adaptation and function of Darwin's finch beaks: divergence by feeding type and sex. Emu 110: 39-47.
  • Herrel, A. and G.J. Measey (2010) The kinematics of locomotion in caecilians: effects of substrate and body shape. J. Exp. Zool. 313A: 301-309.
  • Herrel, A., J.A. Moore, E.M. Bredeweg and N.J. Nelson (2010) Sexual dimorphism, body size, bite force, and male mating success in tuatara. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 100: 287-292.
  • Houssaye, A., A. Mazurier, A. Herrel, V. Volpato, P. Tafforeau, R. Boistel and V. de Buffrenil (2010) Vertebral microanatomy in squamates: structure, growth and ecological correlates. J. Anat. 217: 715–727.
  • Huyghe, K., J.F. Husak, I.T. Moore, B. Vanhooydonck, R. Van Damme, M. Molina-Borja and A. Herrel (2010) Effects of testosterone on morphology, performance and muscle mass in a lizard. J. Exp. Zool. A. 313: 9-16.
  • Huyghe, K., M. Small, B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel, Z. tadic, R. Van Damme and T. Backeljau (2010) Genetic divergence among sympatric colour morphs of the Dalmatian wall lizard (Podarcis melisellensis). Genetica 138: 387-393.
  • Montuelle, S.J., A. Herrel, P-A. Libourel, L. Reveret and V.L. Bels (2010) Separating the effects of prey size and speed on the kinematics of prey capture in the lizard Gerrhosaurus major. J. Comp. Physiol. A. 196: 491-499.
  • Roos, G., S. Van Wassenbergh, A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2010) Snout allometry in seahorses: insights on optimisation of pivot feeding performance during ontogeny. J. Exp. Biol. 213: 2184-2193.
  • Ross, C.F., A.L. Baden, J. Georgi, A. Herrel, K.A. Metzger, D.A. Reed, V. Schaerlaeken and M. S. Wolff (2010) Chewing variation in lepidosaurs and primates. J. Exp. Biol. 213: 572-584.
  • Soons, J., A. Herrel, A. Genbrugge, P. Aerts, J. Podos, D. Adriaens, Y. De Witte, P. Jacobs and J. Dirckx (2010) Mechanical stress, fracture risk, and beak evolution in Darwin's ground finches (Geospiza). Phil. Trans. B. 365: 1093-1098.
  • van der Meijden, A., A. Herrel and A. Summers (2010) Comparison of chela size and pincher force in scorpions; getting a first grip. J. Zool. 280: 319-325.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., F.B. Cruz, C.S. Abdala, D.L. Moreno Azócar, M.F. Bonino and A. Herrel (2010) Sex-specific evolution of bite performance in Liolaemus lizards (Iguania: Iguanidae): the battle of the sexes. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 101: 461-475.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., J. Brecko, P. Aerts, I. Stouten, G. Vanheusden, A. Camps, R. Van Damme and A. Herrel (2010) Hydrodynamic constraints on prey-capture performance in forward-striking snakes. J. R. Soc. Interface 7: 773-785.
  • Barros, F.C., A. Herrel and T. Kohlsdorf (2011) Head shape evolution in Gymnophthalmidae: does habitat use constrain the evolution of cranial design in fossorial lizards? J. Evol. Biol. 24: 2423-2433.
  • Boistel, R., T. Aubin, P. Cloetens, M. Langer, B. Gillet, P. Josset, N. Pollet and A. Herrel (2011) Whispering to the deaf: Communication by a frog without external vocal sac or tympanum in noisy environments. PLoSOne 6: e22080. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022080.
  • Boistel, R., A. Herrel, R. Lebrun, G. Daghfous, P. Tafforeau, J.B. Losos and B. Vanhooydonck (2011) Shake rattle and roll: the bony labyrinth and aerial descent in squamates. Integr. Comp. Biol. 51: 957-968.
  • Brecko, J., B. Vervust, A. Herrel and R. Van Damme (2011) Head Morphology and diet in the dice snake (Natrix tesselata). Mertensiella 18: 20-29.
  • Castilla, A.M., R. Richer, A. Herrel, A. Conkey, J. Tribuna and M. Al-Thani (2011) First evidence of scavenging behaviour in the herbivorous lizard Uromastyx aegyptia microlepis. J. Arid. Environm. 75: 671-673.
  • De Leon, L.F., J.A.M. Raeymaekers, E. Bermingham, J. Podos, A. Herrel and A.P. Hendry (2011) Exploring possible human influences on the evolution of Darwin's finches. Evolution 65: 2258–2272.
  • Geerinckx, T., A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2011) Suckermouth armoured catfishes resolve the paradox between combined respiration and suction attachment: a kinematical study of Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus. J. Exp. Zool. A 315: 121-131.
  • Genbrugge, A., A.-S. Heyde, D. Adriaens, M. Boone, L. Van Hoorebeke, J. Dirckx, P. Aerts, J. Podos and A. Herrel (2011) Ontogeny of the cranial skeleton in a Darwin's finch (Geospiza fortis). J. Anat. 219: 115-131.
  • Genbrugge, A., A. Herrel, M. Boone, L. Van Hoorebeke, J. Podos, J. Dirckx, P. Aerts and D. Adriaens (2011) The head of the finch: a detailed analysis of the feeding apparatus in two species of finches (Geospiza fortis and Padda oryzivora). J. Anat. 219: 676-695.
  • Herrel, A., K. Huyghe, P. Okovic, D. Lisicic and Z. Tadic (2011) Fast and furious: effects of body size on strike performance in an arboreal viper Trimeresurus (Cryptelytrops) albolabris. J. Exp. Zool. A 315: 22-29.
  • Herrel, A., H.F. Choi, N. De Schepper, P. Aerts and D. Adriaens (2011) Kinematics of swimming in two burrowing anguilliform fishes. Zoology 114: 78-84.
  • Herrel, A., H.F. Choi, E. Dumont, N. De Schepper, B. Vanhooydonck, P. Aerts and D. Adriaens (2011) Burrowing and subsurface locomotion in anguilliform fish: behavioral specializations and mechanical constraints. J. Exp. Biol. 214: 1379-1385.
  • Herrel, A., M. Da Costa Cottam, K. Godbeer, T. Sanger and J.B. Losos (2011) An ecomorphological analysis of native and introduced populations of the endemic lizard Anolis maynardi of the Cayman Islands. Breviora 522: 1-10.
  • Herrel, A., G.J. Measey, B. Vanhooydonck and K.A. Tolley (2011) Functional consequences of morphological differentiation between populations of the Cape Dwarf Chameleon (Bradypodion pumilum). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 104: 692-700.
  • Ide, C., N. De Schepper, J. Christiaens, C. Van Liefferinge, A. Herrel, G. Goemans, P. Meire, C. Belpaire, C. Geeraerts and D. Adriaens (2011) Bimodality in head shape in European eel (Anguilla anguilla). J. Zool. 285: 230-238.
  • Konow, N,. A. Herrel, C.F. Ross, S.H. Williams, R.Z. German, C.P.J. Sanford and C. Gintof (2011) Evolution of chewing jaw and hyoid muscle activity patterns in gnathostomes. Integr. Comp. Biol. 51: 235–246.
  • Mallarino R., P.R. Grant, B.R. Grant, A. Herrel, W. Kuo and A. Abzhanov (2011) Two developmental modules establish 3-D beak shape variation in Darwin’s finches. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 108: 4057-4062.
  • Measey, G.J., A.D. Rebelo, A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck and K.A. Tolley (2011) Diet, morphology and performance in two chameleon morphs: do harder bites equate with harder prey? J. Zool. 285: 247-255.
  • Roos, G., S. Van Wassenbergh, P. Aerts, A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2011) Effects of snout dimensions on the hydrodynamics of suction feeding in juvenile and adult seahorses. J. Theor. Biol. 269: 307-317.
  • Schaerlaeken, V., S. Montuelle, P. Aerts and A. Herrel (2011) Jaw and hyolingual movements during prey transport in varanid lizards: effects of prey type. Zoology 114: 165-170.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., R. Boistel, V. Fernandez and A. Herrel (2011) Push and bite: trade-offs between burrowing and biting in a burrowing skink (Acontias percivali). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 102: 91-99.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., G. Roos, A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2011) Why the long face? A comparative study of feeding kinematics of two pipefish with different snout lengths. J. Fish Biol. 78: 1768-1798.
  • Vervust, B., J. Brecko and A. Herrel (2011) Temperature effects on snapping performance in the Common Snapper Chelydra serpentina (Reptilia, Testudines). J. Exp. Zool. A. 315: 41-47.
  • Wyckmans, M., A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2011) Analysis of head shape and diet in a catfish with moderately enlarged jaw adductors (Clariallabes melas). Belg. J. Zool. 141: 11-20.
  • Cornette, R., A. Herrel, J-F. Cosson, F. Poitevin and M. Baylac (2012) Rapid morpho-functional changes among insular populations of the greater white-toothed shrew. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 107: 322-331.
  • Cox, P.G., E.J. Rayfield, M.J. Fagan, A. Herrel, T.C. Pataky and N. Jeffery (2012) Functional evolution of the feeding system in rodents. PLoS ONE 7: e36299.
  • Edwards, S., B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel, G.J. Measey and K.A. Tolley (2012) Convergent evolution associated with habitat decouples phenotype from phylogeny in a clade of lizards. PlosOne 7(12): e51636. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0051636.
  • Genbrugge, A., D. Adriaens, B. De Kegel, M. Boone, L. Van Hoorebeke, J. Podos, J. Dirckx, P. Aerts and A. Herrel (2012) Structural tissue organization in the beak of Java and Darwin's finches. J. Anat. 221: 383-393.
  • Herrel, A. and C. Bonneaud (2012) Temperature dependence of locomotor performance in the tropical clawed frog, Xenopus tropicalis. J. Exp. Biol. 215: 2465-2470.
  • Herrel, A. and C. Bonneaud (2012) Trade-offs between burst performance and maximal exertion capacity in a wild amphibian, Xenopus tropicalis. J. Exp. Biol. 215: 3106-3111.
  • Herrel, A. and G.J. Measey (2012) Feeding underground: kinematics of feeding in caecilians. J. Exp. Zool. 317A: 533-539.
  • Herrel, A., G.J. Measey, B. Vanhooydonck and K.A. Tolley (2012) Got it clipped? The effect of tail clipping on tail gripping performance in chameleons. J. Herpetol. 46: 91-93.
  • Herrel, A., S. Van Wassenbergh and P. Aerts (2012) Biomechanical Studies of Food and Diet Selection. In: eLS 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester [DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0003213.pub2]
  • Herrel, A., A-C. Fabre, J-P. Hugot, K. Keovichit, D. Adriaens, L. Van Hoorebeke and R. Cornette (2012) Ontogeny of the cranial system in Laonastes aenigmamus. J. Anat. 221: 128-137.
  • Herrel, A., L.N. Gonwouo, E.B. Fokam, W.I. Ngundu and C. Bonneaud (2012) Inter-sexual differences in body shape and locomotor performance in the aquatic frog, Xenopus tropicalis. J. Zool. 287: 311-316.
  • Huyghe, K., B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel, Z. Tadic and R. Van Damme (2012) Female lizards ignore the sweet scent of success: male characteristics implicated in female mate preference. Zoology 115: 217-222.
  • James, R.S., J. Tallis, A. Herrel and C. Bonneaud (2012) Warmer is better: Thermal sensitivity of both maximal and sustained power output in the iliotibialis muscle isolated from adult Xenopus tropicalis. J. Exp. Biol. 215: 552-558.
  • Lisicic, D., S. Drakulic, A. Herrel, D. Ðikic, V. Benkovic and Z. Tadic (2012) Effect of competition on habitat utilization in two temperate climate gecko species. Ecological Research 27: 551-560.
  • Losos, J.B., M.L. Woolley, D.L. Mahler, O. Torres-Carvajal, K.E. Crandell, E.W. Schaad, A.E. Narváez, F. Ayala-Varela and A. Herrel (2012) Notes on the Natural History of the Little Known Ecuadorian Horned Anole, Anolis proboscis. Breviora 531: 1-17.
  • Montuelle, S.J., A. Herrel, P-A. Libourel, S. Daillie and V. Bels (2012) Prey capture in lizards: differnces in jaw-neck-forelimb coordination. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 105: 607-622.
  • Montuelle, S., A. Herrel, P.-A. Libourel, S. Daillie and V.L. Bels (2012) Flexibility in Locomotor-Feeding Integration during Prey Capture in Varanid Lizards: Effects of Prey Size and Velocity. J. Exp. Biol. 215: 3823-3835.
  • Schaerlaeken, V., V. Holanova, P. Aerts, P. Velensky, I. Rehak, D.V. Andrade and A. Herrel (2012) Built to bite: feeding kinematics, bite forces and head shape of a specialized durophagous lizard, Dracaena guianensis (Teiidae). J. Exp. Zool. 317A: 371-381.
  • Soons, J., A. Herrel, P. Aerts and J. Dirckx (2012) Determination and validation of the elastic moduli of small and complex biological samples: bone and keratin in bird beaks. J. R. Soc. Interface 9: 1381-1388.
  • Soons, J., A. Herrel, A. Genbrugge, D. Adriaens, P. Aerts and J. Dirckx (2012) Multi layered bird beaks: a finite-element approach towards the role of keratin in stress dissipation. J. R. Soc. Interface 9: 1787-1796.
  • Tulli, M-J., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck and V. Abdala (2012) Is phylogeny driving tendon length in lizards? Acta. Zool. 93: 319-329.
  • Van Liefferinge, C., A. Dillen, C. Ide, A. Herrel, C. Belpaire, A. Mouton, E. de Deckere and P. Meire (2012) The role of a freshwater tidal area with controlled reduced tide as feeding habitat for European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). J. Appl. Ichthyol. 28: 572-581.
  • Chazeau, C., J. Marchal, R. Hackert, M. Perret and A. Herrel (2013) Proximate determinants of bite force capacity in the mouse lemur, Microcebus murinus. J Zool. 290: 42-48.
  • Cornette, R., M. Baylac, T. Souter and A. Herrel (2013) Does shape co-variation between the skull and the mandible have functional consequences? A 3D approach for a 3D problem. J. Anat. 223: 329-336.
  • Cox, P.G., J. Kirkham and A. Herrel (2013) Masticatory biomechanics of the Laotian Rock Rat, Laonastes aenigmamus, and the function of the zygomaticomandibularis muscle. PeerJ 1:e160; DOI 10.7717/peerj.160
  • Dutel, H., A. Herrel, G. Clement and M. Herbin (2013) A re-evaluation of the anatomy of the jaw-closing system in the extant coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. Naturwissenschaften 100: 1007-1022.
  • Edwards, S., W.R. Branch, B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel, G.J. Measey and K.A. Tolley (2013) Taxonomic adjustments in the systematics of the southern African lacertid lizards (Sauria: Lacertidae). Zootaxa 3669: 101-114.
  • Edwards, S., K.A. Tolley, B. Vanhooydonck, G.J. Measey and A. Herrel (2013) Is dietary niche breadth linked to morphology and performance in Sandveld lizards Nucras (Sauria: Lacertidae)? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 110: 674-688.
  • Groning, F., M.E.H. Jones, N. Curtis, A. Herrel, P. O'Higgins, S.E. Evans and M.J. Fagan (2013) The importance of accurate muscle modelling for biomechanical analyses: a case study with a lizard skull. J. R. Soc. Interface 10: 20130216.
  • Herrel, A. (2013) The physiology of chameleons. In: The Biology of chameleons (K.A. Tolley and A. Herrel, Eds.). University of California Press, Berkeley. pp. 57-62.
  • Herrel, A., K.A. Tolley, G.J. Measey, J.M. da Silva, D.F. Potgieter, E. Boller, R. Boistel and B. Vanhooydonck (2013) Slow but tenacious: an analysis of running and gripping performance in chameleons. J. Exp. Biol. 216: 1025-1030.
  • Herrel, A., M. Perrenoud, T. Decamps, V. Abdala, A. Manzano and E. Pouydebat (2013) The effect of substrate diameter and incline on locomotion in an arboreal frog. J. Exp. Biol. 216: 3599-3605.
  • Houssaye, A., R. Boistel, R. Lebrun, W. Böhme and A. Herrel (2013) Jack of all trades master of all? Snake vertebrae generalist inner organization. 100: 997-1006.
  • Konow, N., B. Krijestorac, C.P.J. Sanford, R. Boistel and A. Herrel (2013) A novel feeding behaviour in the Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens. J. Comp. Physiol. A. 199: 641-651.
  • Measey, J.G., A. Raselimanana and A. Herrel (2013) Ecology and life-history of chameleons. In: The Biology of chameleons (K.A. Tolley and A. Herrel, Eds.). University of California Press, Berkeley. pp. 85-114.
  • Segall, M., K.A. Tolley, B. Vanhooydonck, G.J. Measey and A. Herrel (2013) Impacts of temperature on performance in two species of South African dwarf chameleons, Bradypodion pumilum and B. occidentale. J. Exp. Biol. 216: 3828-3836.
  • Sustaita, D., E. Pouydebat, A. Manzano, V. Abdala, F. Hertel and A. Herrel (2013) Getting a grip on tetrapod grasping: form, function, and evolution. Biol. Rev. 88: 380-450.
  • Tolley, K.A. and A. Herrel (2013) The Biology of chameleons. University of California Press, Berkeley. 296 pp.
  • Tolley, K.A. and A. Herrel (2013) Introduction. In: The Biology of chameleons (K.A. Tolley and A. Herrel, Eds.). University of California Press, Berkeley. pp. 1-6.
  • Toussaint, S., E. Reghem, H. Chotard, A. Herrel, C.F. Ross and E. Pouydebat (2013) Food acquisition on arboreal substrates by the grey mouse lemur: implication for primate grasping evolution. J. Zool. 291: 235–242.
  • van der Meijden, A., P.C. Coelho, P. Sousa, and A. Herrel (2013) Choose your weapon; defensive behavior is associated with morphology and performance in scorpions. PLoS ONE 8: e78955. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078955.
  • Angst D., C. Lécuyer, R. Amiot, E. Buffetaut, F. Fourel, F. Martineau, A. Abbourachid and A. Herrel (2014) Isotopic and anatomical evidence of a herbivorous diet in the Early Tertiary giant bird Gastornis. Implications for the structure of Paleocene terrestrial ecosystems. Naturwissenschaften 101: 313-322.
  • Careau, V., P. Biro, C. Bonneaud, E. Fokam and A. Herrel (2014) Individual variation in thermal performance curves: swimming burst speed and jumping endurance in wild-caught tropical clawed frogs. Oecologia 175: 471-480.
  • Cernanský, A., R. Boistel, V. Fernandez, P. Tafforeau, N. Le Noir and A. Herrel (2014) The atlas-axis complex in chamaeleonids (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae), with description of a new anatomical structure of the posterior skull region. Anat. Rec. 297: 369-396.
  • Crandell, K.E., A. Herrel, M. Sasa, J.B. Losos and K. Autumn (2014) Stick or grip? Co-evolution of adhesive toe-pads and claws in Anolis. Zoology 117: 363-369.
  • da Silva, J., A. Herrel, G.J. Measey and K.A. Tolley (2014) Sexual dimorphism in bite performance drives morphological variation in a recent radiation of dwarf chameleons. PLoS ONE 9: e86846. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086846
  • da Silva, J., A. Herrel, G.J. Measey, B. Vanhooydonck and K.A. Tolley (2014) Linking microhabitat structure, morphology and locomotor performance traits in a recent radiation of dwarf chameleons (Bradypodion). Funct. Ecol. 28: 702-713.
  • De León, L.F., J. Podos, T. Gardezi, A. Herrel and A. P. Hendry (2014) Darwin's finches and their diet niches: the sympatric coexistence of imperfect generalists. J. Evol. Biol. 27: 1093-1104.
  • Fabre, A-C., R. Cornette, K. Huyghe, D.V. Andrade and A. Herrel (2014) Linear versus geometric morphometric approaches for the analysis of head shape dimorphism in lizards. J. Morphol. 275: 1016-1026.
  • Fabre, A-C., D.V. Andrade, K. Huyghe, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2014) Interrelationships between bones, muscles, and performance: biting in the lizard Tupinambis merianae. Evol. Biol. 41: 518–527.
  • Herrel, A. and A. van der Meijden (2014) An analysis of the live reptile and amphibian trade in the U.S.A. compared to the global trade in endangered species. Herp. J. 24: 103-110.
  • Herrel, A., A.M. Castilla, M.K. Al-Sulaiti and J.J. Wessels (2014) Does large body size relax constraints on bite force generation in lizards of the genus Uromastyx. J. Zool. 292: 170-174.
  • Herrel, A., C.L. Redding, J.J. Meyers and K.C. Nishikawa (2014) The scaling of tongue projection in the veiled chameleon, Chamaeleo calyptratus. Zoology 117: 227-236..
  • Herrel, A., M. Vasilopoulou-Kampitsi and C. Bonneaud (2014) Jumping performance in the highly aquatic frog, Xenopus tropicalis: sex-specific relationships between morphology and performance. PeerJ. 2:e661
  • Houssaye, A., P. Tafforeau and A. Herrel (2014) Amniote vertebral microanatomy - what are the major trends? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 112: 735–746.
  • Huyghe, K., R. Van Damme, K. Breugelmans, A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, Z. Tadic and T. Backeljau (2014) Parentage analyses suggest female promiscuity and a disadvantage for athletic males in the colour-polymorphic lizard Podarcis melisellensis. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 68: 1357-1366.
  • Kever, L., O. Colleye, G. Lepoint, A. Herrel, P. Roman and E. Parmentier (2014) Hearing capacities and otolith size in two ophidiiform species (Ophidion rochei and Carapus acus). J. Exp. Biol. 217: 2517-2525.
  • Kéver, L., O. Colleye, M. Lugli, D. Lecchini, F. Lerouvreur, A. Herrel and E. Parmentier (2014) Sound production in Onuxodon fowleri (Carapidae) and its amplification by the host shell. J. Exp. Biol. 217: 4283-4294.
  • Robovska-Havelkova, P., P. Aerts, Z. Rocek, T. Prikryl, A-C. Fabre and A. Herrel (2014) Do all frogs swim alike? The effect of ecological specialization on swimming kinematics in frogs. J. Exp. Biol. 217: 3637-3644.
  • Sagonas, K., P. Pafilis, P. Lymberakis, C.M. Donihue, A. Herrel and E.D. Valakos (2014) Insularity affects head morphology, bite force and diet in a Mediterranean lizard. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 112: 469-484.
  • Van Wassenbergh, S., B. Dries and A. Herrel (2014) New insights into muscle function during pivot feeding in seahorses. Plos One 9(10): e109068. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0109068
  • Vanhooydonck, B., R.S. James, J. Tallis, P. Aerts, Z. Tadic, K.A. Tolley, G.J. Measey, and A. Herrel (2014) Is the whole more than the sum of its parts? Evolutionary trade-offs between burst and sustained locomotion in lacertid lizards. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 281: 1777 20132677.
  • Videlier, M., C. Bonneaud, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2014) Exploration syndromes in the frog Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis, correlations with morphology and performance? J. Zool. 294: 206–213.
  • Watson, P.J., F. Gröning, N. Curtis, L. Fitton, A. Herrel, S. McCormack and M.J. Fagan (2014) Multi-body dynamics modelling of the rabbit skull. J. R. Soc. Interface 11: 20140564.
  • Botton-Divet, L., A. Houssaye, A. Herrel, A.-C. Fabre, R. Cornette (2015) Tools for quantitative form description; an evaluation of different software packages for semi-landmark analysis. PeerJ 3:e1417. DOI 10.7717/peerj.1417
  • Byron, C., A. Herrel, E. Pauwels, A. De Muynck and B. Patel (2015) Mouse hallucal metatarsal cross-Sectional geometry in a simulated fine branch niche. J. Morphol. 276: 759-765.
  • Cornette, R., A. Herrel, E. Stoetzel, S. Moulin, R. Hutterer, C. Denys and M. Baylac (2015) Specific information levels in relation to fragmentation patterns of shrew mandibles: do fragments tell the same story? J. Archaeol. Sci. 53: 323-330.
  • Cornette, R., A. Tresset and A. Herrel (2015) The shrew tamed by Wolff's law: do functional constraints shape the skull through muscle and bone covariation? J. Morphol. 276: 301-309.
  • Cornette, R., A. Tresset, C. Houssin, M. Pascal and A. Herrel (2015) Does bite force provide a competitive advantage in shrews? The case of the greater white-toothed shrew. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 114: 795–807.
  • Cornette, R., E. Stoetzel, M. Baylac, S. Moulin, R. Hutterer, R. Nespoulet, M.A. El Hajraoui, C. Denys, S. Valenzuela-Lamas and A. Herrel (2015) Species of Crocidura from El Harhoura 2 (Témara, Morocco): the contribution of broken specimens to the understanding of the Plio-Holocene paleo-environment in North Africa. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 436: 1-8.
  • Dollion A.Y., R. Cornette, K.A. Tolley, R. Boistel, A. Euriat, E. Boller, V. Fernandez, D. Stynder and A. Herrel (2015) Morphometric Analysis of Chameleon Fossil Fragments from the Early Pliocene from South Africa: a New Piece of the Chamaeleonid History. Naturwissenschaften 102:2 Doi: 10.1007/s00114-014-1254-3.
  • Dutel, H., A. Herrel, G. Clement and M. Herbin (2015) Redescription of the hyoid apparatus and associated musculature in the extant coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae: functional implications for feeding. Anat. Rec. 298: 579-601.
  • Dutel, H., M. Herbin, G. Clément and A. Herrel (2015) Bite force in the extant coelacanth Latimeria: the role of the intracranial joint and the basicranial muscle. Curr. Biol. 25: 1228–1233.
  • Higham, T.E., G.J. Measey, A.V. Birn-Jeffrey, A. Herrel and K.A. Tolley (2015) Functional divergence between morphs of a dwarf chameleon: Differential locomotor kinematics in relation to habitat structure. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 116: 27-40.
  • James, R.S., B. Vanhooydonck, J.A. Tallis and A. Herrel (2015) Larger lacertid lizard species produce higher than expected iliotibialis muscle power output; the evolution of muscle contractile mechanics with body size in lacertid lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 218: 3589-3595. doi:10.1242/jeb.124974.
  • Lopez-Darias, M., B. Vanhooydonck, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2015) Sex-specific differences in ecomorphological relationships in lizards of the genus Gallotia. Funct. Ecol. 29: 506–514 doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12353.
  • Munoz, M.M., K.E. Crandell, S. Campbell-Staton, K. Fenstermacher, P. VanMiddlesworth, M. Sasa, J.B. Losos and A. Herrel (2015) Multiple paths to aquatic specialisation in four species of Central American Anolis lizards. J. Nat. Hist. 49: 1717-1730.
  • Olivier, D., B. Frederich, A. Herrel and E. Parmentier (2015) A morphological novelty for feeding and sound production in the clownfish Amphiprion clarkii. J Exp. Zool. 323A: 227-238.
  • Perrenoud, M., A. Herrel, A. Borel and E. Pouydebat (2015) Strategies of food detection in a captive cathemeral lemur, Eulemur rubriventer. Belg. J. Zool. 145: 69-75.
  • Richards A.J., A. Herrel and C. Bonneaud (2015) htsint: a Python library for sequencing pipelines that combines data through gene set generation. BMC Bioinformatics 16:307. DOI: 10.1186/s12859-015-0729-3.
  • Ruppé, L., G. Clément, A. Herrel, L. Ballesta, T. Décamps and E. Parmentier (2015) Cacophony by day, polyphony by night: environmental constraints drive the partitioning of the soundscape in fish. PNAS 112: 6092-6097. Doi: 10.1073/pnas.1424667112.
  • Scarpetta, S., L. Gray, A.N. Montes de Oca, M. Castañeda, A. Herrel, J.B. Losos, R. Luna-Reyes, N. Jiménez Lang and S. Poe (2015) Morphology and ecology of the Mexican cave anole Anolis alvarezdeltoroi. Mesoamerican Herpetology 2: 261-270.
  • Sherratt, E., M.d.R Castañeda, R. Garwood, D.L. Mahler, T.J. Sanger, A. Herrel, K. de Queiroz and J.B. Losos (2015) Amber fossils demonstrate deep-time stability of Caribbean lizard communities. Proc. Natl. Aacad. Sci. U.S.A. 112: 9961-9966.
  • Soons, J., A. Genbrugge, J. Podos, D. Adriaens, P. Aerts, J. Dirckx and A. Herrel (2015) Is beak morphology in Darwin’s Finches tuned to loading demands? PlosOne 10: e0129479. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129479.
  • Thomas, P., E. Pouydebat, I. Hardy, F. Aujard, C.F. Ross and A. Herrel (2015) Sexual dimorphism in bite force in the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). J. Zool. 296: 133-138.
  • Toussaint, S., A. Herrel, C.F. Ross, F. Aujard and E. Pouydebat (2015) Substrate diameter and orientation in the context of food type in the mouse lemur, Microcebus murinus: implications for the origins of grasping in primates. Int. J. Primatol. 36: 583-604.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., J.G. Measey, S. Edwards, B. Makhubo, K.A. Tolley and A. Herrel (2015) The effects of substrate on locomotor performance in lacertid lizards. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 115: 869-881.
  • Vanhooydonck, B., K. Huyghe, V. Holánová, S. Van Dongen and A. Herrel (2015) Differential growth of naturally and sexually selected traits in an Anolis lizard. J. Zool. 296: 231-238.
  • Videlier, M., R. Cornette, C. Bonneaud and A. Herrel (2015) Sexual differences in exploration behavior in Xenopus tropicalis? J. Exp. Biol. 218: 1733-1739. Doi:10.1242/jeb.120618.
  • Anderson, C.V., A-C. Fabre and A. Herrel (2016) Anolis roquet. (Martinique’s Anole). COLORATION. Herp. Review 47: 665-666.
  • Bonneaud, C., E. Marnocha, A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, D.J. Irschick and T. Smith (2016) Developmental plasticity affects sexual size dimorphism in an anole lizard (Anolis sagrei). Funct. Ecol. 30: 235-243.
  • Botton-Divet, L., R. Cornette, A-C. Fabre, A. Herrel and A. Houssaye (2016) Morphological analysis of long bones in semi-aquatic mustelids and their terrestrial relatives. Integr. Comp. Biol. 56: 1298-1309.
  • da Silva, J.M., L. Carne, G.J. Measey, A. Herrel and K.A. Tolley (2016) The relationship between diet, cranial morphology, bite performance and habitat in a radiation of dwarf chameleons (Bradypodion). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 119: 52-67.
  • De Busschere, C., J. Courant, A. Herrel, R. Rebelo, D. Rödder, G.J. Measey and T. Backeljau (2016) Unequal contribution of native South African phylogeographic lineages to the invasion of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, in Europe. PeerJ4:e1659. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.1659.
  • Donihue, C.M., K.M. Brock, J. Foufopoulos and A. Herrel (2016) Feed or fight: testing the impact of food availability and intraspecific aggression on the functional ecology of an island lizard. Funct. Ecol. 30: 566-575.
  • Druzinsky, R.E., J.P. Balhoff, A.W. Crompton, J. Done, R.Z. German, M.A. Haendel, A. Herrel, S.W. Herring, H. Lapp, P.M. Mabee, H. Muller, C.J. Mungall, P.W. Sternberg, K. Van Auken, C.J. Vinyard, S.H. Williams, C.E. Wall (2016) Muscle Logic: New Knowledge Resource for Anatomy Enables Comprehensive Searches of the Literature on the Feeding Muscles of Mammals. PlosOne 11(2): e0149102. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149102
  • Edwards, S., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, G.J. Measey and K.A. Tolley (2016) Diving in head first: Investigations into trade-offs between phenotypic traits and sand-diving predator escape strategy in desert lizards (Meroles, Lacertidae, Squamata). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 119: 919-931.
  • Fabre, A-C., D. Bickford, M. Segall and A. Herrel (2016) The impact of diet, habitat use, and behavior on head shape evolution in homalopsid snakes. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 118: 634-647.
  • Gargan, L.M., R. Cornette, J.M. Yearsley, W.I. Montgomery, J. Paupério, P.C. Alves, F. Butler, M. Pascal, A. Tresset, A. Herrel, J. Lusby, D.G. Tosh, J.B. Searle and A.D. McDevitt (2016) Molecular and morphological insights into the origin of the invasive greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) in Ireland. Biol. Inv. 18:857–871. DOI 10.1007/s10530-016-1056-y
  • Herrel, A. (2016) Book review: The design of life's interactions: biomechanics as a key tool in ecology and evolutionary biology. TREE 31: 660-661.
  • Herrel, A., C. Moureaux, M. Laurin, G. Daghfous, K. Crandell, K.A. Tolley, G.J. Measey, B. Vanhooydonck and R. Boistel (2016) Frog origins: inferences based on ancestral reconstructions of locomotor performance and anatomy. Fossil Imprint 72: 108-116.
  • Herrel, A., M. Lopez-Darias, B. Vanhooydonck, R. Cornette, T. Kohlsdorf and R. Brandt (2016) Do adult phenotypes reflect selection on juvenile performance? A comparative study on performance and morphology in lizards. Integr. Comp. Biol. 56: 469-478. doi:10.1093/icb/icw010
  • Ihlow, F., J. Courant, J. Secondi, A. Herrel, R. Rebelo, G.J. Measey, F. Lillo, A. De Villiers, S. Vogt, C. De Busschere, T. Backeljau and D. Rödder (2016) Impacts of climate change on the global invasion potential of the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis. PlosOne 11(6): e0154869. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154869
  • Ingram T, A. Harrison, D.L. Mahler, R. Castaneda, R.E. Glor, A. Herrel, Y.E. Stuart and J.B. Losos (2016) Comparative tests of the role of dewlap size in Anolis lizard speciation. Proc. R. Soc. B. 283: 20162199. doi:
  • Libourel, P.-A. and A. Herrel (2016) Sleep in amphibians and reptiles, a review and an analysis of evolutionary patterns. Biol. Rev. 91: 833-866.
  • Mamou, R., F. Marniche, M. Amroun and A. Herrel (2016) Trophic ecology of two sympatric lizard species: the Algerian sand lizard and the wall lizard in Djurdjura, northern Algeria. Zool. Ecol. DOI: 10.1080/21658005.2016.1229889
  • Olberding, J.P., A. Herrel, T.E. Higham and T. Garland Jr. (2016) Limb segment contributions to the evolution of hind limb length in phrynosomatid lizards. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 117: 775-795.
  • Segall, M., R. Cornette, A-C. Fabre, R. Godoy-Diana and A. Herrel (2016) Does aquatic foraging impact head shape evolution in snakes? Proc. R. Soc. B. 283: 20161645.
  • Thomas, P., E. Pouydebat, M. Le Brazidec, F. Aujard and A. Herrel (2016) Determinants of pull strength in captive grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). J. Zool. 298: 77-81.
  • Thomas, P., A. Herrel, I. Hardy, F. Aujard and E. Pouydebat (2016) Exploration behavior and morphology are correlated in captive grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). Int. J. Primatol. 37: 405-415.
  • Wittorski, A., J.B. Losos and A. Herrel (2016) Proximate determinants of bite force in Anolis lizards. J. Anat. 228: 85-95.
  • Anzeraey, A., M. Aumont, T. Decamps, A. Herrel and E. Pouydebat (2017) The effect of food properties on grasping and manipulation in the aquatic frog, Xenopus laevis. J. Exp. Biol. 220: 4486-4491.
  • Baeckens, S., A. Herrel, C. Broeckhoven, M. Vasilopoulou-Kampitsi and R. Van Damme (2017) Evolution of the lacertid vomeronasal-lingual system. Sci. Reports 7: 10141. DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-09415-7
  • Bochaton, C., S. Bailon, A. Herrel, S. Grouard, I. Ineich, A. and R. Cornette (2017) Human impacts reduce morphological diversity in an insular species of lizard. Proc R. Soc. B 284: 20170921.
  • Botton-Divet, L., R. Cornette, A. Houssaye, A-C. Fabre and A. Herrel (2017) Swimming and running, a study of the convergence in long bone morphology among semi-aquatic mustelids (Carnivora: Mustelidae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 121: 38–49.
  • Cernansky, A., A. Bolet, J. Müller, J-C. Rage, M. Augé and A. Herrel (2017) A new exceptionally preserved specimen of Dracaenosaurus (Squamata, Lacertidae) from the Oligocene of France as revealed by micro-computed tomography. J. Vert. Paleontol. 37: e1384738.
  • Courant, J., S. Vogt, R. Marques, J.G. Measey, J. Secondi, R. Rebelo, A. de Villiers, F. Ihlow, C. De Busschere, T. Backeljau, D. Rödder and A. Herrel (2017) Are invasive populations characterized by a broader diet than native populations? PeerJ 5:e3250 DOI 10.7717/peerj.3250
  • Courant, J., J. Secondi, V. Bezeiriat and A. Herrel (2017) Resources allocated to reproduction decrease at the range edge of an expanding population of an invasive amphibian. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 122: 157-165.
  • Decamps, T., A. Herrel, L. Ballesta, F. Holon, T. Rauby, Y. Gentil, C. Gentil, H. Dutel, R. Debruyne, J.-B. Charassin, G. Eveillard, G. Clément and M. Herbin (2017) The third dimension: a novel setup for filming coelacanths in their natural environment. Methods Ecol. Evol. 8: 322-328.
  • Dollion, A., G.J. Measey, R. Cornette, L. Carne, K.A. Tolley, J. da Silva, R. Boistel, A-C. Fabre, and A. Herrel (2017) Does diet drive the evolution of head shape and bite force in chameleons of the genus Bradypodion? Funct. Ecol. 31: 671-684.
  • Donihue, C.M., G.J. Giller and A. Herrel (2017) Pholidoscelis atrata (Redonda Ground Lizard). DIET. Herp. Rev. 48: 655.
  • Fabre P-H., A. Herrel, Y. Fitriana, L. Meslin and L. Hautier (2017) Masticatory muscle architecture in a water-rat from Australasia (Murinae, Hydromys) and its implication for the evolution of carnivory in rodents. J. Anat. 231: 380-397.
  • Gomes Rodrigues, H., A. Herrel and G. Billet (2017) Ontogenetic and life history trait changes associated with convergent ecological specializations in extinct ungulate mammals. Proc. Natl. Aacad. Sci. U.S.A. 114: 1069-1074.
  • Hanot, P., A. Herrel, C. Guintard and R. Cornette (2017) Artificial selection and morphological integration in the appendicular skeleton of domestic equids. Proc. R. Soc. B 284: 20171241; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.1241.
  • Karatanis, N., L. Rychlik, A. Herrel and D. Youlatos (2017) Arboreal gaits in three sympatric rodents Apodemus agrarius, Apodemus flavicollis (Rodentia, Muridae) and Myodes glareolus (Rodentia, Cricetidae). Mammalian Biol. 83: 51-63. doi:
  • Karantanis, N., L. Rychlik, A. Herrel and D. Youlatos (2017) Arboreal locomotion of a tiny scansorial mammal: the gaits of the Eurasian harvest mice Micromys minutus (Rodentia: Muridae). J. Exp. Zool. 327: 38-52.
  • Karantanis, N., L. Rychlik, A. Herrel and D. Youlatos (2017) Comparing the arboreal gaits of Muscardinus avellanarius and Glis glis (Gliridae, Rodentia): a first quantitative analysis. Mamm. Study 42: 161-172.
  • Karantanis, N., L. Rychlik, A. Herrel and D. Youlatos (2017) Arboreality in acacia rats (Thallomys paedulcus; Rodentia, Muridae): Gaits and gait metrics. J. Zool. 303: 107–119.
  • Kerr, E., R. Cornette, H. Gomes Rodrigues, S. Renaud, P. Chevret, A. Tresset and A. Herrel (2017) Can functional traits help explain the coexistence of two species of Apodemus? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 122: 883-896.
  • Le Brazidec, M., A. Herrel, P. Thomas, G. Boulinguez-Ambroise, F. Aujard and E. Pouydebat (2017) How aging affects grasping behavior and pull strength in captive grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus)? Int. J. Primatol. 38: 1120-1129.
  • Losos, D.N., J.B.R. Weaver, T.W. Fies, A. Herrel, A-C. Fabre and J.B. Losos (2017) The curious case of the left-sided dewlap: directional asymmetry in the Curaçao anole, Anolis lineatus. Breviora 553: 1-7.
  • Louppe, V., J. Courant and A. Herrel (2017) Differences in mobility at the range edge of an expanding invasive population of Xenopus laevis in the West of France? J. Exp. Biol.220: 278-283.
  • Manzano, A., A. Herrel, A-C. Fabre and V. Abdala (2017) Variation in brain anatomy in frogs and its possible bearing on their locomotor ecology. J. Anat. 231: 38-58.
  • Rödder, D., F. Ihlow, J. Courant, J. Secondi, A. Herrel, R. Rebelo, G.J. Measey, F. Lillo, A. De Villiers, C. De Busschere and T. Backeljau (2017) Global realized niche divergence in the African-clawed Frog Xenopus laevis. Ecol. Evol. 7: 4044–4058.
  • Abdala, V. M.L. Ponssa, M.J. Tulli, A-C. Fabre and A. Herrel (2018) Frog tendon structure and its relationship with locomotor modes. J. Morphol. 279:895-903.
  • Annabi, A., R. Elmouadeb and A. Herrel (2018) Distinctive accumulation patterns of heavy metals in Sardinella aurita (Clupeidae) and Mugil cephalus (Mugilidae) tissues. Env. Sci. Poll. Res. 25: 2623-2629.
  • Barrillot, B., J. Roux, S. Arthaud, L. Averty, A. Clair, A. Herrel and P-A. Libourel (2018) Intramuscular administration of ketamine-medetomidine assures stable anaesthesia needed for long-term surgery in the argentine tegu Salvator merianae. J. Zoo Wildl. Med. 49: 291-296.
  • Böhmer, C., A-C. Fabre, M. Herbin, S. Peigné and A. Herrel (2018) Anatomical basis of differences in locomotor behavior in martens: a comparison of the forelimb musculature between two sympatric species of Martes. Anat. Rec. 301: 449–472.
  • Botton-Divet, L., A. Houssaye, A. Herrel, A-C. Fabre and R. Cornette (2018). Swimmers, diggers, climbers and more, a study of integration in the locomotor apparatus of mustelids (Carnivora: Mustelidae). Evol. Biol. 45: 182-195.
  • Boyle, K. and A. Herrel (2018) Neurocranium shape variation of piranhas and pacus (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) in association with ecology and phylogeny. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 125: 93-114.
  • Boyle, K. and A. Herrel (2018) Relative size variation of the otoliths, swim bladder, and Weberian apparatus structures in piranhas and pacus (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) with different ecologies and its implications for the detection of sound stimuli. J. Morphol. 279: 1849-1871.
  • Courant, J, J. Secondi, J. Vollette, A. Herrel and J-M. Thirion (2018) Assessing impacts of the invasive Xenopus laevis on amphibians in western France. Amph. Rept. 39: 203-218.
  • Courant, J., E. Vollette and A. Herrel (2018) Changes in the aquatic macro-invertebrate communities through the expanding range of an invasive anuran. Food Webs 17: e00098.
  • Da Silva, F.O., A-C. Fabre, Y. Savriama, J. Ollonen, K. Mahlow, A. Herrel, J. Müller and N. Di-Poï (2018) The ecological origins of snakes as revealed by skull evolution. Nat. Comm.9: 376. Doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02788-3
  • De Meyer, J., A. Herrel, C. Belpaire, G. Goemans, C. Ide, B. De Kegel, J. Christiaens and D. Adriaens (2018) Broader head, stronger bite: In vivo bite forces in European eel (Anguilla anguilla). J. Fish Biol. 92: 268-273.
  • Donihue, C.M., A. Herrel, A-C. Fabre, A. Kmath, A.J. Geneva, T.W. Schoener, J.J. Kolbe and J.B. Losos (2018) Hurricane-induced selection on the morphology of an island lizard. Nature 560: 88-92.
  • Dufour, C.M.S., A. Herrel and J.B. Losos (2018) Ecological character displacement between a native and an introduced species: the invasion of Anolis cristatellus in Dominica. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 123: 43-54.
  • Dufour, C.M.S., A. Herrel and J.B. Losos (2018) The effect of recent competition between the native Anolis oculatus and the invasive A. cristatellus on display behavior. PeerJ. 6:e4888; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4888
  • Dufour, C.M.S., J.B. Losos and A. Herrel (2018) Do differences in bite force and head morphology between a native and an introduced species of anole influence the outcome of species interactions? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 125: 576–585.
  • Fraimout, A., P. Jacquemart, B. Villaroel, D.J. Aponte, T. Decamps, A. Herrel, R. Cornette and V. Debat (2018) Phenotypic plasticity of Drosophila suzukii wing to developmental temperature: implications for flight. J. Exp. Biol. 221, jeb166868. doi:10.1242/jeb.166868
  • Ginot, S., A. Herrel, J. Claude and L. Hautier (2018) Skull size and biomechanics are good estimators of in vivo bite force in murid rodents. Anat. Rec. 301: 256-266.
  • Gomes Rodrigues, H., R. Cornette, J. Clavel, G. Cassini, B-A. Bhullar, M. Fernandez-Monescillo, K. Moreno, A. Herrel and G. Billet (2018) Differential influences of allometry, phylogeny, and environment on the rostral shape diversity of extinct South American notoungulates. R. Soc. Open Sci. 5: 171816. Doi:
  • Hanot, P., A. Herrel, C. Guintard and R. Cornette (2018) The impact of artificial selection on morphological integration in the appendicular skeleton of domestic horses. J. Anat. 232: 657–673.
  • Herrel, A., S. Petrochic and M. Draud (2018) Sexual dimorphism, bite force, and diet in the diamondback terrapin, Malaclemys terrapin. J. Zool. 304: 217–224.
  • Karantanis, N., L. Rychlik, A. Herrel and D. Youlatos (2018) Vertical locomotion in Micromys minutus (Rodentia: Muridae): insights into the evolution of eutherian climbing. J. Mamm. Evol. 25: 277–289.
  • Libourel, P-A., B. Barrillot, S. Arthaud, B. Massot, A-L. Morel, O. Beuf, A. Herrel* and P-H. Luppi* (2018) Partial homologies between sleep states in lizards, mammals, and birds suggest a complex evolution of sleep states in amniotes. PLOS Biol. 16: e2005982. * co last authors.
  • Louppe, V., J. Courant, M. Videlier and A. Herrel (2018) Differences in standard metabolic rate at the range edge versus the center of an expanding invasive population of Xenopus laevis in the West of France. J. Zool. 305: 163-172.
  • Lowie, A., A. Herrel, V. Abdala, A.S. Manzano and A-C. Fabre (2018) Does the morphology of the forelimb flexor muscles differ between lizards using different habitats? Anat. Rec. 301: 424–433.
  • Mélotte, G., E. Parmentier, C. Michel, A. Herrel and K. Boyle (2018) Hearing capacities and morphology of the auditory system in Serrasalmidae (Teleostei: Otophysi). Sci. Rep. 8: 1281. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-19812-1.
  • Meyers, J.J., K.C. Nishikawa and A. Herrel (2018) The evolution of bite force in horned lizards: the influence of dietary specialization. J. Anat. 232: 214-226.
  • Miralles, A., J. Marin, D. Markus, A. Herrel, S.B. Hedges and N. Vidal (2018) Molecular evidence for the paraphyly of Scolecophidia and its evolutionary implications. J. Evol. Biol. 31: 1782-1793.
  • Renaud, S., R. Ledevin, L. Souquet, H. Gomes Rodrigues, S. Ginot, S. Agret, J. Claude, A. Herrel and L. Hautier (2018) Evolving teeth within a stable masticatory apparatus in Orkney mice. Evol. Biol. 45: 405–424.
  • Ross, C., L.B. Porro, A. Herrel, S. Evans and M. Fagan (2018) Bite force and cranial bone strain in four species of lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 221: jeb180240. doi: 10.1242/jeb.180240
  • Taverne, M., A-C. Fabre, M. Herbin, A. Herrel, C. Lacroux, A. Lowie, F. Pagès, S. Peigné, J-C. Theil and C. Böhmer (2018) Convergence in the functional properties of forelimb muscles in carnivorans: adaptations to an arboreal life-style? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 125: 250-263.
  • Ter-Avetisyan, G., A. Dumoulin, A. Herrel, H. Schmidt, J. Strump, S. Afzal and F. Rathjen (2018) Loss of axon bifurcation in mesencephalic trigeminal neurons impairs the maximal biting force in Npr2-deficient mice. Front. Cell. NeuroSci. 12:153. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00153
  • Videlier, M., C. Bonneaud and A. Herrel (2018) Intra-individual variation in exploration behaviour in a largely aquatic frog: effects of sex and personality traits. Herpetol. J. 28: 10-18.
  • Zablocki-Thomas, P.B., A. Herrel, I. Hardy, L. Rabardel, M. Perret, F. Aujard and E. Pouydebat (2018) Personality, performance, and an indicator of reproductive success are affected by age and early life parameters in a small primate. Ecol. Evol. 8:4598-4605.
  • Zablocki-Thomas, P.B., C.J. Karanewsky, J.L. Pendleton, F. Aujard, E. Pouydebat and A. Herrel (2018) Drivers of in vivo bite performance in wild brown mouse lemurs and a comparison with the grey mouse lemur. J. Zool. 305: 180-187.
  • Abourachid, A., A. Herrel, T. Decamps, F. Pages, A-C. Fabre, L. Van Hoorebeke, D. Adriaens and M.A. Garcia Amado (2019). Locomotion in Hoatzin nestlings: a new quadrupedal coordination for birds. Sci. Adv.5: eaat0787.
  • Bels, V.L.and A. Herrel (2019) Feeding, a tool to understand vertebrate evolution. Introduction to “Feeding in Vertebrates”. In: Feeding in Vertebrates: Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics (Eds. V.L. Bels & I.Q. Wishaw). Springer Verlag. Pp. 1-18.
  • Boettcher, M.L., K.C. Leonard, E. Dickinson, A. Herrel and A. Hartstone-Rose (2019) Extraordinary grip strength and specialized myology in the hyper-derived hand of Perodicticus potto? J. Anat. 235: 931-939.
  • Böhmer, C., A-C Fabre, M. Taverne, M. Herbin, S. Peigné and A. Herrel (2019) Functional relationship between myology and ecology in carnivores: do forelimb muscles reflect adaptations to prehension? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 127: 661-680.
  • Boulinguez-Ambroise, G. P. Zablocki Thomas, F. Aujard, A. Herrel and E. Pouydebat (2019) Ontogeny of food grasping in mouse lemurs: behavior, morphology and performance. J. Zool. 308: 1-8.
  • Brocklehurst, R., L. Porro, A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and E. Rayfield (2019) A digital dissection of two teleost fishes: comparative functional anatomy of the cranial musculoskeletal system in pike (Esox lucius) and eel (Anguilla anguilla). J. Anat. 235: 189-204.
  • Courant, J., J. Secondi, L. Guillemet, E. Volette and A. Herrel (2019) Rapid changes in dispersal on a small spatial scale at the range edge of an expanding population. Evol. Ecol. 33: 599-612.
  • Courant, J., L. Adil, B. De Kegel, D. Adriaens and A. Herrel (2019) Conserved growth rate and age structure of Xenopus laevis in the edge and core of an expanding population. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 128: 122-129.
  • De Meyer, J. D.J. Irschick, B. Vanhooydonck, J.B. Losos, D. Adriaens and A. Herrel (2019) The role of bite force in the evolution of head shape and head shape dimorphism in Anolis lizards. Funct. Ecol. 33: 2191-2202.
  • Dufour, C.M.S., C.M. Donihue, J.B. Losos and A. Herrel (2019) Parallel increases in grip strength after a major hurricane in two species of Anolis lizards on Dominica. J. Zool. 309: 77-83.
  • Dutel, H., M. Galland, P. Tafforeau, J.A. Long, M.J. Fagan, P. Janvier, A. Herrel, M. Santin, G. Clément and M. Herbin (2019) Head development of the living coelacanth and the origin of the tetrapod head. Nature Doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1117-3
  • Giacomini, G., D. Scaravelli, A. Herrel, A. Veneziano, D. Russon, R.P. Brown and C. Meloro (2019) 3D photogrammetry of bat skulls: perspectives for macro and micro-evolutionary analyses. Evol. Biol. 46: 249-259.
  • Ginot, S., A. Herrel, J. Claude and L. Hautier (2019) Morphometric models for estimating bite force in Mus and Rattus: mandible shape and size do better than lever-arm ratios. J. Exp. Biol. 222: jeb204867.
  • Handschuh, S., N. Natchev, S. Kummer, C.J. Beisser, P. Lemell, A. Herrel and V. Vergilov (2019) Cranial kinesis in the miniaturised lizard Ablepharus kitaibelii (Squamata: Scincidae). J. Exp. Biol. 222: jeb198291.
  • Hanot, P., A. Herrel, C. Guintard and R. Cornette (2019) Unravelling the hybrid vigor in domestic equids: the effect of hybridization on bone shape variation and covariation. BMC Evol. Biol. 19: 188.
  • Herrel, A., J.C. O'Reilly, A-C. Fabre, C. Bardua, R. Boistel and S. Gorb (2019) Feeding in amphibians: evolutionary transformations and phenotypic diversity as drivers of feeding system diversity. In: Feeding in Vertebrates: Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics (Eds. V.L. Bels & I.Q. Wishaw). Springer Verlag. Pp. 431-467.
  • Houssaye, A., A. Herrel, R. Boistel and J-C. Rage (2019) Adaptation of the vertebral inner structure to an aquatic life in snakes: pachyophiid peculiarities in comparison to extant and extinct forms. C. R. Palevol. 18: 783-799.
  • Huby, A., A. Lowie, A. Herrel, R. Vigouroux, B. Frédérich, X. Raick, G. Kurchevski, A.L. Godinho and E. Parmentier (2019) Functional diversity in biters: the evolutionary morphology of oral jaw system in pacus, piranhas and relatives (Teleostei: Serrasalmidae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 127: 722-741.
  • Kruger, N., J. Measey, A. Herrel and J. Secondi (2019) Anti-predator strategies of the invasive African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, to native and invasive predators in western France. Aquatic Invasions 14: 433-443.
  • Louppe, V., B. Leroy, A. Herrel and G. Véron (2019) Current and future climatic regions favourable for a globally introduced wild carnivore, the raccoon Procyon lotor. Sci. Rep. 9: 9174.
  • Lowie, A., E. Gillet, B. Vanhooydonck, D.J. Irschick, J.B. Losos and A. Herrel (2019) Do the relationships between hind limb anatomy and sprint speed variation differ between sexes in Anolis lizards? J. Exp. Biol. 222: 188805.
  • Mamou, R., F. Marniche, M. Amroun and A. Herrel (2019) Seasonal variation in diet and prey availability in the wall lizard Podarcis vaucheri (Boulenger, 1905) from the Djurdjura Mountains, northern Algeria. Afr. J. Herpetol. 68: 18-32.
  • Moon, B.R., D.A. Penning, M. Segall and A. Herrel (2019) Feeding in snakes: form, function, and evolution of the feeding system. In: Feeding in Vertebrates: Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics (Eds. V.L. Bels & I.Q. Wishaw). Springer Verlag. Pp 527-574.
  • Padilla, P., V. Ducret, C. Bonneaud, J. Courant and A. Herrel (2019) Acclimation temperature effects on locomotor traits in adult aquatic anurans (X. tropicalis and X. laevis) from different latitudes: possible implications for climate change. Conserv. Physiol. 7: coz019.
  • Padilla, P., J. Courant and A. Herrel (2019) Allocation trade-offs impact organ size and muscle architecture in an invasive population of Xenopus laevis in Western France. J. Anat. 235: 1057-1064.
  • Pafilis, P., A. Herrel, G. Kapsalas, M. Vasilopoulou-Kampitsi, A-C. Fabre, J. Foufopoulos and C.M. Donihue (2019) Habitat shapes the thermoregulation of Mediterranean lizards introduced to replicate experimental islets. J. Therm. Biol. 84: 368-374.
  • Segall, M., A. Herrel and R. Godoy-Diana (2019) Hydrodynamics of frontal striking in aquatic snakes: drag, added mass, and the possible consequences for prey capture success. Bioinsp. Biomim. 14: 036005.
  • Taverne, M., A-C. Fabre, N. King-Gillies, M. Krajnovic, D. Lisicic, L. Martin, L. Michal, D. Petricioli, A. Stambuk, Z. Tadic, C. Vigliotti, B. Wehrle and A. Herrel (2019) Diet variability among insular populations of Podarcis lizards reveals diverse strategies to face resource-limited environments. Ecol. Evol. 9: 12408-12420.
  • Watanabe, A., A-C. Fabre, R.N. Felice, J.A. Maisano, J. Müller, A. Herrel and A. Goswami (2019) Ecomorphological diversification in squamates from conserved pattern of cranial integration. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 116: 14688-14697.
  • Zablocki-Thomas, P., A. Herrel, C. Karanewski, F. Aujard and E. Pouydebat (2019) Heritability and genetic correlations of personality, life history, and morphology in the grey mouse lemur (M. murinus). R. Soc. Open Sci. 6: 190632.
  • Araspin, L., A. Serra Martinez, C. Wagener, J. Courant, V. Louppe, P. Padilla, J. Measey and A. Herrel (2020) Rapid shifts in the temperature dependence of locomotor performance in an invasive frog, Xenopus laevis, implications for conservation. Integr. Comp. Biol. 60: 456-466.
  • Boettcher, M., K.C. Leonard, A. Herrel and A. Hartstone-Rose (2020) The soft-tissue anatomy of the highly derived hand of Perodicticus relative to the more generalized Nycticebus. In: Evolution, Ecology and Conservation of Lorises and Pottos. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
  • Boettcher, M.L., K.C. Leonard, E. Dickinson, F. Aujard, A. Herrel and A. Hartstone-Rose (2020) The forearm musculature of the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus): an ontogenetic study. Anat Rec. 303: 1354-1363.
  • Böhmer, C., A-C Fabre, J-C. Theil and A. Herrel (2020) Atlas of terrestrial mammal limbs. Taylor & Francis.
  • Boulinguez-Ambroise, G., A. Herrel and E. Pouydebat (2020) Ontogeny of locomotion in mouse lemurs: Implications for primate evolution. J. Hum. Evol. 142: 102732.
  • Brassard, C., M. Merlin, E. Monchâtre-Leroy, C. Guintard, J. Barrat, C. Callou, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2020) How does masticatory muscle architecture covary with mandibular shape in domestic dogs? Evol. Biol. Doi: 10.1007/s11692-020-09499-6.
  • Brassard, C., M. Merlin, C. Guintard, E. Monchâtre-Leroy, J. Barrat, N. Bausmayer, S. Bausmayer, A. Bausmayer, M. Beyer, A. Varlet, C. Houssin, C. Callou, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2020) Bite force and its relation to jaw shape in domestic dogs. J. Exp. Biol. 223: jeb224352.
  • Brassard, C., M. Merlin, C. Guintard, E. Monchâtre-Leroy, J. Barrat, C. Callou, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2020) Interrelations between the cranium, the mandible and muscle architecture in modern domestic dogs. Evol. Biol. 47: 308-324.
  • Cernanský, A., A. Herrel, J.M. Kibii, C.V. Anderson, R. Boistel and T. Lehman (2020) The only complete articulated early Miocene chameleon skull (Rusinga island, Kenya) suggests an African origin for Madagascar’s endemic chameleons. Sci. Rep. 10: 109.
  • Dollion, A.Y., A. Herrel, O. Marquis, M. Leroux-Coyau and S. Meylan (2020) The colour of success: does female mate choice rely on male colour change in the chameleon Furcifer pardalis? J. Exp. Biol. 223: jeb224550.
  • Donihue, C.M., A. Kowaleski, J.B. Losos, A. Algar, S. Baeckens, R.W. Buchkowski, A.-C. Fabre, H.K. Frank, A.J. Geneva, R.G. Reynolds, J.T. Stroud, J.A. Velasco, J.J. Kolbe, D.L. Mahler and A. Herrel (2020) Hurricane effects on neotropical lizards span geographic and phylogenetic scales. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 117: 10429-10434.
  • Donihue, C.M., A. Herrel, J. Martín, J. Foufopoulos, P. Pafilis and S. Baeckens (2020) Rapid and repeated divergence of animal chemical signals in an island introduction experiment. J. Anim. Ecol. 89: 1458-1467.
  • Ducret, V., M. Videlier, C. Moureaux, C. Bonneaud and A. Herrel (2020) Do female frogs have higher resting metabolic rates than males? A case study with Xenopus allofraseri. J. Zool. 312: 221-226.
  • Dufour, C.M.S., D.L. Clark, A. Herrel and J.B. Losos (2020) Recent biological invasion shapes species recognition and aggressive behavior in a native species: a behavioral experiment using robots in the field. J. Anim. Ecol. 89: 1604-1614.
  • Gomes, V., A. Herrel, M.A. Carretero and A. Kaliontzopoulou (2020) New insights into bite performance: morphological trade-offs underlying the duration and magnitude of bite force. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 93: 175–184.
  • Guintard, C., C. Brassard, A. Herrel and R. Cornette (2020) La tête du chien: Un système anatomique intégré. Centrale Canine Magazine 204: 37-39.
  • Hanot, P., S. Gerber, C. Guintard, A. Herrel, L. Verslype and R. Cornette (2020) Reconstructing the functional traits of the horses from the tomb of King Childeric. J. Arch. Sci. 121: 105200.
  • Harbers, H., D. Neaux, K. Ortiz, B. Blanc, R. Schafberg, A. Haruda, F. Casabianca, J. Studeur, S. Renaud, R. Cornette, Y. Locatelli, J-D. Vigne, A. Herrel and T. Cucchi (2020) The mark of captivity: plastic responses in the ankle bone of a wild ungulate (Sus scrofa). R. Soc. Open Sci. 7: 192039.
  • Harbers, H., C. Zanolli, M. Cazenave, J-C. Theil, K. Ortiz, B. Blanc, Y. Locatelli, R. Schafler, F. Lecompte, I. Baly, F. Laurens, C. Callou, J-D. Vigne, A. Herrel, L. Puymerail, T. Cucchi (2020) Limb bone cortical morphology, captivity and domestication: an experimental approach on a wild boar model. Sci. Rep. 10: 19070.
  • Hartstone-Rose, A., E. Dickinson, M.L. Boettcher and A. Herrel (2020) A primate with a panda’s thumb: the anatomy of the pseudothumb of Daubentonia madagascariensis. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 171: 8-16.
  • Herrel A., D. Joly and E. Danchin (2020) Epigenetics in ecology and evolution. Funct. Ecol. 34: 381-384.
  • Le Guilloux, M., A. Miralles, J. Measey, B. Vanhooydonck, J. O’Reilly, A. Lowie and A. Herrel (2020) Trade-offs between burrowing and biting force in fossorial scincid lizards? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 130: 310-319.
  • Leonard, K.C., M.L. Boettcher, E. Dickinson, N. Malhotra, F. Aujard, A. Herrel and A. Hartstone-Rose (2020) The ontogeny of masticatory muscle architecture in Microcebus murinus. Anat. Rec. 303: 1364-1373.
  • Louppe, V., B. Leroy, A. Herrel and G. Veron (2020) Climate change promotes the expansion of climatic regions favourable to an invasive carnivore with a devastating global impact, the small Indian mongoose Urva auropunctata. Sci. Rep. 10: 7461.
  • Luger, A.M., A. Ollevier, B. De Kegel, A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2020) Is variation in vertebral morphology linked to prehensility in chameleons? J. Morphol. 281: 229-239.
  • Mansuit, R., G. Clement, A. Herrel, P. Tafforeau, M. Santin and M. Herbin (2020) Development and growth of the pectoral fin skeleton in the extant coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. J. Anat. 236: 493-509.
  • Nourizonoz, A., R. Zimmermann, C. L. A. Ho, S. Pellat, Y. Ormen, C. Prévost-Solié, G. Reymond, F. Pifferi, F. Aujard, A. Herrel, D. Huber (2020) EthoLoop: automated closed-Loop neuroethology in naturalistic environments. Nat. Meth. 17: 1052-1059.
  • Padilla, P., J. Tallis, J. Hurst, J. Courant, R.S. James and A. Herrel (2020) Do muscle contractile properties drive differences in locomotor performance in invasive populations of Xenopus laevis in France? J. Comp. Physiol B. 190: 771-778.
  • Rajabizadeh, M., R.A. Pyron, R. Nazarov, N.A. Poykarov, D. Adriaens and A. Herrel (2020) Additions to the phylogeny of colubrine snakes in Southwestern Asia, with description of a new genus and species (Serpentes: Colubridae: Colubrinae. PeerJ 8: e9016.
  • Segall, M., R. Cornette, R. Godoy-Diana and A. Herrel (2020) Exploring the functional meaning of head shape disparity in aquatic snakes. Ecol. Evol. 10: 6993-7005.
  • Tan, W.C., A. Herrel and J. Measey (2020) Dietary observations of four southern African lizards (Agamidae). Herpetol. Cons. Biol. 15: 69-78.
  • Tan, W.C., B. Vanhooydonck, J. Measey and A. Herrel (2020) Morphology, locomotor performance, and habitat use in southern African agamids. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 130: 166-177.
  • Taverne, M., N. King-Gillies, M. Krajnovic, D. Lisicic, Ó. Mira, D. Petricioli, I. Sabolic, A. Štambuk, Z. Tadic, C. Vigliotti, B. Wehrle and A. Herrel (2020) Proximate and ultimate drivers of variation in bite force in insular lizards Podarcis melisellensis and Podarcis sicula. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 131: 88-108.
  • Wehrle, B.A., A. Herrel, B-Q. Nguyen-Phuc, S. Maldonado Jr., R.K. Dang, R. Agnihotri, Z. Tadic and D.P. German (2020) Rapid dietary shift in Podarcis sicula resulted in localized changes in gut function. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 93:396-415.
  • Alejevski, F., M. Leemans, A-L. Gaillard, D. Leistenschneider, C. de Flori, M. Bougerol, S. LeMével, A. Herrel, J-B. Fini, G. Pézeron, H. Tostivint (2021) Conserved role of the urotensin II-related peptide 2 (Urp2)-urotensin II receptor 4 (Utr4) signaling pathway to control spine straightness in a tetrapod. Open Biology 11: 210065. Doi: 10.1098/rsob.210065
  • Bemmann, M., E. Schulz-Kornas, J.U. Hammel, A. Hipp, J. Moosmann, A. Herrel, A. Rack, U. Radespiel, E. Zimmermann, T.M. Kaiser and K. Kupczik (2021) Movement analysis of primate molar teeth under load using synchrotron X-ray microtomography. J. Struct. Biol. 213: 107664.
  • Boulinguez-Ambroise, G., A. Herrel, G. Berillon, J.W. Young, R. Cornette, A. Meguerditchian, C. Cazeau, L. Bellaiche and E. Pouydebat (2021) Increased performance in juvenile baboons is consistent with ontogenetic changes in morphology. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 175: 546–558.
  • Brassard, C., M. Merlin, E. Monchâtre-Leroy, C. Guintard, J. Barrat, H. Garès, A. Larralle, R. Triquet, C. Houssin, C. Callou, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2021) Masticatory system integration in a commensal canid: interrelationships between bones, muscles, and bite force in the red fox. J. Exp. Biol. 224: jeb224394.
  • Butterfield, T.G., A. Herrel, M.E. Olson, J. Contreras-Garduño and R. Macip-Ríos (2021) Morphology of the limb, shell, and head explain the variation in performance and ecology across 14 turtle taxa (12 species). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 134: 879-891.
  • Cruz, F.B., D.L. Moreno Azocar, B. Vanhooydonck, J.A. Schulte II, C.S. Abdala and A. Herrel (2021) Drivers and patterns of bite force evolution in Liolaemid lizards. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 134: 126–140.
  • Dearden, R.P., R. Mansuit, A. Cuckovic, A. Herrel, D. Didier, P. Tafforeau and A. Pradel (2021) The morphology and evolution of chondrichthyan cranial muscles: a digital dissection of the elephantfish Callorhinchus milii and the catshark Scyliorhinus canicula. J. Anat. 238: 1082-1105.
  • Debaere, S.F., C.M. Donihue, A. Herrel and S. Van Wassenbergh (2021) An aerodynamic perspective on hurricane-induced selection on Anolis lizards. Funct Ecol. 35: 2026–2032.
  • Donihue, C.M., J.C. Daltry, S. Challenger, A. Herrel (2021) Population increase and changes in behavior and morphology in the critically endangered Redonda ground lizard (Pholidoscelis atratus) following the successful removal of alien rats and goats. Integr. Zool. 16: 379-389.
  • Ducret, V., A.J. Richards, M. Videlier, T. Scalveni, K.A. Moore, K. Paszkiewicz, C. Bonneaud, N. Pollet and A. Herrel (2021) Transcriptomic analysis of the trade-off between endurance and burst-performance in the frog Xenopus allofraseri. BMC Genomics 22:204.
  • Dutel, H., F. Groening, A.C. Sharp, P.J. Watson, A. Herrel, C.F. Ross, M. Jones, S.E. Evans and M.J. Fagan (2021) Comparative cranial biomechanics in two lizard species: impact of variation in cranial design. J. Exp. Biol. 224: jeb234831.
  • Ginal, P., M. Mokhatla, N. Kruger, J. Secondi, A. Herrel, J. Measey and D. Rödder (2021) Ecophysiological models for the African Clawed Frog, Xenopus laevis: Is europe a large playground for this superinvader? J. Exp. Zool. A 335:158-172.
  • Hejazi Nooghabi, A., Q. Grimal, A. Herrel, M. Reinwald and L. Boschi (2021) Contribution of bone-reverberated waves to sound localization of dolphins: a numerical model. Acta Acustica 5: 3.
  • Herrel, A. (2021) Le protocole de Nagoya : expérience et retour d'un chercheur. In: La Nature en partage (C. Aubertin & A. Nivart, Eds.), pp. 91-99. IRD Editions, Marseille.
  • Herrel, A., A. Lowie, A. Miralles, P. Gaucher, N.J. Kley, J. Measey and K.A. Tolley (2021) Burrowing in blindsnakes: a preliminary analysis of burrowing forces and consequences for the evolution of morphology. Anat. Rec. 304: 2292–2302.
  • Huby, A., R. Mansuit, M. Herbin and A. Herrel (2021) Revision of the muscular anatomy of the paired fins of the living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae (Actinistia, Sarcopterygii). Biol J. Linn. Soc. 133: 949–989.
  • Kouvari, M., A. Herrel and R. Cornette (2021) Humans and climate as possible drivers of the morphology and function of the mandible of Suncus etruscus in Corsica. J. Archaeol. Sci. 132: 105434.
  • Kruger, N., J.G. Measey, G. Vimercati, A. Herrel and J. Secondi (2021) Does the spatial sorting of dispersal traits affect the phenotype of the non-dispersing stages of the invasive frog Xenopus laevis through coupling? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 132: 257-269.
  • Liang, C., A. Marghoub, L. Kever, S. Bertazzo, A. Abzhanov, M. Vickaryous, A. Herrel, S. Evans and M. Moazen (2021) Lizard osteoderms – morphological characterisation, biomimetic design and manufacturing based on three species. Bioinsp. Biomim. 16: 066011.
  • Louppe, V., A. Herrel, B. Pisanu, S. Grouard and G. Veron (2021) Assessing occupancy of two invasive carnivores in two Caribbean islands: implications for insular ecosystems. J. Zool. 313: 182-194.
  • Lowie, A., B. De Kegel, M. Wilkinson, J. Measey, J.C. O'Reilly, N.J. Kley, P. Gaucher, J. Brecko, T. Kleinteich, L. Van Hoorebeke, A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2021) Under pressure: the relationship between cranial shape and burrowing force in caecilians (Gymnophiona). J. Exp. Biol. 224: jeb242964. doi:10.1242/jeb.242964
  • Luger, A., V. Vermeylen, A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2021) Do substrate roughness and gap distance impact gap-bridging strategies in arboreal chameleons. Belg. J. Zool. 151: 31-45. Doi: 10.26496/bjz.2021.83
  • Luger, A., P.J. Watson, H. Dutel, M.J. Fagan, L. Van Hoorebeke, A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2021) Regional patterning in tail vertebral form and function in chameleons (C. calyptratus). Integr. Comp. Biol. 61: 455-463.
  • Mansuit, R. and A. Herrel (2021) The evolution of appendicular muscles during the fin-to-limb transition: possible insights through studies of soft tissues, a perspective. Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:702576. Doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.702576
  • Mansuit, R., G. Clément, A. Herrel, H. Dutel, P. Tafforeau, M. Santin and M. Herbin (2021) Development and growth of the pelvic fin in the extant coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae. Anat. Rec. 304: 541-558.
  • Neaux, D., B. Blanc, K. Ortiz, Y. Locatelli, F. Laurens, I. Baly, C. Callou, F. Lecompte, R. Cornette, G. Sansalone, A. Haruda, R. Schafberg, J-D. Vigne, V. Debat, A. Herrel and T. Cucchi (2021) How changes in functional demands associated with captivity affect the skull shape of a wild boar (Sus scrofa). Evol. Biol. 48: 27-40.
  • Neaux, D., B. Blanc, K. Ortiz, Y. Locatelli, R. Schafberg, A. Herrel, V. Debat and T. Cucchi (2021) Assessing the influence of biomechanical constraints associated with captivity on the craniomandibular integration in wild boar. J. Anat. 239: 489-497.
  • Patton, A., L.J. Harmon, M.R. Castañeda, H.K. Frank, C.M. Donihue, A. Herrel and J.B. Losos (2021) When adaptive radiations collide: different evolutionary trajectories between and within island and mainland lizard clades. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118: e2024451118.
  • Perez-Martinez, C.A., A. Kamath, A. Herrel and J.B. Losos (2021) The anoles of La Selva: niche partitioning and ecomorphology in a mainland community of Anolis lizards. Breviora 570: 1-27.
  • Rajabizadeh, M., D. Adriaens, B. De Kegel, A. Avci, C. Ilgaz and A. Herrel (2021) Body size miniaturization in a lineage of colubrid snakes: Implications for cranial anatomy. J. Anatomy 238: 131-145.
  • Rajabizadeh, M., S. Van Wassenbergh, C. Mallet, M. Rücklin and A. Herrel (2021) Tooth shape adaptations in aglyphous colubrid snakes inferred from 3D geometric morphometrics and finite element analysis. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 191: 454–467.
  • Roscian, M., A. Herrel, R. Cornette, A. Delapré, Y. Cherel and I. Rouget (2021) Underwater photogrammetry for close-range 3D imaging of dry-sensitive objects: the case study of cephalopod beaks. Ecol. Evol. 11: 7730–7742.
  • Tan, W.C., J. Measey, B. Vanhooydonck and A. Herrel (2021) The relationship between bite force, morphology, and diet in southern African agamids. BMC Ecol. Evol. 21: 126.
  • Taverne, M., H. Dutel, M. Fagan, A. Štambuk, D. Lisicic, Z. Tadic, A-C. Fabre and A. Herrel (2021) From micro to macroevolution: drivers of shape variation in an island radiation of Podarcis lizards in the Adriatic. Evolution 75: 2685-2707.
  • Terray, L., E. Stoetzel, A. Herrel and R. Cornette (2021) The contribution of functional traits to the understanding of palaeo-environmental changes. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 133: 1110-1125.
  • Zablocki-Thomas, P., G. Boulinguez-Ambroise, C. Pacou, J. Mézier, A. Herrel, F. Aujard and E. Pouydebat (2021) Behavioral reactions to a mirror in the nocturnal grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus): sex differences in avoidance. PeerJ 9: e11393.
  • Zablocki-Thomas, P., S. Lailvaux, F. Aujard, E. Pouydebat and A. Herrel (2021) Maternal and genetic correlations between morphology and physical performance traits in a small captive primate, Microcebus murinus. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 134: 28–39.
  • Brassard, C., J.L. Forbes-Harper, H.M. Crawford, J-M. Stuart, N.M. Warburton, M.C. Calver, P. Adams, E. Monchâtre-Leroy, J. Barrat, S. Lesellier, C. Guintard, H. Garès, A. Larralle, R. Triquet, M. Merlin, R. Cornette, A. Herrel, P.A. Fleming (2022) Morphological and functional divergence of the lower jaw between native and invasive red foxes. J. Mamm. Evol. 29: 335–352.
  • Brassard, C., A. Balasescu, R-M. Arbogast, V. Forest, C. Bemilli, A. Boroneant, F. Convertini, M. Gandelin, V. Radu, P.A. Fleming, C. Guintard, T.L. Kreplins, C. Callou, A. Filippo, A. Tresset, R. Cornette, A. Herrel and S. Bréhard (2022) Unexpected morphological diversity in ancient dogs compared to modern relatives. Proc. R. Soc. B. 289: 20220147.
  • Carrión, P.L., J.A.M. Raeymaekers, L.F. De León, J.A. Chaves, D.M.T. Sharpe, S.K. Huber, A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, K.M. Gotanda, J.A.H. Koop, S.A. Knutie, D.H. Clayton, J. Podos and A.P. Hendry (2022) The terroir of the finch: How spatial and temporal variation shapes phenotypic traits in Darwin's finches. Ecol. Evol. 12: e9399.
  • Chotard, A., J. Ledamoisel, T. Crouchet, T. Decamps, A. Herrel, A. Chaine, V. Llaurens and V. Debat (2022) Evidence of attack deflection suggests adaptive evolution of wing tails in butterflies. Proc. B. 289: 20220562.
  • Dollion, A.Y., S. Meylan, O. Marquis, M. Leroux-Coyau and A. Herrel (2022) Do male panther chameleons (Furcifer pardalis) use different aspects of color change in the visible and the ultraviolet range to settle intrasexual agonistic interactions? Sci. Nat. 109: 13.
  • Donihue, C.M., A. Herrel, J. Foufopoulos and P. Pafilis (2022) Body condition and jumping predict initial survival in a replicated island introduction experiment. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 135: 490-498.
  • Gautreau, E., X. Bonnet, J. Sandoval, G. Fosseries, A. Herrel, M. Arsicault, S. Zeghloul, M.A. Laribi (2022) A biomimetic method to replicate the natural fluid movements of swimming snakes to design aquatic robots. Biomimetics 7: 223.
  • Giacomini, G., A. Herrel, G. Chaverri, R.P. Brown, D. Russo, D. Scaravelli and C. Meloro (2022) Functional correlates of skull shape in Chiroptera: feeding and echolocation adaptations. Integr. Zool. 17: 430-442.
  • Herrel A. (2022) Postface. In: (A. Volpilhac, Ed.) Histoire de deux caméléons. Vincennes: Editions Thierry Marchaisse. 192 Pp.
  • Herrel, A. and D. Adriaens (2022) Burrowing in fishes: anatomy, physiology, function and ecology. In: Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, Second Edition. Elsevier. Doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-90801-6.00007-0
  • Jowers, M., Y. Simone, A. Herrel, M.P. Cabezas, R. Xavier, M. Holden, R. Boistel, J.C. Murphy, M. Santin, S. Caut, R.J. Auguste, A. van der Meijden, F. Andreone and I. Ineich (2022) The Terrific skink bite revealed through 3D imaging: Extreme insularity as a likely driver to land crab predation. Sci. Rep. 12:4596.
  • Kéver, L., D. Olivier, A. Marghoub, S.E. Evans, M.K. Vickaryous, M. Moazen and A. Herrel (2022) Biomechanical behavior of lizard osteoderms and skin under external loading. J. Exp. Biol. 225: jeb244551.
  • Kraus, A., M. Lövy, O. Mikula, J. Okrouhlík, N.C. Bennett, A. Herrel and R. Šumbera (222) Bite force in strictly subterranean rodent family, African mole-rats (Bathyergidae): the role of digging mode, social organisation, and ecology. Funct. Ecol. 36: 2344-2355.
  • Kruger, N., J. Secondi, L. du Preez, A. Herrel and J. Measey (2022) Phenotypic variation in Xenopus laevis tadpoles from contrasting climatic regimes is the result of adaptation and plasticity. Oecologia 200: 37-50.
  • Lailvaux, S.P., A. Mishra, P. Pun, Md.W. Ul Kabir, R.S. Wilson, A. Herrel and Md.T. Hoque (2022) Machine learning accurately predicts the multivariate performance phenotype from morphology in lizards. PlosOne 17: e0261613.
  • Lemieux-Labonté, V.*, C. Vigliotti*, Z. Tadic, B. Wehrle, P. Lopez, E. Bapteste, F-J. Lapointe, D. German and A. Herrel (2022) Proximate drivers of population-level lizard gut microbial diversity: impacts of diet, insularity, and local environment. Microorganisms 10: 1550. * co-first authors.
  • Lowie, A., B. De Kegel, M. Wilkinson, J. Measey, J.C. O'Reilly, N.J. Kley, P. Gaucher, J. Brecko, T. Kleinteich, D. Adriaens and A. Herrel (2022) The relationship between head shape, head musculature and bite force in caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona). J. Exp. Biol. 225: jeb243599.
  • Lowie, A. B. De Kegel, M. Wilkinson, J. Measey, J.C. O'Reilly, N.J. Kley, P. Gaucher, J. Brecko, T. Kleinteich, D. Adriaens and A. Herrel (2022) Is vertebral shape variability in caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) constrained by forces experienced during burrowing? J. Exp. Biol. 225: jeb244288.
  • Lowie, A., B. De Kegel, M. Wilkinson, J. Measey, J.C. O'Reilly, N.J. Kley, P. Gaucher, J. Brecko, A. Herrel* and D. Adriaens* (2022) Regional differences in vertebral shape along the axial skeleton in caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona). J. Anat. 241: 716-728. * co-last authors.
  • Marghoub, A. C.J.A. Williams, J.V. Leite, A.C. Kirby, L. Kéver, L.B. Porro, P.M. Barrett, S. Bertazzo, A. Abzhanov, M. Vickaryous, A. Herrel, S.E. Evans and M. Moazen (2022) Unravelling the structural variation of lizard osteoderms. Acta Biomat. 146: 306-316.
  • Mohanty, N.P., C. Wagener, A. Herrel and M. Thaker (2022) The ecology of sleep in non-avian reptiles. Biol. Rev. 97: 505-526.
  • Neaux, D., H. Harbers, B. Blanc, K. Ortiz, Y. Locatelli, A. Herrel, V. Debat and T. Cucchi (2022) The effect of captivity on cranial and postcranial ontogenetic trajectories in wild boar. J. Exp. Zool. B 338: 575-585.
  • Roscian, M., A. Herrel, P. Zaharias, R. Cornette, V. Fernandez, I. Kruta, Y. Cherel and I. Rouget (2022) Every hooked beak is maintained by a prey: ecological signal in cephalopod beak shape. Funct. Ecol. 36: 2015-2028.
  • Rothier, P.S., M.N. Simon, G. Marroig, A. Herrel and T. Kohlsdorf (2022) Development and function explain the modular evolution of phalanges in the digits of gecko lizards. Proc. R. Soc. B 289: 20212300.
  • Tardieu, C., O. Demirhan, E. Akbal, L. Ozgozen, Ö. Sunkar Biçer, A. Delapré, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2022) Modifications of the locomotor system in habitually quadrupedal humans. J. Anat. 241: 765-775.
  • Taverne, M., T. Decamps, O. Mira, I. Sabolic, J.D. da Silva, M. Glogoski, D. Lisicic, A. Stambuk and A. Herrel (2022) Relationships between dietary breadth and flexibility in jaw movement: a case study of two recently diverged insular populations of Podarcis lizards. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 265: 111140.
  • Williams, C., A. Kirby, A. Marghoub, L. Kéver, S. Ostashevskaya-Gohstand, S. Bertazzo, M. Moazen, A. Abzhanov, A. Herrel, S.E. Evans and M. Vickaryous (2022) A review of the osteoderms of lizards (Reptilia: Squamata). Biol. Rev. 97: 1-19.
  • Araspin, L., C. Wagener, P. Padilla, A. Herrel and J. Measey (2023) Thermal shifts in the thermal dependence of locomotor performance across an altitudinal gradient in native populations of Xenopus laevis. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 96: 272-281.
  • Araspin, L., J. Measey and A. Herrel (2023) Does aquatic performance predict terrestrial performance: a case study with an aquatic frog, Xenopus laevis. J. Exp. Biol. 226: jeb246545.
  • Brassard, C., M. Balasse, A. Balasescu, V. Radu, M. Ollivier, D. Fiorillo, A. Herrel and S. Bréhard (2023) Chalcolithic dogs show morphological and dietary adaptations to different socio-economic systems. J. Archaeol. Sci. 157: 105820.
  • Cajigas Gandia, A., R.A. Bosch, C.A. Mancina and A. Herrel (2023) Climatic variation along the distributional range in Cuban Anolis lizards: Species and ecomorphs under future scenarios of climate change. Global Ecol. Cons. 42: e02401.
  • Cucchi, T., H. Harbers, D. Neaux, M. Balasse, L. Garbé, D. Fiorillo, H. Bocherens, D. Drucker, C. Zanolli, R. Cornette, R.M. Arbogast, S. Bréhard, A. Bridault, L. Gourichon, J. Guilaine, C. Manen, T. Perrin, R. Schafberg, A. Tresset, J.D. Vigne and A. Herrel (2023) Morphological diversification in Western Europe wild boars (Sus scrofa) during 4500 years of Neolithic transition. Quat. Sci. Rev. 309: 108100.
  • Dearden, R.P., A. Herrel and A. Pradel (2023) Evidence for high-performance suction feeding in the Pennsylvanian stem-group holocephalan Iniopera. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 120: e2207854119.
  • Donihue, C., A. Herrel, M. Taverne, J. Foufopoulos and P. Pafilis (2023) The evolution of diet and morphology in insular lizards: insights from a replicated island introduction experiment. Animals 13: 1788.
  • Dumont, M. J. Milgram, A. Herrel, R. Shahar, B. Shacham, C. Houssin, A. Delapré, R. Cornette and M. Segall (2023) “Show me your teeth and I will tell you what you eat”: differences in tooth enamel in snakes with different diets. Integr. Comp. Biol. 63: 265-275.
  • Gautreau, E., X. Bonnet, T. Fox, G. Fosseries, V. Valle, A. Herrel and M.A. Laribi (2023) Complementary methods to acquire the kinematics of swimming snakes: a basis to design bio-inspired robots. J. Bionic Engineer. 20: 668-682.
  • Ginal, P., N. Kruger, L. Araspin, M. Mokhatla, J. Secondi, A. Herrel, J. Measey and D. Rödder (2023) More time for aliens? Performance shifts lead to increased activity time budgets propelling invasion success. Biol. Inv. 25: 267-283.
  • Gomes Rodrigues, H., R. Sumbera, L. Hautier and A. Herrel (2023) Digging up convergence in fossorial rodents: insights into burrowing activity and morpho-functional specializations of the masticatory apparatus. In: Convergent Evolution (V.L. Bels and A.P. Russell, Eds.) Springer Pp. 37-63.
  • Lowie, A., B. De Kegel, M. Wilkinson, J. Measey, J.C. O'Reilly, N.J. Kley, P. Gaucher, J. Brecko, A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2023) The anatomy of the head muscles in caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona): variation in relation to phylogeny and ecology? J. Anat. 242: 312-326.
  • Marghoub, A., L. Kéver, C. Williams, A. Abzhanov, M. Vickaryous, A. Herrel, S. Evans and M. Moazen (2023) The role of cranial osteoderms on the mechanics of the skull in scincid lizards. Anat. Rec. 306: 2415-2424.
  • Mathou, A., X. Bonnet, K. Daoues, R. Ksas and A. Herrel (2023) Evolutionary convergence of muscle architecture in relation to locomotor ecology in snakes. J. Anat. 242: 862-871.
  • Padilla, P., A. Herrel and M. Denoël (2023) May future climate change promote the invasion of the marsh frog? An integrative thermo-physiological study. Oecologia 202: 227-238.
  • Padilla, P., A. Herrel and M. Denoël (2023) What makes a great invader? Anatomical traits as predictors of locomotor performance and metabolic rate in an invasive frog. J. Exp. Biol. 226: jeb246717.
  • Roscian, M., L. Souquet, A. Herrel, T. Uyeno, D. Adriaens, B. De Kegel and I rouget (2023) Comparative anatomy and functional implications of variation in the buccal mass in coleoids. J. Morphol. 284: e21595.
  • Rothier, P.S., A-C. Fabre, J. Clavel, R.B.J. Benson and A. Herrel (2023) Mammalian forelimb evolution is driven by a uneven proximal-to-distal morphological diversity. eLife 12: e81492.
  • Saulnier Masson, R., K. Daoues, J. Measey and A. Herrel (2023) The evolution of bite force and head morphology in scincid lizards: diet and habitat use as possible drivers. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 140: 58-73.
  • Segall, M., C. Houssin, A. Delapré, R. Cornette, A. Herrel, J. Milgram, R. Shahar and M. Dumont (2023) Armed to the teeth: the underestimated diversity in tooth shape in snakes and its relation to feeding behavior and diet. Ecol. Evol. 13: e10011.
  • Segall, M., A. Palci, P. Skipwith and A. Herrel (2023) Evolution of the form and function of the head of snakes. In: Snakes: Morphology, Function, and Ecology (D. Penning Ed.), Pp. 1-70. Nova Publishers.
  • Simon, M., P.S. Rothier, C.M. Donihue, A. Herrel and J.J. Kolbe (2023) Can extreme climatic events induce shifts in adaptive potential? Conceptual framework and empirical test. J. Evol. Biol. 36: 195-208.
  • Sivault, E., K. McConkey, F. Bretagnolle, A. Sengupta, J. Lambert*, E. Heymann*, A. Herrel* and P.-M. Forget* (2023) Can body mass and skull morphology predict seed and fruit ingestion potential for mammal species? A test using extant species and its application to extinct species. Funct. Ecol. 37: 1504-1515. * co-last authors.
  • Souquet, L., O. Basuyaux, G. Guichard, A. Herrel, I. Rouget, S. Evans and M. Moazen (2023) The growth of the buccal mass in Sepia officinalis: functional changes throughout ontogeny. Mar. Biol. 170: 82.
  • Stin, V., R. Godoy-Diana, X. Bonnet and A. Herrel (2023) Measuring the 3D wake of swimming snakes (Natrix tessellata) using volumetric particle image velocimetry. J. Exp. Biol. 226, jeb245929.
  • Tan, W.C., A. Herrel and D. Rödder (2023) A global analysis of habitat fragmentation research in reptile and amphibian: What have we done so far? Biodiv. Conserv. 32: 439-468.
  • Taverne, M., P.J. Watson, H. Dutel, R. Boistel, D. Lisicic, Z. Tadic, A-C. Fabre, M.J. Fagan and A. Herrel (2023) Form function relationships as drivers of dietary change in a lizard. Proc. R. Soc. B 290: 20230582.
  • van der Meijden, A., J.C. Gonzalez-Gomez, M.D. Pulido-Osorio and A. Herrel (2023) Measurement of voluntary bite forces in large carnivores using a semi-automated reward-driven system. J. Exp. Biol. 226: jeb245255.
  • White, H.E., A.S. Tucker, V. Fernandez, R. Portela Miguez, L. Hautier, A. Herrel, D.J. Urban, K.E. Sears and A. Goswami (2023) Paedomorphosis in the ancestry of marsupial mammals. Curr. Biol. 33: 2136-2150.
  • Aléssio, F. and A. Herrel (2024) How does a lizard eat spaghetti? The predation on an amphisbaenian by Peter's Lava Lizard Tropidurus hispidus (Spix, 1805) in Northeastern Brazil. Herpetol. Notes 17: 703-707.
  • Anelli, V., M. Bars-Closel, A. Herrel and T. Kohlsdorf (2024) Different selection regimes explain morphological evolution in fossorial lizards. Funct. Ecol. 38: 1250-1264.
  • Ballell Mayoral, A., H. Dutel, M. Fabbri, E. Martin-Silverstone, A. Kersley, C. Hammond, A. Herrel and E. Rayfield (2024) Ecological drivers of jaw morphological evolution in lepidosaurs. Proc. R. Soc. B. 291: 20242052.
  • Bettencourt-Amarante, S., R. Furet, R. Abensur and A. Herrel (2024) Does habitat modification impact morphology, performance, and inflammatory responses in an amphibian with limited dispersal capacity (Lisssotriton helveticus)? Ecol. Evol. 14: e70114.
  • Dearden, R.P., A. Herrel and A. Pradel (2024) The pharynx of the iconic stem-group chondrichthyan Acanthodes (Agassiz, 1833) revisited with micro computed tomography. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 202: zlae058.
  • Dumont, M., A. Herrel, J. Courant, P. Padilla, R. Shahar and J. Milgram (2024) Femoral bone structure and mechanics at the edge and core of an expanding population of an invasive frog, Xenopus laevis. J. Exp. Biol. 227: jeb246419.
  • Evans, B.J., V. Gvoždík, M. Knytl, C.M.S. Cauret, A. Herrel, E. Greenbaum, J. Patel, T. Papenfuss and J. Measey (2024) Rapid sex chromosome turnover in African clawed frogs (Xenopus) provides insights into the origins of new sex chromosomes. Mol. Biol. Evol. 41: msae234.
  • Fosseries, G., A. Herrel, R. Godoy Diana, N. Vidal, P. Gaucher, M. Traimond, A. Joris, K. Daoues, A. Gouygou, O. Chateau, H. Gossuin, P. Banzept, C. Banzept, D. Lefebvre, X. Bonnet (2024) Can All Snakes Swim? A review of the evidence and testing species across phylogeny and morphological diversity. Zoology 167: 126223.
  • Georgalis, G.L., K.T. Smith, L. Marivaux, A. Herrel, E. Essid, W. Marzougui, R. Temani and R. Tabuce (2024) A new giant trogonophiid amphisbaenian (Squamata) with extreme dental adaptations from the Eocene of Chambi, Tunisia. Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 202: zlae133.
  • Gutjahr, R., L. Kéver, T. Jonsson, D. Talamantes Ontiveros, B.P. Chagnaud and A. Herrel (2024) Gekko gecko as a model organism for understanding aspects of laryngeal vocal evolution. J. Exp. Biol. 227: jeb247452.
  • Herrel, A. Y. Locatelli, K. Ortiz, J-C. Theil, R. Cornette and T. Cucchi (2024) Cranial muscle architecture in wild boar: does captivity drive ontogenetic trajectories? J. Morphol. 285: e21676.
  • Herrel, A., J.M. Taft, D.C. Main, J.M. da Silva and K.A. Tolley (2024) Branching out: Perch diameter and orientation affect pull strength in chameleons (Genus: Bradypodion). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 143: blae003.
  • Heude, E., H. Dutel, F. Sanchez-Garrido, K. Prummel, F. Lam, C. Mosimann, A. Herrel and S. Tajbakhsh (2024) Exaptation of neck muscles supported the water-to-land transition. Nat. Comm. 15: 10564.
  • Maliuk, A., A. Marghoub, C.J.A. Williams, E. Stanley, L. Kéver, M. Vickaryous, A. Herrel, S.E. Evans and M. Moazen (2024) Comparative analysis of the osteoderms across the lizard body. Anat. Rec. 307: 3191-3203.
  • Mensah, J.B. P-M. Forget, É. Guilbert, A. Herrel, B.Y. Ofori and A. Naas (2024) Night life: Positional behaviors and activity patterns of the Neotropical Kinkajou, Potos flavus (Carnivora, Procyonidae). J. Zool. 324: 231-243.
  • Oliveira, T.G., L. Araspin, C.A. Navas and A. Herrel (2024) Impacts of a simulated infection on the locomotor behavior of invasive and non-invasive species of congeneric anurans. Ecol. Evol. Physiol. 97: 71-80.
  • Padilla, P., A. Herrel and M. Denoël (2024) Invading new climates at which cost? Ontogenetic differences in the thermal dependence of metabolic rate in an invasive amphibian. J. Therm. Biol. 121: 103836.
  • Petford, M.A., A. Herrel, G.J. Alexander and K.A. Tolley (2024) Differences between urban and natural populations of dwarf chameleons (Bradypodion damaranum): a case of urban warfare? Urban Ecosystems 27: 577-589.
  • Parmentier, E., A. Herrel, M. Banse, H. Hornstra, F. Bertucci and D. Lecchini (2024) Diving into dual functionality: swim bladder muscles in Lionfish for buoyancy and sonic capabilities. J. Anat. 244: 249-259.
  • Rothier, P., A-C. Fabre, R. Benson, Q. Martinez, P-H. Fabre, B. Hedrick and A. Herrel (2024) Of flippers and wings: the locomotor environment as a driver of the evolution of forelimb morphological diversity in mammals. Funct. Ecol. 38: 2231-2246.
  • Sabolic, I., Ó. Mira, D.Y.C. Brandt, D. Lisicic, J. Stapley, M. Novosolov, R. Bakaric, I. Cizelj, M. Glogoški, T. Hudina, M. Taverne, M.E. Allentoft, R. Nielsen, A. Herrel and A. Štambuk (2024) Plastic and genomic change of a newly established lizard population following a founder event. Mol. Ecol. 33: e17255.
  • Souquet, L., M. Roscian, J. Andreoletti, R. Cornette, H. Dutel, I. Kruta, N. Landman, A. Herrel and I. Rouget (2024) Nautilid beaks: unsuspected disparity and palaeoecological interpretation. Lethaia 57: 1-19.
  • Stin, V., R. Godoy-Diana, X. Bonnet and A. Herrel (2024) Form and function of anguilliform swimming: A review. Biol. Rev. 99: 2190-2210.
  • Takesh, M., N. Rastegar-Pouyani, A. Gharzi and A. Herrel (2024) On the historical biogeography of the subfamily Uromastycinae: how did Saara achieve its eastern range. Iran. J. Anim. Biosyst. 20:23-34.
  • Wang, S., M. Didziokas, M. Roscian, S. Evans, I. Rouget, A. Herrel, M. Moazen and L. Souquet (2024) A comparative analysis of cephalopod beaks rostrum puncture abilities using engineering tools. Marine Biol. 171: 131.
  • Baeckens, S., J. Martín, P. Pafilis, A. Herrel and C. Donihue (2025) Temporal dynamics of scent mark composition in field-experimental lizard populations. Funct. Ecol. 39: 154-164.
  • Ebel, R., A. Herrel, T.M. Scheyer and S. Keogh (2025) Review of osteoderm function and future research directions. J. Zool. 325: 1-24.
  • Harrison S.L., G.P. Sutton, A. Herrel & D.C. Deeming (2025) Estimated and in vivo measurements of bite force demonstrate exceptionally large bite forces in parrots (Psittaciformes). J. Anat. 246: 299-315.
  • Herrel, A., J-C. Theil, L. Faure, F. Druelle and G. Berillon (2025) Age- and size-related changes in hind limb muscles in two baboon species (Papio anubis and P. papio). J. Anat. 246: 108-119.
  • Toyama, K.S., J.B. Losos, A. Herrel and D. L. Mahler (2025) Sexual size dimorphism as a determinant of fighting performance dimorphism in Anolis lizards. J. Evol. Biol. 38: 251-260.

    In press

  • Bettencourt-Amarante, S., R. Abensur, R. Furet, C. Ragon and A. Herrel (in press) Do human-induced habitat changes impact the morphology of a common amphibian, Bufo bufo?. Urban Ecosyst.
  • Birkedal, H., A. Rodriguez-Palomo, M.S.B. Jacobsen, T.E.K. Christensen, M.R.V. Jørgensen, I. Kantor, G. Willan, A. Herrel, A. Marghoub, M. Moazen, S. Evans, M. Vickaryous, C.J.A. Williams (accepted pending revision) Enamel-like stiffness achieved by poorly oriented nanocrystals in the capping tissue of Mexican beaded lizard osteoderms. Acta Biomat.
  • Brassard, C., L. Wertani, A. Herrel and H. Jerbi (in press) Variability of jaw muscles in Tunisian street dogs and adaptation to skull shape. Anat. Rec.
  • Clarac,, F. A. Sanchez-Gimeno, A. Quilhac, A. Herrel, Q. Grimmal and A. Pradel (in press) An integrative model of chimera jaw links mechanical stress to localized cartilage mineralization. C.R. Palevol.
  • Naas, A., J.B. Mensah, P-M. Forget, E. Guilbert and A. Herrel (accepted pending revision) Tails in Action: comparative analysis of the use of the prehensile tail and substrates in Alouatta macconnelli, Sapajus apella and Potos flavus. Am. J. Primatol.
  • Oliveira, T.G., C.A. Navas and A. Herrel (in press) Impacts of immune system activation on locomotor behavior of male and female anurans of the species Xenopus laevis. Herpetol. Jnl.
  • Simon, M.N. E.A. Courtois, A. Herrel, and D.S. Moen (in press) Macroevolutionary divergence along allometric lines of least resistance in frog hindlimb traits and its effect on locomotor evolution. Am. Nat.
  • Vicent-Castelló, P., A. Herrel, D.J. Harris and A. Kaliontzopoulou (in press) Walking or hanging: the role of habitat use for body shape evolution in lacertid lizards. J. Evol. Biol.

    Editor for

  • Journal of Zoology (Editor)
  • The Herpetological Journal (Associate)
  • Functional Ecology (Associate)
  • Zookeys (Branch editor: Functional anatomy of reptiles and amphibians)
  • Editorial board member, Journal of Morphology
  • Editorial advisory board member, Zoology

    Professional affiliations

  • Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB)
  • International Society of Vertebrate Morphology (ISVM)
  • Society for Experimental Biology (SEB)
  • American Society of Ichtyologists and Herpetologists (ASIH)
  • Societas Europea Herpetologica (SEH)
  • Royal Belgian Zoological Society (KBVD/SRZB)

    Organisation of symposia (21)

  • Organisation of a symposium at the 2001 annual SICB meeting, with M. Alfaro: Motor control of vertebrate feeding: function and evolution. Chicago 03-07/01/2001.
  • Organisation of a symposium at the 2004 annual meeting of the SEB, with T. Speck and N. Rowe: Ecology and Biomechanics. Edinburgh.
  • Organisation of a symposium at the 7th International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology, with A. Gibb: Ontogeny of performance in Vertebrates. Boca Raton, Florida 27/07-01/08/2004.
  • Organisation of a symposium at the 2006 annual meeting of the SEB, with G. Askew: Scaling and Biomechanics. Canterbury.
  • Organisation of a symposium at the 2007 annual SICB meeting, with S. Vincent and S. Lailvaux: Ecological dimorphisms in vertebrates: proximate and ultimate causes. Phoenix, Arizona 03-07/01/2007.
  • Organisation of a symposium at the 8th ICVM, with D. Adriaens: Functional consequences of extreme adaptations of the trophic apparatus in craniates. Paris, France 16-21/07/2007.
  • Organisation of a symposium at the 8th ICVM, with D. Carrier and K. Lappin: Tooth and Claw: The Evolutionary and Functional Morphology of Aggression. Paris, France 16-21/07/2007.
  • Organisation of a symposium at the 7th ICCPB, with T. Kohlsdorf: Biomechanical adaptations and ecological diversity in vertebrates. Salavador, Brazil 12-16/08/2007.
  • Organisation of the 2009 Anolis symposium at Harvard University, with J. Losos and L. Mahler. MCZ, Cambridge, USA 2-4/10/2009.
  • Organisation of a symposium at the 9th ICVM, with V. Abdala: Grasping in tetrapods: origins, variation and evolution. Punta Del Este, Uruguay 26-31/07/2010.
  • Organisation of the 5th international meeting on Cranio-Cervical Systems, with V. Bels. Paris, July 5-8, 2011.
  • Organisation of a symposium at the XXIV Congress of the international Primatology Society: Origins and evolution of grasping in primates: what can we learn from other tetrapods?, with E. Pouydebat. Cancun, Mexico, 12-17 August 2012.
  • Organisation of a symposium at the 2013 International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology: Sticks, stones, and slopes: The link between substrate characteristics, morphology, and biomechanics, with T. Higham. Barcelona, Spain, 8-12 July 2013.
  • Co-organiser of a symposium entitled 'Epigenetics in ecology and evolution'. Gif Sur Yvette, France, 3-4 December 2013.
  • Co-organiser of a symposium at the 12th International Congress of Zooarcheology: Zooarcheology and evolutionary biology: goals, challenges and prospects in conciliating two different disciplinary fields. With A. Tresset, T. Cucchi and S. Renaud. San Rafael, Argentina. 22-27 September 2014.
  • Co-organiser of a symposium entitled 'The evolution of reptiles on islands: Patterns and processes' at the 8th World Congress of Herpetology. With C. Corti (U. Firenze). Hangzhou, China, August 15-21, 2016.
  • Co-organiser of a symposium entitled 'The biology of native and invasive populations of Xenopus laevis'at the 8th World Congress of Herpetology. With J. Measey (Stellenbosch University) and D. Rödder (Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig). Hangzhou, China, August 15-21, 2016.
  • Co-organiser of a symposium entitled 'Prehensile systems in vertebrates: form, function and bio-inspired design' at the 12th ICVM. With D. Adriaens (Ghent University). Prague, July 21-25, 2019.
  • Co-organiser of a symposium on island biology at the 20th European Congress of Herpetology. With C. Corti (U. firenze) and R. Van Damme (U. Antwerp). Milan, September 2-6, 2019.
  • Co-organiser of a symposium at the annual meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology. With C. Williams (Aarhus University) and M. Vickaryous (U. of Guelph). Montpellier, July 5-8, 2022.
  • Co-organiser of a symposium at the International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology 'Symposium in Honor of Sue Herring: A Giant in Her Field'. With R. German (NEOMED, Ohio) and R. Druzinsky (U. Illinois, Chicago). Cairns Australia 28/07-01/08 2023.

    Invited presentations (101)

    1998-2000 (5)
  • Invited seminar at the Rijksuniversiteit Leiden: Herbivorie bij hagedissen, een funktioneel morfologische studie. April 1998; Invited presentation at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology: Lizard jaw and hyolingual motor patterns, how stereotyped are they ? York, UK 23-26/03/1998; Departmental seminar at Northern Arizona University. Evolution of the motor control of feeding in lizards. June 1999; Invited presentation for the University of Massachussetts herpetology and ichthylogy group. Bite performance in lizards: ecological correlates. October 1999; Invited presentation at the 5th annual symposium of the 'Vereniging voor Kinesiologie': Motor controle van de voedselopname bij hagedissen. Antwerpen, 6/12/2000.

    2001-2005 (10)
  • Departmental seminar at Tulane University. The evolution of herbivory in lizards: jaws, plants and micro-organisms. October 19, 2001; Invited presentation at the J. Exp. Biol. Satelite meeting on specialised muscle (34th International Congress of Physiological Sciences). Producing tension with extreme elongation. 01-03/09/2001. Wollongong Australia; Departmental seminar at Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, Florida. Insights into adaptive trophic radiations in vertebrates: a functional approach. February 25, 2002; Departmental seminar at Southern Louisiana University, Hammond Louisiana. Tongue power: the evolution of extreme specialisation in chameleons. March 15, 2002; Departmental seminar at the University of California, Irvine, California. Bats, bugs and bite forces: ecomorphological insights into the adaptive radiation of feeding systems in bat communities. May 5, 2002; Departmental seminar at SUNY, Stony Brook. Tongue power. September, 2002; Departmental seminar at University of Louisiana, Lafayette. Oral flex. September 19, 2002; Departmental seminar at the University of Wuerzburg, Germany. Tongue power: adhesive mechanisms and mechanics of prey prehension of lizard tongues. November 18, 2004; Departmental seminar at the University of Tuebingen, Germany. Are complex integrated systems constrained in evolution ? A case study on the cranial system in Anolis lizards. October 19, 2005; Departmental seminar at the University of Chicago, USA. Constraints on cranial design, and evolution of bite force capacity in bats. November 3, 2005.

    2006-2010 (33)
  • Departmental seminar at the University of Tuebingen, Germany. Do functional trade-offs drive evolutionary diversification in Darwin's finches? May 17, 2006; Departmental seminar at the Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. Do functional trade-offs drive evolutionary diversification in Darwin's finches? October 20, 2006; Departmental seminar at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Evolution of colour polymorphism in the Dalmatian wall lizard, Podarcis melisellensis. December 14, 2006; Departmental seminar at the Charles University Prague, Czech Republic. The evolution of cranial design in lepidosaurians. December 19, 2006; Invited presentation at the 2007 annual SICB meeting. Phoenix, Arizona. The evolution of cranial design and performance in lepidosaurians: consequences of skull bone reduction on feeding behavior. 03-07/01/2007; Departmental seminar at the University of Leuven, Belgium. Do functional trade-offs constrain or enhance rapid adaptive radiations? March 9, 2007; Departmental seminar at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Do functional trade-offs drive evolutionary diversification in Darwin's finches? March 28, 2007; Invited presentation at the 2007 annual SEB meeting. Glasgow, U.K. Morphological and biomechanical correlates of differences in arboreal locomotor performance and substrate use in Anolis lizards. 02/04/2007; Departmental seminar at the University of Chicago, USA. 11/05/2007; Functional morphology seminar, Brown University, USA. 22/05/2007; Invited presentation at the 2007 DZG annual meeting, Koln, Germany. 21-24/09/2007; Invited presentation at the VIII Congreso Argentino de Herpetología. Cordoba, Argentina. 13-16/11/2007; Invited seminar Max Planck Institute for Ornithology. 6/12/2007; Invited presentation at the 2008 annual SICB meeting. San Antonio, Texas. Electromyography and the evolution of motor control: insights and limitations. 02-06/01/2008; Departmental seminar, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 05/02/2008; Concord Field Station Seminar, Harvard University. 26/02/2008; Ohio University Departmental seminar. 23/04/2008; Invited presentation at the 6th World Congress of Herpetology. In symposium: Ecophysiology of reptiles. Manaus, Brazil. 17-22/08/2008; Invited presentation at the 9th Conference of the Herpetological Association of Africa. Sterkfontein, Free State, South Africa. 26-30/11/2008; Functional Morphology seminar at SUNY Stony Brook. 9/12/2008; Ecology and Evolution seminar at Toulouse University. 27/01/2009; Invited presentation at 'Evolution the experience' (Darwin bicentennial celebration). Melbourne, Australia. 8-13/02/2009; Ecology and Evolution seminar at Victoria University, Wellington (New Zealand): Island conservatism and mainland liberalism: why are mainland anoles different? 06/03/2009; Ecology and Evolution seminar at the Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris: Rapid evolutionary divergence in morphology and performance after the colonization of new environments in lizards. 24/04/2009; Departmental seminar at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Rapid evolutionary divergence after the colonization of new environments. 04/06/2009; Invited presentation at the 17th International Congress of the federation of the Associations of Anatomists. In Symposium: Evolutionary morphology of the head and neck regions in vertebrates – structures, transformations and functions. Cape Town, South-Africa, 16-19/08/2009; Invited presentation at International Ethological Conference. In Symposium: Integrative approach of locomotion: from neuroethology to behavioural ecology. Rennes, 19-23/08/2009; Invited seminar at the University of Munchen. 26/10/2009; Departmental seminar at Ohio University. 10/11/2009; Invited presentation at the Société géologique de France: symposium on Fossiles, évolution, sélection naturelle: aspects historiques et résonances actuelles du darwinisme. 24/11/2009; Departmental seminar at the University of Zagreb, Croatia. Leaping through evolution: the origin and evolution of the frog bauplan and its evolutionary significance. 11/03/2010; Invited presentation at the Simulation of Adaptive Behavior workshop, Paris. 24/08/2010; Plenary lecture at the 17th Benelux Congress of Zoology, Ghent, Belgium. The age of aquarius and the revival of morphology as a key discipline in evolutionary biology. 23/10/2010.

    2011-2015 (26)
  • Invited symposium presentation (The Biomechanics and Behavior of Gliding Flight) at the 2011 annual SICB meeting. The evolution of the vestibular system and controlled aerial descent in non-specialized arboreal lizards. Salt Lake City, Utah. 03-07/01/2011; Invited presentation at the FdV Students Workshop: From molecules to Ecosystems. Center for Interdisciplinary Reserach, Faculte de Medecine Cochin Port Royal. Functional approaches and the adaptive nature of radiations. Paris, France. 18/02/2011; Invited presentation at the Paris Interdisciplinary PhD Symposium (PIPS), Paris. twin talk with Dr. Otger Campas: On the origin and evolution of the beak shape in Darwin’s finches. Paris, France. 13/06/2011; Invited symposium presentation (Aspects of biology, ecology and evolution of Laonastes aenigmamus (Rodentia, Diatomyidae) at the 6th European Congress of Mammalogy, Paris; The masticatory system in Laonastes aenigmamus: function and development. Paris, France. 23/07/2011; Invited seminar at the Pontifica Universidad Catolica de Quito. The beak of the finch: develeopment, function and evolution. Quito, Ecuador. 11/08/2011; Invited seminar at the University of Liverpool. The beak of the finch: shape, development and evolution. Liverpool, UK. 14/12/2011; Invited seminar at the Royal Vetirinary College, London. The beak of the finch: shape, development and evolution. London, UK. 16/12/2011; Invited seminar at the Universite Paris-Sud, Orsay. The beak of the finch: shape, development and evolution. Paris, France. 10/01/2012; Invited presentation at the 7eme symposium de morphometrie et evolution des formes. Lyon, France. 25/05/2012; Invited presentation at 'Living machines' - the international conference on biomemetic and biohybrid systems. In workshop: Of Tongues, Trunks and Tentacles, Muscular Hydrostats and Soft Robotics. Barcelona, Spain. 2-12/07/2012; Invited presentation at the 24th Congress of the International Primatology Society. Frog forelimb function and the origin of precision grasping in primates. Cancun, Mexico. 12-17/08/2012; Invited presentation at the 7th World Congress of Herpetology. In symposium on 'Advances in caecilian Biology'. Does substrate usage constrain locomotor and feeding function in caecilians? Vancouver, Canada. 8-14/08/2012; Invited presentation at the 7th World Congress of Herpetology. In symposium on 'Amphibian Adaptations and Environment: Interplay Between Physiology and Behavior'. Vancouver, Canada. 8-14/08/2012; Seminario Especial de Ciencias Biologicas at the Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia. 21/02/2013; Plenary lecture at the VI Congresso Brasileiro de Herpetologia. Salvador de Bahia, 22-26/07/2013; Invited presentation at the symposium Evolution: Present and Future. Paris, 28-29/11/2013; Seminar at the Museum für Naturkunde, Leibniz-Institut für Evolutions- und Biodiversitätsforschung an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. Berlin, 9/12/2013; Séminaire UMRs 7205/7138, MNHN. Paris, 28/01/2014; EvoMorph Seminar. Ghent University, Belgium. Ghent, 07/02/2014; Seminaire du laboratoire PMMH at the ESPCI, Paris, 14/03/2014; Departmental Seminar at Harvard University. Cambridge, 9/04/2014; Departmental Seminar at Universidad ICESI, Cali, Colombia, 2/09/2014; Darwin lecture - invited seminar at Ohio University. Athens, Ohio, USA, 26/02/2015; Physiological Biology of Organisms (PBO) seminar. Duke University. 11/03/2015; Plenary speaker at the 18th European Congress of Herpetology. Wraclaw, Poland, 7-12/09/2015; Plenary speaker at the 12th Croatian Biological Congress. Sveti Martin na Muri, Croatia, 18-23/09/2015.

    2016-2020 (18)
  • Invited speaker at the symposium on 'A bigger picture: Organismal function at the nexus of development, ecology, and evolution' SICB annual meeting 02-06/01/2016, Portland, Oregon, USA. Do adult phenotypes reflect selection on juvenile performance? A comparative study on bite force and head morphology in lizards; Departmental Seminar, Berlin 8/04/2016, Evolutionary drivers of bite force and cranial morphology in mammals: a review; Invited speaker at the symposium 'Moving to feeding: Applying muscle-mechanics principles from limb to feeding systems'. Annual meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology. July 4-7 2016, Brighton, U.K.; Invited speaker at the symposium 'How lizards turn into snakes: Combining fossils, phylogeny, function, genetics, development, morphology, and ecology'. 8th World Congress of Herpetology. Hangzhou, China, August 15-21, 2016; Invited poster presentation at the 50th Anniversary Celebration of the Duke Lemur Center 21-23/09/2016; Invited speaker at the symposium 'Ecomorphology and functional anatomy in vertebrate palaeontology' 15th Anual Meeting of the association of European veretebrate paleontologists. August 1-3 2017, Munich, DE. Form, function and evolution: Inferences of cranial function through biomechanical modeling; Invited speaker in the symposium on 'Biomechanics and climate change' at the Annual meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology 3-6/07/2018, Firenze, Italy; Departmental Seminar, Université de Bourgogne, Dijon, France 12/10/2018, Islands as model systems for evolutionary biology: Anolis lizards in the Caribbean; Departmental Seminar, Koret School of Veterinary Medecine, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Rehovot, Israel, 12/10/2018, Islands as model systems for evolutionary biology; Invited speaker at the thematic workshop on 'physics in multi-scale biological systems'. CRI, Paris, 11/04/209. The evolution of form and function in nature: bite force, cranial design and feeding ecology in vertebrates; Invited speaker in the symposium on 'Island reptiles: The rich diversity of continental islands' at the 3rd International conference on Island Biology 8-13/07/2018, La Réunion. The evolution of an island phenotype: results from an experimental introduction experiment; Invited speaker at the Satellite Symposium of the 112th Annual Meeting of the German Zoological Society (DZG): Form and Function of motion systems: new approaches, new opportunities, new challenges. Jena, Germany, 9-10/09/2019; Invited speaker at the Vth International Congress on Biodiversity: Taxonomy, Speciation and Euro-Mediterranean Biodiversity, Sofia, Bulgaria, 11/10/2019-13/10/2019. Drivers of phenotypic variation in insular Mediterranean lizards; Invited speaker at the workshop Musées et connaissances traditionnelles: Titiller le protocole de Nagoya, Toulouse, France, 28-29/11/2019. Que contractualiser : une connaissance, une potentialité, un développement méthodologique...? Point de vue d’un chercheur. Invited speaker in the symposium Applied functional Biology: linking ecological morphology to conservation and management. Austin, TX, 06/01/2020. Rapid local adaptations in an invasive frog (Xenopus laevis): the importance of functional trait measurements to predict future invasions. Departmental Seminar at Lund University 05/03/2020. Islands as model systems for evolutionary biology: the radiation of Anolis lizards. Departmental Seminar at the University of Antwerp 10/12/2020. Island evolution revisited: from pattern to process. Invited speaker at the 2020 Annual meeting of the GDR BIOMIM (Nice) 13-14/10/2020. Functional morphology, limbless locomotion and bio-inspired robotics.

    2021-2025 (14)
  • Invited speaker at the 2021 meeting 'Ingénierie inspirée par la nature' (INSIS, CNRS - online) 21-22/06/2021. The evolution of vertebrate form and function as inspiration for robotics: limitations and opportunities. Invited seminar for 'The mathematical laws of morphology and biomechanics' (online) 29/03/2022. Non-linear relationships btween form and function and the evolution of ecological diversity. Invited plenary speaker at the annual meeting of the German Zoological Society. Bonn, Germany 12-17/09/2021. Invited seminar at Dijon University. Dijon, France 14/10/2022. The evolution of island phenotypes: results from an experimental introduction experiment. Invited speaker in the symposium 'The integumentary skeleton: evolution, development, biomechanics and bioinspiration. ICVM13, Cairns, Australia, 31/07/2023. Form and function of lizard cranial osteoderms. Invited speaker for the annual meeting of the GDR BIOMIM 'Mouvement Animal et Humain, Biomécanique, Biorobotique, Biomimétisme' Toulouse, 23-24/11/2023. La locomotion des serpents : pourquoi autant de redondance dans les systèmes vivants et sont-ils de bons modèles pour la robotique ? Departmental seminar at the University of Graz, Austria, 6/12/2023. The evolution of island phenotypes: results from an experimental introduction experiment. Departmental seminar at the Universty of Bern, Switzerland, 12/03/2024. The evolution of lizards on islands. Departmental seminar at the University of Tulsa (OK), U.S.A., 19/04/2024 Bite club redux: the ecological relevance and evolution of bite force in vertebrates. Invited speaker in the “neuromechanics of locomotion” workshop in Champery, Switzerland, May 6-8, 2024; Coordination of musculo-skeletal systems during locomotion in vertebrates: opportunities and challenges. Invited speaker in the symposium 'Functional Morphology of Amphibians and Reptiles: New Theory and Technology in the Post-Gans Era'. 2024 meeting of the Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, Ann-Arbor, Michigan, 27–30/06/2024. Invited speaker in the symposium 'Biology of subterranean amphibians and reptiles'. 2024 World Congress of Herpetology, Kuching, Malaysia, 5-9/08/2024. Departmental seminar at University College London, U.K., 16/01/2025. Depertmental seminar Institut des neurosciences, Université Paris-Saclay, France, 07/02/2025.

    Reviewer for (95 journals)

    Acta Chiropterologica, Acta Herpetologica, Acta Oecologia, Acta Zoologica, African Journal of Herpetology, American Journal of Physical Anthropology, American Naturalist, American Midland Naturalist, Amphibia-Reptilia, Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia, Anatomical Record, Animal Behavior, Animal Biology (formerly Netherlands Journal of Zoology), Annales Zoologici Fennici, Aquaculture International, Archives of Oral Biology, Australian Journal of Zoology, Behaviour, Belgian Journal of Zoology, Bioacoustics, Biological Invasions, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, The Biological Bulletin, Biology Letters, Biotropica, BMC, Evolutionary Biology, Brain Research, Canadian Journal of Zoology, Chemoecology, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Computers in Biology and Medecine, Contributions to Zoology, Copeia, Current Biology, Ecology Letters, Emu: Austral Ornithology, E-Life, Evolution, Evolution and Development, Evolutionary Ecology, Experimental Gerontology, Frontiers in Zoology, Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, Functional Ecology, Global Ecology and Biogeography, Heliyon, Herpetologica, Herpetological Journal, Integrative Organismal Biology, Integrative Zoology, Journal of Animal Ecology, Journal of Arid Environments, Journal of Biogeography, Journal of Comparative Physiology A, Journal of Comparative Physiology B, Journal of Experimental Biology, Journal of Field Ornithology, Journal of Herpetology, Journal of King Saud University (Science), Journal of Mammalogy, Journal of Marine Biology, Journal of mechanics in medecine and Biology, Journal of Morphology, Journal of Orthoptera Research, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Journal of thermal Biology, Journal of Zoology, Mammal Review, Marine Biology, Mertensiella, Nature, Nature Communications, Nature Science Reports, Naturwissenschaften, Oecologia, Pakistan Journal of Zoology, Paleobiology, PeerJ, Physiology and Behavior, Physiological and Biochemical Zoology, PLOSOne, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings of the Royal Society, London B, Proceedings of the Royal Society Interface, Royal Society Open Science, South African Journal of Herpetology, Systematic Biology, The Innovation Geoscience, Tropical Conservation Science, Veterinary Sciences, Zoologischer Anzeiger, Zoology, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, Zoological Science.

    Grant reviewer (25)

  • Agence National de Recherche, France (ANR); 2014, 2023, 2024.
  • Australian Research Council, Australia (ARC); 2015, 2020, 2021.
  • BBSRC; 2018, 2023.
  • Cifre - Nouvelle Aquitaine, 2023.
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG); 2013, 2014, 2020, 2021.
  • European Research Council (ERC), consolidator grants - LS8; 2018.
  • European Commission HORIZON-MSCA; 2024.
  • Estonian Research Council, Estonia
  • Human Frontier Science Program; 2019, 2022.
  • Kiel Training fro Excellence (KITE) postdoctoral fellowships; 2023-2024.
  • Leakey Foundation; 2024.
  • Natural Environment Research Council, U.K. (NERC); 2018, 2019.
  • National Geographic Society (NGS); 2002, 2012
  • National Research Foundation, South Africa; 2024.
  • National Science Foundation, USA (NSF); 2001-2010, 2011, 2013, 2020.
  • National Science Center, Poland; 2020.
  • Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, the Netherlands (NWO); 2019.
  • Réseau de recherche sur le développement soutenable (R2DS) - région Ile-de-France
  • Recherche et Plateformesen Nouvelle Aquitaine; 2024.
  • Romanian Research Foundation, Romania; 2011.
  • The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNF), Switzerland; 2019, 2020, 2021, 2024.
  • The Leverhulme Trust (Research Project Grant)
  • The Royal Society, U.K. (University Research Fellowship scheme and Newton international fellowships); 2013-2014.
  • United States - Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), 2022


    University of Antwerp

  • Labs 'Form and Function' section Embryology, University of Antwerp
  • Labs 'Form and Function' section Cranial morphology, University of Antwerp
  • Labs Topics in Phylogenetic systematics', University of Antwerp
  • Seminar 'Form and Function' Feeding in lower tetrapods, University of Antwerp
  • Guest lecturer 'Form and Function' sections on limbless locomotion, cranial morphology, and the axial system, University of Antwerp

    Short courses

  • Centro de Biodiversidad y Genetica. Universidad Mayor de San Simon, Cochabamba Bolivia. Short course in ecomorphology
  • Instituto Miguel Lillo UNT, Tucuman, Argentina. Functional and ecological morphology and the study of adaptation. 2007.
  • UNESP, Rio Claro, Brazil. Short course in ecophysiology. 2008.
  • Advanced 1 week course on 'Functional morphology: evolution of form and function from individuals to species' at the CIBIO, Porto, Portugal. 2017, 2019

    Guest lectures

  • Guest lecturer Herpetology, Harvard University, USA. Limbless locomotion & Feeding biomechanics. 2008, 2014.
  • Guest lecturer master ‘Rééducation et ingénierie médicale’ (RIM), UPMC, structures en mouvement: évolution et adaptation des vertébrés (responsable V. Bels). 2010.
  • Guest lecturer master 2, MNHN (SEP30): Morphologie fonctionnelle : mouvements. 2010.
  • Guest lecturer master 1, MNHN (SEP14): Anatomie Comparée (Ostéologie des Vertébrés). 2011, 2014.
  • Online Master Herpetologist Program, lectures on 'Feeding biomechanics' (1.5h) and 'Limbless locomotion' (1.5h).
  • Institut de formation en Masso Kinésithérapie de l’Est Francilien, Comparaison différentes bipédies humaines évolution et diversité (UE12A). 2021, 2022, 2023.
  • International course on Evolutionary Paleobiology - 2022, 2023 (2h). ENS, Lyon, France.

    Master MNHN

  • Lecturer master 1, MNHN (SEP- NU937): Bases de morphologie fonctionnelle; TP: Comparaison de l'appareil masticateur des herbivores et des carnivores. yearly.
  • Lecturer master 1, MNHN (SEP- NU937): Bases de morphologie fonctionnelle; TP: Electromyographie. yearly.
  • Lecturer master 1, MNHN (SEP- NU937): Bases de morphologie fonctionnelle; TP: Ecomorphologie. yearly.
  • Lecturer master 1, MNHN (SEP- NU937): Bases de morphologie fonctionnelle; cours: Ecomorphologie. yearly.
  • Lecturer master 1, MNHN (ES7): L’appareil venimeux des serpents : anatomie et venins (1.5h), 2024.
  • Darwin day jury member, tronc commun (TC1), master 1, MNHN. 2019, 2020, 2023.
  • Travail en mode projet, module du tronc commun (TC1 - TD), master 1, MNHN. 2019 - current.

    Doctoral school courses

  • Guest lecturer Ecole Doctorale, MNHN: Rediger un article en sciences de la vie. Every other year (1h).
  • Successful grant writing (5 days). Cours ED227. 2023-2024.

    Formation permanente MNHN

  • Anatomie de l'appareil venimeux des serpents. Module AVV, venimologie générale, Cours Muséum. 2019-current.
  • Biologie et comportement des serpents. Module AVV, venimologie générale, Cours Muséum. 2022-2023.
  • Classification et phylogénie des squamates. Module AVV, venimologie générale, Cours Muséum. 2024.
  • Formation continue Muséum, Formation a l'utilisation d'animaux de la faune sauvage non hébergée a fins scientifiques (TP + cours). 2018-current.


  • Formation certificat de capacité - Ferme tropicale. Biologie des caméléons. 2019-current.

    Supervision (underlined = permanent position)

    Postdoctoral researchers (20)

  • Rémi Allemand, 2024-2026, Marie Curie postdoc.
  • Nitya Mohanty, 2023-2025, Marie Curie postdoc.
  • Elizabeth Gregorio, 12/2023-11/2025, post-doctoral project funded by the ANR Dragon2: Snake swimming hydrodynamics (co-supervised by R. Godoy-Diana).
  • Loic Kéver, 06/2020-05/2022, postdoctoral position funded by a HFSP grant. Currently working for an association aiming at improving the use of technology in teaching (ASBL Hypothèse).
  • Marie Verheye, 09/2019-07/2021, postdoctoral position funded by the FRNS, Belgium (co-supervised with B. Frédérich & Gilles Lepoint). Currently postdoc at the University of Liège.
  • Richard Dearden, 10/2019-12/2020, postdoctoral position funded by the DIM MAP (with A. Pradel). Currently postdoc at Naturalis, Leiden, the Netherlands.
  • Valérie Ducret, 2018-2019, postdoctoral position MNHN. Curently research scientist at Owkin.
  • Louise Souquet, 01/2019 - 12/2019, postdoctoral position funded by the DIM MAP (with I. Rouget). Currently scientific communication officer at 'We Right Click'.
  • Khosrow Rajabizadeh, 11/2018 - 05/2019, Funded by the French Embassy in Tehran. Currently data analyst at the Institut Pasteur.
  • Dimitri Neaux, 09/2018 - 08/2019, LABEX BCDiv funded postdoctoral position (CAPTIVMORPH, with T. Cucchi and R. Cornette). Currently reposible for project management at the French ANR.
  • Colin Donihue, 01/2017-12/2019, NSF funded postdoctoral researcher (With J. Losos) Human-Driven Evolution of European Lizards. Currently data scientist at Brown University.
  • Pauline Provini, 01/2017-06/2019, Postdoctoral researcher on an ANR ACH grant (IOFLOW - Biomechanics of intra-oral water flow generation in fish). Currently Maitresse de conférence at the MNHN, Paris.
  • Sam Van Wassenbergh, 07/2016-06/2019, Postdoctoral researcher on an ANR ACH grant (IOFLOW - Biomechanics of intra-oral water flow generation in fish). Tenure track Professor at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.
  • Aurelien Miralles, 2016-2018, LABEX BCDiv funded postdoctoral position (APODES - Anatomie, Phylogénie et Origines: Déchiffrer l’Evolution des Scolécophidiens, with N. Vidal). Chair Professeur Junior in integrative taxonomie at the MNHN.
  • Anne-Claire Fabre, 16/01/2016-15/01/2018, Marie-Curie postdoc (GETAGRIP - Evolutionary Trends And GRasping form and function In Primates and other tetrapod lineages). Curator of mammals at the Naturhistorisches Museum Bern and assistant Professor at the University of Bern.
  • Christine Böhmer, 2015-2017, LABEX BCDiv funded postdoctoral position (Relations forme-fonction et évolution de la locomotion arboricole chez les mammifères, wih S. Peigné). Assistant professor at U. Kiel, Germany.
  • Maitena Dumont, 2015-2016, Postdoc funded by the Fondation des Treilles (3D organization of mid-shaft of the long bone in extreme terrestrial locomotor conditions, with S. Sanchez). Currently postdoc with Ron Shahar, Laboratory of Bone biomechanics, Rehovot, Israel. Maitresse de Conférence et the University of Rouen.
  • Helder Gomes Rodrigues, 2015-2017 & 2019, LABEX BCDiv funded postdoctoral position (Convergences morphologiques et inférences fonctionnelles : étude intégrative de l'appareil masticateur au sein du groupe fossile des notongulés comparé à celui des rongeurs actuels, with G. Billet). Permanent researcher at the CNRS.
  • Kelly Boyle. 01/07/2014-30/06/2016, Marie-Curie postdoc (EvoMorphASIS - Evolutionary morphology of accessory auditory structures in pirhanas, pacus, and related serrasalmid fishes: is acute hearing an adaptation for prey location?). Assistant professor at the University of New Orleans, U.S.A.
  • Alexandra Houssaye. 01/10/2013-30/09/2014, ANR postdoc (Aquabone, The secondary adaptation to an aquatic life - contribution of bone microstructure). Permanent researcher at the CNRS.

    Engineers and research technicians (2)

  • Jaleh Sarafraz, 07/2021 - 06/2022, responsible for photographic data base, working on the AI-nature project funded by the SATT Lutech. Currently: PhD student in the lab.
  • Jean-Christophe Theil, 07-10/2022, responsible for dissections and specimen preparation in relation to the HOBIS project. Currently: Assistant Pédagogique en morphologie animale - Ecole Vétérinaire Maison Alfort.

    PhD students (32)

  • Chi Shan Tsai (MNHN, co-supervised by E. Robert) Prey and predators, the art of Upper Palaeolithic hunters: graphical and anatomical analysis. 2024-2027.
  • Jaleh Sarafraz (MNHN, co-supervised by R. Cornette) Museum collections as a source for artificial-intelligence based species identification: have invasive species driven the evolutionary trajectory of endemic frogs in the French Antilles? 2023-2026.
  • Isabelle Toussaint (U. Bern, co-supervised by A-C. Fabre) What is the role of life-cycle variability on morphological and functional variation in salamanders. 2022-2026.
  • Morgane Sowinski (MNHN, co-supervised with R. Boistel). 2022-2025.
  • Frida Sanchez Garrido (MNHN, co-supervised with E. Heude). Origines développementale et évolutive de la région cervicale des tétrapodes. 2022-2025.
  • Soline Bettencourt (MNHN, co-supervised by T. Backeljau and S. Gryseels KBIN, Brussels and U. Antwerp) Nouveaux animaux de compagnie et santé : état des lieux (HERPET). Defended 9/12/2024.
  • Arthur Naas (U. Montepellier, co-supervised with P-H. Fabre & funded by a Labex CEBA grant) Investigation de la convergence anatomique et biomécanique d’un trait impliqué dans la locomotion arboricole, le cas de la queue préhensile chez les mammifères amazoniens. Defended 25/10/2024.
  • Guillaume Fosserie (U. La Rochelle, co-supervised with X. Bonnet - CBC and R. Godoy-Diana - ESPCI) Transitions-retour vers la vie aquatique : cinématique ondulatoire de la nage chez les ophidiens. Defended 11/10/2024.
  • Léa Da Cunha (U. Montpellier, co-supervised with L. Hautier and P-H. Fabre, U. Montpellier). Interactions synergiques entre les caractères ostéologiques, musculaires et dentaires de la radiation adaptative des rongeurs. Defended 23/05/2024.
  • Pablo Padilla (U. Liège - Belgium, supervised by M. Denoël, U. Liège). Réponses et limites morphologiques, anatomiques et physiologiques face à la température chez les populations envahissantes du genre Pelophylax dans le causse du Larzac (France). Defended 7/03/2022.
  • Yuri Simone (Universidade do Porto, Portugal, supervised by A. van der Meijden) The effects of an evolutionary trade-off on scorpîon diversity and feeding ecology. Defended 14/12/2023. Currently postdoctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.
  • Vincent Stin (IPV Sorbonne Université, co-supervised with R. Godoy-Diana - ESPCI and X. Bonnet - CBC). Dynamique des fluides de la nage des serpents. Defended 01/12/2023. Currently: postdoc at the PMMH laboratory.
  • Laurie Araspin (MNHN, co-supervised with J. Measey - Stellenbosch University). Adaptation thermique chez des populations invasives d’une grenouille aquatique (Xenopus laevis) : impact de la température sur la locomotion et la physiologie. Defended 16/11/2023.
  • Priscila Rothier Duarte (MNHN, funded by a Brazilian scolarship). The evolution of the mammalian locomotor system. 2019-2023. Defended 07/07/2023. Currently: Postdoc at Cornell University.
  • Aurélien Lowie (Ghent University - Belgium, co-supervised with D. Adriaens). The evolution of burrowing in limbless tetrapods. Defended 3/11/2022. Currently: Coordinateur en qualification et validation en production biopharmaceutique. Aptaskil, Seneffe, Belgium.
  • Marjorie Roscian (MNHN, co-supervised with I. Rouget). Morphologie fonctionnelle et adaptations des mâchoires des céphalopodes actuels : Implications chez les céphalopodes fossiles. Defended 10/12/2021. Currently Ingénieure recherche/développement at IVM technologies SAS, Marseille, France.
  • Maxime Taverne (SU/MNHN, co-supervised with M. Fagan, U. Hull, U.K.). An engineering approach to understanding the functional and ecological implications of small-scale morphological variation in an evolutionary context. Defended 26/01/2021. Currently postdoctoral researcher at the Necker Hospital in Paris.
  • Allison Luger (Ghent University - Belgium. Co-advisor with D. Adriaens). Grasping onto evolution: testing hypotheses on adaptations for tail prehension in vertebrates. Defended 21/01/2020 Currently: Grant Officer at the Dutch NWO (Dutch Research Council).
  • Colline Brassard (MNHN, co-supervised with S. Bréhard, C. Callou, and R. Cornette). Commensalisme et Domesticité chez les Canidés de l'Ancien Monde : Comparaison des trajectoires évolutives du Chien et du Renard roux entre le Tardiglaciaire et l'Holocène par l'étude morpho-fonctionnelle de leur mandibule. Defended 3/12/2020. Currently: Maitre de Conférences (associate professor) at the veterinary school in Lyon (VetAgro Sup).
  • Natasha Kruger (U. Lyon. co-supervised with J. Measey, U. Stellenbosch, South-Africa and J. Secondi, U. Lyon). Do vulnerable life-history stages of Xenopus laevis reduce its invasion potential? Defended 09/03/2020. Lecturer in animal ecology, animal behavior and wildlifeconservation. University of Wolverhampton.
  • Giada Giacomini (Liverpool John Moores University. Co-supervised with Carlo Meloro and R.P. Brown). Defended 2019. Bat skull evolution: the impact of echolocation.
  • Alexis Dollion (FdV, Co-advisor with S. Meylan - Paris 6). Color change, origins of new species? The chameleon case. Defended 09/12/2019. Currently Lecturer at UFR SVE- Université de Rennes (Rennes, France).
  • Paul-Antoine Libourel (Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Co-Advisor with Pierre-Hervé Luppi). Phylogénie du sommeil chez les tétrapodes : Analyse de patterns évolutifs, études électrophysiologiques et comportementales chez deux espèces de squamates et nouvelles perspectives méthodologiques. Defended 15/02/2019. Currently Ingénieur de Recherche au CNRS.
  • Marion Segall (FdV, Paris 7, France. Co-advisor with R. Godoy-Diana - ESPCI and R. Cornette - MNHN). Water as a driver of evolution: the example of aquatic snakes - defended 10/11/2017. Currently CNRS researcher in our team.
  • Chloé Vigliotti (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France. Co-advisor with E. Bapteste - Paris VI). Etude de l’impact d’un changement rapide de régime alimentaire sur le microbiome intestinal de lézards par des méthodes de réseaux de similarité - defended 20/11/2017. Currently Maître de conférences contractuelle a AgroParisTech.
  • Julien Courant (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France. Co-advisor with J. Secondi - U. Angers). Invasive biology of Xenopus laevis in Europe: ecological effects and physiological adaptation - defended 19/09/2017.
  • Léo Botton-Divet (FdV Paris 7, France. Co-advisor with A. Houssaye - CNRS/MNHN and R. Cornette - MNHN). Form and function relationships in the process of secondary adaptation to an aquatic life - the contribution of semi-aquatic mammals - defended 16/06/2017. Currently postdoc at the lab of Dr. J. Nyakatura in Berlin.
  • Elizabeth Kerr (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France. Co-advisor with A. Tresset - CNRS/MNHN). Biological invasions of Holocene small mammals in Europe: historical and adaptive context - defended 17/01/2017.
  • Raphaël Cornette (Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France. Co-advisor with M. Baylac - MNHN and J-P. Hugot - CNRS/MNHN). Forme et fonction: modularité, disparité et performance de l'appareil manducateur de Crocidura russula (Soricomorpha, Soricidae) - defended 23/03/2012. Currently: Ingénieur de Recherche (research engineer) au CNRS.
  • Vicky Schaerlaeken (University of Antwerp, Belgium. Co-advisor with P. Aerts - U. Antwerp). Evolution of feeding behaviour in lizards: implications of morphology and diet - defended 20/05/2011
  • Sam Van Wassenbergh (University of Antwerp, Belgium. Co-advisor with P. Aerts - U. Antwerp). Prey capture in clariid catfishes - defended 19/05/2006. Tenure track Professor at the University of Antwerp, Belgium.
  • Shawn Vincent (Tulane University, U.S.A. Co-advisor with D.J. Irschick - Tulane University). The evolution of aquatic feeding in snakes - defended 2005

    Faculty, PhD, and master students hosted in the lab

  • Prof. Maria Thaker, Indian Institute of Science, 2023, 12 days, Scientific High Level Visiting Fellowship (SSHN - SRTF program) from the French Embassy in India.
  • Thaysa Gomes de Oliveira, University of Sao Paulo, 2023, 4 months, TerrEE scholarship from the French Embassy in Brasil.
  • Denise Crampton, Liverpool John Moores University, 2023, 4 months, Scientific High Level Visiting Fellowship (SSHN) from the French Embassy in the UK.
  • Yuri Simone, CIBIO Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, 2022, 3 months, FCT funding.
  • Paria Jalili, University of Tehran, 2020, 6 months.
  • Thaysa Gomes de Oliveira, University of Sao Paulo, 2021, 6 months, FAPESP BEPE research internship.
  • Beck Wehrle, University of California, Irvine, 2016, 4 months, Chateaubriand Fellowship from the French Embassy in the USA.
  • Vinicius Anelli, University of Sao Paulo, 2018, 6 months, FAPESP BEPE research internship.
  • Priscila Rothier, University of Sao Paulo, 2016, 6 months, FAPESP BEPE research internship.

    Master & Licence (182)


  • Noah Heier (M2 Université Paris-Saclay) Influence du milieu de vie (épigée vs. hypogée) sur le comportement et la cinématique de capture de proie chez le Calotriton des Pyrénées (Calotriton asper)
  • David Hudry (M2 Université d'Amsterdam) Quantifying morphological convergence in snakes across ecological niches: A multivariate phylogenetically informed approach.
  • Matéo Millet (M2 Université de Tours) Les capacités locomotrices des serpents sont-elles influencées par la température et par leur écologie ?
  • Clara Ragon (M2 Université de Bourgogne) Etude du microbiote de deux espèces d'amphibiens: impact de la modification de l'habitat.
  • Simon Sommerfeld (M2 Universität Bonn) The three-dimensional kinematics of jaw movements in rodents: consequence of different muscle organization?
  • Léo Thomas (M2 Université de Lille) Imagerie dynamique sur des organismes vivants par cinéradiographie biplanaire.
  • Athéna Ait Salah (M1 CY Cergy Paris Université) Etude de la prévalence de pathogènes entre amphibiens captifs et sauvages.
  • Olivia Alves (M1 Université Paris-Cité) Analyse cinématique de la nage chez les serpents.
  • Lisa Charvet (M1 AgroParisTech) Ecomorphological analysis of the cranial musculature of Mustelidae.
  • Johannes Marchand (M1 Université de Bourgogne) Analyse cinématique de la nage des serpents.
  • Lauréanne Feral (L3 Sorbonne Université) Analyse des capacités locomotrices des serpents en milieu aquatique.
  • Maé Leborgne (L3 Université Paris-Est Creteil) Évolution du système manducateur d’un lézard suite à une introduction expérimentale.
  • Alexandre Legou (L3 Sorbonne Université) Impacte de la température sur la locomotion des serpents.
  • Luz Le Marlec (L3 Université de Versailles Saint Quentin) Evolution des paramètres acoustiques chez les grenouilles.
  • Florie Millet (L3 Université Paris-Saclay) Modèles biomécaniques pour l'étude de la nage des serpents.
  • Matthieu Rouault (L3 Université de Versailles Saint Quentin) Evolution des paramètres acoustiques chez les grenouilles.
  • Thomas Cousin (L2 Université Pari-Saclay) Analyse du microbiote des reptiles et amphibiens selon un gradient de transformation d'habitat.
  • Garance Kalisz-Alonso (stage de 3ième Collège Camille Claudel)


  • Alana Talliez (M2 U. Liège, Belgique) Évolution de la musculature des chiroptères en fonction de leur stratégie de vol et de leur écologie : une étude écomorphologique.
  • Ilian Grima (M2 SEP MNHN) Est-ce-que le mode de vie fouisseur contraint la musculature crânienne chez les serpents ?
  • Nathan Marion (M2) Y-a-t'il des différences de développement entre populations de Xenopus laevis provenant de différents origines?
  • Robin Furet (M2 U. Poitiers) Effet de l’urbanisation sur les amphibiens d’Ile-de-France : cas de Lissotriton helveticus et vulgaris.
  • Daphné Chassignole (M1 ECIRE MNHN) Relation entre morphologie crânienne et régime alimentaire chez le lézard Podarcis erhardii.
  • Léon Faure (M1 ECIRE MNHN) Développement musculaire chez le Babouin olive (Papio anubis): stratégies locomoteurs, comportement et conservation.
  • Marie-Agathe Keita (M1 SEP MNHN) Analyse comparée des microbiotes chez des Urodèles captifs et sauvages : implication pour la conservation.
  • Mona Huguenin (M1 ECIRE MNHN) Adaptation de la musculature crânienne chez Lampropeltis getulae.
  • Raphaëlle Abensur (M1 ECIRE) Impact de l’urbanisation en Île-de-France sur la morphologie des crapauds communs Bufo bufo.
  • Morgane Taillades (Stage Ingénieur 2ième année) Adaptation anatomique et convergence chez les Anolis des Caraibes.
  • Chloé Puel (L3 Sorbonne Université) Impact d'une injection de liquide physiologique sur le comportement d'exploration d'une grenouille.
  • Bastien Blaylac (L1 Université Catholique de Lille) Capacité de saut chez Xenopus laevis: impacte de la température ?
  • Daniela Talamantes (L3 Université Paris Est Créteil) Do geckos modulate sound by moving the larynx ?


  • Mallaury Rollet (M2 SEP MNHN) Analyse de la forme des os longs chez les mammifères : adaptations au milieu ?
  • Isabelle Toussaint (M2 SEP MNHN) Impact du milieu de vie sur la cinématique de la prise alimentaire chez les urodèles.
  • Robin Saulniermasson (M2 U. Liège) Evolution of the form and function of the cranial system in scincid lizards.
  • Sara Zakrewski (M2 Erasmus Mundus) Rapid morphological adaptation to novel environments in a globally invasive species (Xenopus laevis).
  • Norma Anthony (M2 U. Dijon) The effect of habitat fragmentation on interspecific interactions in animals.
  • Chi Shan Tsaï (M2 MNHN QPB avec E. Robert) A l’interface des etudes graphiques et anatomiques : les felins prehistoriques, une fidélité du mouvement ?
  • Soumil Sharma (M1 ENS Saclay) The evolution of form, function and design in nature.
  • Emeline Moynet (M1 Université de Poitiers avec P. Rothier) Comprendre la relation entre la forme des structures adhésifs des geckos et leur capacité de locomotion.
  • Robin Furet (M1 Université de Poitiers avec S. Bettencourt) Effet de l’urbanisation sur la morphologie des reptiles et amphibiens d’Ile-de-France.
  • Ilian Grima (M1 MNHN - SEP) Evolution de l’anatomie du système crânien chez les serpents vénimeux.
  • Charline Andreani (L2 Bioplus U. Paris-Saclay). Evolution de la forme et fonction du système squelettique chez les vertébrés
  • Laure Viala (IUT, stage Ouvrier) Analyse cinématique du décollage d'un lézard (Draco) et de la prise alimentaire des lézards du genre Phrynosoma.
  • Mathieu Modjbafan (UTC, Stage Ouvrier) Analyse cinématique de la nage des xénopes : impact de la température.
  • Cloe Sénéchal (stage BTS, Lycée Galilée) Analyse des vidéos de nage de xénopes.
  • Isabelle Rousseau (mise en oeuvre d'une période de mise en situation en milieu professionnel, stage 1 mois) Evolution de la forme et fonction du crâne des ours.
  • Cassandre Gisclard (stage 3ième, Institut Emmanuel D'Alzon).
  • Eloane Bauzin (stage 3ième, Collège Nicolas de Stael).


  • Adrien Mathou (M2 Ecologie, Evolution, Université de Poitiers) Anatomie de la musculature axiale en lien avec le mode de vie des serpents.
  • Artur Gittos (M2 Biologie Intégrative et Physiologie Sorbonne Université, with I Rouget and M. Roscian) Functional morphology of the buccal mass in coleoid cephalopods: a quantitative approach
  • Elie Porquet (M2 SEP, MNHN) Analyse microscopique de la structure de la peau des serpents.
  • Jorys Biegel (M2 Université Aix-Marseille, With L. Kéver) Etude sur la diversité des osteodermes chez les cordyloidea.
  • Julia Gavarrino (M2 Université Aix-Marseille) Relations entre ethologie et écologie chez les serpents.
  • Ryadh Amine (M2 Ecole pratique des Hautes Etudes, with A-C. Fabre) Impacte du milieu sur la prise alimentaire des salamandres : forme et fonction.
  • Thaysa Gomes de Oliveira (Universidade de São Paulo (IB-USP), Brésil) Impact of an immune challenge on the physiology of aquatic frogs (Xenopus): a comparison between invasive and non-invasive species.
  • Yasmeen Karkachi (M2 Université Paris-Saclay, with C. Brassard) Evolution de la forme du crâne chez les Anolis.
  • Zoé Miquel (M2 Université Rennes 1) Trophic analysis of invasive populations of Xenopus laevis in France.
  • Hugo André (M1 AgroParisTech, with V. Louppe) Analyse de la forme de la mandibule et crâne des mangoustes.
  • Juliette Birot (M1 CIRE MNHN) Differences anatomiques de la musculature crânienne en lien avec le régime alimentaire des serpents.
  • Martin Etave (M1 SEP MNHN) Est-ce-que le dimorphisme sexuel chez les caméléons implique une différence fonctionnelle au niveau des adducteurs de la mâchoire.
  • Ninon Quekenborn (M1 Université Paris-Saclay) Impact de la température sur le comportement d'un amphibien invasif (Xenopus laevis).
  • Constance Monot (L3 sciences de la vie, Sorbonne Université) Ontogénie locomotrice du babouin olive : covariation entre muscle et os.
  • Julie Limouzy (L3 Biodiversité et Ecologie, Université d'Aix-Marseille) Impact des changements de température sur la locomotion chez les amphibiens.
  • Kélia Islas (L3 Physique, Sorbonne Université, with L. Kéver) Exploration du rôle de l'ostéoderme à travers des mesures mécaniques et des données numériques.
  • Loréna Duret (L3 ENS Ulm) Impact des changements locomoteurs pendant la croissance sur la forme des os long du membre postérieur.
  • David Hudry (L2, Université Paris-Sud Orsay, with V. Stin) Les secrets de la nage des serpents dévoilés.
  • Michel Mouttapa (L2 CY Cergy Paris Université) Analyse de la musculature des membres des babouins.
  • Louis Dekerle (L1, Sorbonne Université, with V. Stin) Etude de la nage des serpents.
  • Maxime Klein (mise en oeuvre d'une période de mise en situation en milieu professionnel) Anatomie de la musculature crânienne des serpents.


  • Appoline Alfsen (M2 SEP MNHN, with C. de Muizon) Etude morphofonctionnelle comparative du bassin et du membre postérieur des loutres et des rongeurs aquatiques.
  • Sylvain Hureau (M2 Université de la Réunion, with P. Gaucher and E. Courtois) Écophysiologie des amphibiens des inselbergs de Guyane française: adaptations physiologiques et utilisation des micro-habitats.
  • Lissa Ishizuka (M2 SEP Sorbonne Université) Analyse comparative de la morphologie du crâne et la musculature de lézards en fonction du régime alimentaire.
  • Lauriane Quiblier (M2 Université de Liège - Erasmus student, with H. Gomes-Rodrigues) Comparative analysis of cranial shape and its diversification in artiodactyles and perissodactyles.
  • Clément Castrec (M1 Université de Bretagne Occidentale, avec M. Verheye) Étude de la diversification d’amphipodes de la famille des Iphimediidae sur le plateau continental Antarctique grâce à l’acquisition de données morphologiques par morphométrie géométrique 3D.
  • Eugénie Mortessagne (M1 BEE Université de Rennes) Analyse de la locomotion et prise de nourriture des caméléons.
  • Marine Hulard (M1 BEE Université Paris-Sud) Impact des propriétés de la proie sur la manipulation chez une grenouille aquatique (Pipa pipa).
  • Yasmeen Karkachi (M1 BEE, with P-M. Forget) Analyse des comportements et utilisation du substrat chez le Kinkajou: analyse des données piège-Photos.
  • João Duarte Da Silva (M1 BEE, with M. Taverne) Analyse de l’impact du type de proie sur la cinématique des mâchoires chez 2 populations de Podarcis sicula, présentant des régimes alimentaires différents.
  • Solenn Rogeon (M1 Université de Poitiers, with X. Bonnet) Synthèse bibliographique: forme et fonction des écailles de serpents.
  • Marie-Juliette Champeau (L2, Université de Bretagne Occidentale) La manipulation chez une grenouille aquatique (Pipa pipa).
  • Marine Lamy (ENVA, 1ière année) La manipulation chez une grenouille aquatique (Pipa pipa).
  • Lauréanne Feral (Lycée Teilhard de Chardin).


  • Laurie Araspin* (M2 Université de Poitiers) Différences de mobilité chez le xénope, Xenopus laevis, entre une population envahissante et une population indigène d'Afrique du Sud.
  • Morgane Fournier (M2 AIV - 3 month internship) euscles morphology and bite force in bats: use of high-resolution 3D imaging.
  • Anna Serra Martinez* (M2 Universitat de Barcelona - Erasmus student) Comparative study of locomotion between native and invaisve populations of the aquatic amphibian Xenopus laevis
  • Marilaine Merlin* (M2 SEP MNHN, with C. Brassard) Comparaison du patron d’int´egration du crâne chez deux espèces de Canidae, Canis familiaris et Vulpes vulpes : effet de la domestication
  • Elise Sivault* (M2 EBE MNHN, with P-M. Forget) Etude écologique, morphologique et évolutive de la relation mutualiste entre forêts et mammifères frugivores.
  • Camille Gauthier (M1 Université de Paris-Sud XI, with M. Taverne) Changements saisonniers de la morphologie et la force de morsure chez un lézard insulaire : plasticité ou survie différentielle ?
  • Valentin Geffroy (M1 Université Paris Saclay with, R. Mansuit) Etude de la coordination des nageoires paires et médianes du cœlacanthe actuel Latimeria chalumnae.
  • Christelle Faivre (M1 Université de Paris-Sud XI with, M. Taverne) Est-ce que la taille d’une île impacte la force de morsure et l’anatomie crânienne d’une espèce de lézard ?
  • Thomas Merrien (L2 AgroParisTech) The effects of developmental temperature on burst swimming speed and locomotor performance in tadpoles of an invasive species of frog, Xenopus laevis.
  • Clarisse Tual (L2 AgroParisTech) Étude d'oiseaux ayant potentiellement des parasites sanguins par tracking vidéo pour calculer les vitesses, l'accélération et la fréquence des battements d'ailes.
  • Nadia Toumani (L2 Paris Diderot 7, with F. Pagès) Ontogénie du squelette de l’hoazin (Opisthocomus hoazin).
  • Léa Auclair (L2 Université de Paris-Sud XI, with R. Mansuit) Analyse 3D des mouvements de la nageoire chez le cœlacanthe, Latimeria chalumnae.
  • Maelle Maestrali (L1 Université de Brest) Analyse de la locomotion et prise de nourriture chez un caméléon, Furcifer pardalis.


  • Pablo Padilla* (M2 SEP MNHN, with R. James) Differences in muscle architecture and physiology in populations on the range front versus the center of the range of an invasive frog (X. laevis).
  • Margot Le Guilloux* (M2 EBP U. Poitiers, with A. Miralles and R. Cornette) Convergences évolutives a un mode de vie fouisseur chez les scinques apodes?
  • Vinicius Anelli (U. Sao Paulo, Master project) The evolution of head shape in burrowing lizards.
  • Kalliopi Antampoufi-Doumon (Erasmus + student Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, with D. Youlatos) The evolution of limb muscles in rodents in relation to habitat use.
  • Julie Orpel (Polytech Tours, IMA with R. Rebelo) Variation in anatomy in two invasive populations of X. laevis living in different habitats.
  • Leslie Michal* (M1 EBE UPMC, with M. Taverne) Variation des structures crâniennes chez Podarcis sicula en lien avec l’habitat et le régime alimentaire.
  • Marilaine Merlin* (M1 SEP MNHN, with C. Brassard) Variabilité des muscles du crâne chez les carnivores : relation avec le régime alimentaire.
  • Erwan Kerberiou (L1 Université de Nantes, with A. Dollion) Analyse du comportement d'exploration des caméléons (F. Pardalis).
  • Armand Ziller (bénévolat, with E. Pouydebat) Analyse du comportement territorial chez X. tropicalis.


  • Aurélien Lowie* (Erasmus +, avec A-C. Fabre) Etude des capacités de saisie et de manipulation fine des amphibiens.
  • Anna Zango (Götingen) The evolution of brain size in lizards.
  • Aude Anzerey* (M2 EBE Paris 6, avec E. Pouydebat) Le rôle des stimulus tactiles dans la préhension chez des grenouilles: y-a-t'il une convergence au sein des grenouilles aquatiques.
  • Camille Lacroix (M2 Agro Paris Tech, with C. Böhmer and A-C. Fabre) Adaptation du système musculaire au milieu arboricole chez les primates.
  • Wei Chen Tan* (M2 U. Poitiers, with J. Measey) Is the radiation of agamid lizards in South-Africa non-adaptive?
  • Valentine Chumm (M1 SEP, with A-C. Fabre) Ecomorphologie du système cranio-mandibulaire des strepsirrhiniens (primates) : impact du régime alimentaire.
  • Pablo Padilla* (M1 EBE MNHN) Acclimation chez un amphibien envahissant, Xenopus laevis.
  • Layla Adil* (L3, U. Nantes, with J. Courant) Analyse de la structure d'age d'une population invahissante de Xenopus laevis.
  • Grégoire Boussens-Dumon (L3, Agro Paris Tech) Evolution de la locomotion et les comportements de fuite chez les lézards du genre Anolis.
  • Edgar Quinet (L3, U. Lille 1 with A-C. Fabre) Analyse de comportement de préhension chez les marsupiaux.
  • Lissa Ishizuka (L3, U. Paris VI) Analayse de la force de morsure et la morphométrie chez le lézard occelé (Timon lepidus).
  • Louise Martin* (L2 Paris XI) Y-a-t'il une directionalité dans la dispersion sur le front d'invasion d'une grenouille aquatique, Xenopus laevis?


  • Madeleine Aumont* (Paris XIII, master 1 - avec E. Pouydebat) Effets de la propriété de la nourriture sur les capacités de préhension chez Xenopus laevis.
  • Andy Boens (U. Lille, L3 BOP - avec A-C. Fabre) Relations forme-fonction de la mandibule des strepsirrhiniens.
  • Pierre Couillaud* (MNHN, Master 2 SEP - avec K. Boyle) Relations Ecomorphologiques de l'appareil de Weber chez les Serrasalmidae: Adaptation au régime alimentaire
  • Pauline Frot (U. Paris-Est Créteil, L3 avec E. Pouydebat) Stratégies de manipulation chez le Bernard-l’hermite.
  • Hugo Harbers* (MNHN, Master 2 SEP - avec T. Cucchi et R. Cornette) Contrasting effect of captivity over ontogenetic trajectories and plasticity in wild boar (Sus scrofa) calcaneum: In vivo longitudinal approach and archaeological application.
  • Guillemet Lucile* (U. Lille 1, Master 2 - avec J. Courant) Etude des modifications de l’allocation des ressources à la dispersion par utilisation du modèle centre-front chez une espèce en cours d’expansion, Xenopus laevis
  • Emir Kort (U. Paris Sud - avec A. Abourachid) Analyse morphofonctionnelle du cou chez le canard et l'Hoazin.
  • Aude Anzeraey* (Paris VI, Master 1 EBE avec E. Pouydebat) Effets des propriétés de la nourriture sur les capacités de préhension de Xenopus laevis.
  • Vivien Louppe* (MNHN, Master 1 EBE) Sélection sur la mobilité au front de dispersion chez une grenouille envahissante, Xenopus laevis.
  • Cécile Moureaux* (Paris XI, M1 magister - avec A-C. Fabre) Impact du milieu sur l’évolution de la capacité de préhension chez les grenouilles.
  • Pablo Padilla* (U. Nantes, L3) Impacte de la température sur la locomotion d'une espèce invahissante, Xenopus laevis
  • Aude Ratinahirana (Paris VI, Master 2 - avec Tom Van Dooren) Étude de l'influence de l'assèchement du milieu de stockage des embryons sur l'éclosion et les performances natatoires des alevins d'Austrolebias.
  • Priscila Rothier* (U. Sao Paulo, Master project) Form, function and modularity of the feet in geckos.
  • Tonka Simurina (Agro Paris Tech, Master 1) Temperature dependence of physiology in the invasive frog, Xenopus laevis.
  • Maxime Tessier (Paris XI, L2) Adaptation des lézards apodes à leur milieu de vie.


  • Antoine Wittorski* (U. Liege, Belgique - Stage d'insertion professionelle), L'evolution de l'oreille et l'audition chez les cameleons.
  • Maxime Bourgeois (Paris 13, Master 2 Ethologie), Do differences in predation pressure drive differences in time budget in Anolis lizards?.
  • Alessia Hubby* (Université de Liege, Belgique, Master 2 - avec M. Herbin et E. Parmentier), Etude anatomo-fonctionnelle de la nageoire pectorale du coelacanthe actuel Latimeria chalumnae.
  • Eve Noirault (U. Poitiers, Master 2 - avec R. Boistel et R. Lebrun), L'evolution de l'oreille des squamates: inferences paleobiologiques.
  • Louise Peckre (Paris 13, Master 2 Ethologie - avec E. Pouydebat et A-C. Fabre), Evolution de la manipulation chez les strepsirhhiniens.
  • Louise Souquet* (U. Lyon, Master 2 - avec S. Renaud et L. Hautier, U. Montpellier), Comment les souris vikings jouent-elles des muscles ?
  • Jean-Christophe Theil* (MNHN, Master 2 SEP - avec T. Cucchi et R. Cornette), Analyse de la croissance du squelette et les co-variations os-muscle chez le sanglier.
  • Menelia Vasilopoulou-Kampitsi* (Paris VI, Master 2 EBE), Evolution of jumping performance across frogs and a scaling analysis of jumping and morphology.
  • Pietro Viacava (MNHN, Master 2 SEP - avec T. Cucchi et R. Cornette), Analyse morphometrique de l'humerus du sanglier.
  • Viviane Bereiziat* (U. Rennes 1 - Master 1 - avec J. Courant et J. Secondi), Variation du potentiel reproducteur selon la phase de colonisation : cas d’un amphibien exotique envahissant en France, le Xénope lisse Xenopus laevis.
  • Hugo Harbers* (MNHN - Master 1 SEP - avec T. Cucchi et R. Cornette), Analyse 3D du calcaneum du sanglier: processus de domestication.
  • Elise Volette* (U. Tours - Master 1, avec J. Courant), CMR xenopes.
  • Cécile Moureaux* (Paris XI - L3, avec J. Courant), L'effet de la temperature sur la capacité de saut cez le xénope lisse.
  • Flora Mikaeloff (Paris XI - L2, avec J. Courant), Variations de la puissance maximale de saut selon la température, le sexe ou la morphologie chez Xenopus laevis.
  • Marion Claquin (Université Lille - L1, avec J. Courant), L'effet de la temperature sur la capacité de saut cez le xénope lisse.
  • Louise Faure (stage découverte en entreprise, Lycée Blaise Pascal, Orsay).
  • Wael Idrissi (stage découverte en entreprise, collège Blaise Pascal, Massy).


  • Alexis Dollion* (MNHN - Master 2 EBE), Est-ce-que le régime alimentaire est associé à l'évolution de la forme du crâne et la force de morsure chez les caméléons?
  • Myriam Gerardin (Paris 13 Master 2 Ethologie - avec E. Pouydebat), Evaluation des capacités manuelles du panda roux Ailurus fugenset du binturong Arctictis binturong lors de la prise alimentaire.
  • Elisa Gillet* (Université de Liege, Belgique, Master 2), L'évolution de la musculature appendiculaire chez les Anolis: comparaison entre deux radiations adaptatives.
  • Lauriane Jacquelin (Université Rennes I, Master 2), Évolution des systèmes d'émission et de réception ultrasonore chez les mammifères terrestres.
  • Marion Segall* (Université Paris Diderot - Master 2 AIV, stage de 3 mois), Convergent evolution of head shape in aquatic snakes.
  • Maxime Taverne* (Université Pierre et Marie Curie - L2), Diet, bite force and head shape in two recently diverged populations of Podarcis sicula.
  • Jean-Christophe Theil* (MNHN - Master 1 SEP), La cinématique de la prise de nourriture du Grand Brochet Esox lucius.
  • Séverine Toussaint* (Université Paris Diderot - Master 2 AIV, stage de 3 mois), Functional anatomy of the forelimb musculature in young and aged mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus).
  • Menelia Vasilopolou-Kampitsi* (Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Master 1), Analys du saut chez le xénope tropical (Silurana tropicalis): dimorphisme sexuel et relations avec la nage.
  • Bruno Villaroel* (Master 1 EBE - avec V. Debat et R. Cornette), Plasticité phénotypique et performances de vol chez une espèce invasive, Drosophila suzukii
  • Antoine Wittorski* (Université de Liege, Belgique - Master 2), Correlations between in vivo bite forces and functional proprieties of the cranial muscles in anoles from the Greater Antillean Islands and Central and South America
  • Timothée Zidat (Université Paris-Sud - Master 1 EBE), Analyse du vol plané chez deux espèces d'Anolis.


  • Alexis Dollion* (MNHN - Master 1 EBE), Analyse morphometrique des fragments fossiles de cameleons du Miocene tardif d'Afrique du Sud.
  • Justine Gres-Mansfield (Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Master 1 BPO), Variation metabolique et effets de temperature sur le metabolisme d'une grenouille aquatique, Xenopus tropicalis.
  • Hugo Harbers* (Institut Universitaire Technologique de Cergy-Pontoise - DUT Genie de l'environnement), Le role des mains dans la manipulation de la nourriture chez des grenouilles aquatiques.
  • Marion Segall* (Université Paris 13 - Master 2 Ethologie), Quantification des optimums thermiques des cameleons face au changement climatique.
  • Mathieu Videlier* (Université Paris Diderot - Master 2, Magister Europeen de Genetique), Responses physiologiques et transcriptionelles au selection sur la mobilite: la variation intra-populationnelle.


  • Mats Perrenoud* (Université de Bourgogne - Master 2 BOP), Influence du diamètre et de l’inclinaison des substrats sur les stratégies de locomotion d’une grenouille arboricole: Phyllomedusa azurea.
  • Marion Segall* (Université Paris 13 - Master 1 Ethologie), Influence de l’environnement sur les performances locomotrices chez les anoures.

    before 2012

  • Jole Barbé (University of Antwerp), The role of prey type for the feeding behavior in European natricine snakes (genus Natrix)
  • Joke Bilcke* (University of Antwerp), Ecomorphological analysis of feeding in snakes of the genus Natrix - with R. Van Damme and P. Aerts, U. Antwerp
  • Hon Fai Choi* (Ghent University), A comparative biomechanical study of swimming and burrowing in two anguilliform teleost fish: Pisodonophis boro and Heteroconger hassi (Anguilliformes) - with Dr. D. Adriaens, U. Ghent
  • Ann De Smet* (University of Antwerp), Ecomorphological analysis of the cranial system in bats: a morphologicalm-biomechanical analysis - with Dr. P. Aerts, U. Antwerp
  • Sara Laceur (Ghent University), Broad and narrow snouted eels (Anguilla anguilla): a morphological and biometrical analysis of two morphs - with Dr. D. Adriaens, U. Ghent
  • Tim Lieben* (University of Antwerp), A functional morphological study of feeding in catfish: the evolution of algae scraping - with Dr. P. Aerts, U. Antwerp
  • Tijl Ooms (University of Antwerp), Thermal dependence of performance capacity in nocturnal lizards - with Dr. R. Van Damme, U. Antwerp
  • Marjolein Peys (Ghent University), Detailed morphological analysis of the feeding system in Hippocampus kuda - with Dr. D. Adriaens, U. Ghent & Dr. P. Jouk, RZSA
  • Gert Roos* (University of Antwerp), Functional morphological analysis of feeding in sea horses - with Dr. D. Adriaens, U. Ghent
  • Vicky Schaerlaeken* (University of Antwerp), Kinematics of feeding in bearded dragons: modulation in response to changing prey properties - with Dr. P. Aerts, U. Antwerp
  • Klaas Vanmoortel (University of Ghent), Microscopic-anatomical study of the tongue projection system in chameleons - with Dr. D. Adriaens, U. Ghent
  • Sam Van Wassenbergh* (University of Antwerp), Functional morphological analysis of the feeding system in catfish - with Dr. P. Aerts, U. Antwerp
  • Dave Verwaijen* (University of Antwerp), Ecomorphological study of the diet in two species of European lacertid lizards - with R. Van Damme, U. Antwerp
  • Marisa Wijckmans* (University of Antwerp), Diet and cranial morphometrics in African catfish with hypertrophied jaw muscles - with Dr. D. Adriaens, U. Ghent
  • Sarah Wouters* (University of Antwerp), Scaling of cranial morphology and feeding kinematics in the African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) - with Dr. P. Aerts, U. Antwerp * Projects resulting in one or more publications in ISI journals.

    PhD and HDR jurys (48)

  • Member of the PhD jury (rapporteur) of Jordan Drapin (Université Toulouse III) - will defend 18/10/2024.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Corentin Jouault (MNHN) - defended 10/07/2024.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Xiao Xie (IMT Atlantique) - defended 13/12/2023.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Ilya Brodoline (Université Aix-Marseille) - defended 28/08/2023.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Omid Ekrami (University of Antwerp) - defended 2023 12/05/2023.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Joaquim Sanctorum (University of Antwerp) - defended 12/01/2023.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Mona Goharimanesh (Ghent University) - defended 12/10/2022.
  • External examiner of the PhD viva of Sharn Patrick Shelley (Coventry University) - defended 02/08/2022.
  • Member of the PhD jury (external reviewer) of Julien Piquet (U. de La Laguna, Spain) - defended 24/06/2022.
  • Member of the HDR jury (rapporteur) of Fabien Aubret (U. Paul sabatier, Toulouse) - defended 17/09/2021.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Alessia Huby (U. Liège, Belgium) - defended 01/09/2021.
  • Member of the PhD Jury (examiner) of Marine Durocher (MNHN, France) - defended 7/07/2021.
  • External examiner of the PhD viva of Daniel Nicholson (Queen Mary University, London) - defended 02/07/2021.
  • Member of the PhD Jury (examiner) of Baptiste Barrillot (U. Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France) - defended 31/05/2021.
  • Member of the PhD Jury (rapporteur) Quentin Martinez (U. Montpellier 1, France) - defended 29/04/2021.
  • Member of the PhD jury (president) of Olivier Chevenement (MNHN, France) - defended 21/01/2021.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Hugo Harbers (MNHN, France) - defended 13/01/2021.
  • Member of the PhD jury (president) of Grégoire Boulingez-Ambroise (Université de Paris, France) - defended 23/11/2020.
  • Member of the PhD jury (president) of Rohan Mansuit (MNHN, France) - defended 12/11/2020.
  • Member of the PhD jury (president) of Vivien Louppe (MNHN, France) - defended 17/07/2020.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Amandine Gillet (U. Liège, Belgium) - defended 20/05/2020.
  • Member of the PhD jury (president) of Sergio Ferreira Cardoso (U. Montpellier 1, France) - defended 29/11/2019.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Raf Claes (U. Antwerp, Belgium) - defended 20/12/2018.
  • Member of the HDR jury (examiner) of Raphaël Cornette (Paris XI, France) - defended 20/12/2018.
  • Member of the PhD jury (rapporteur) of Dragan Arsovski (U. de la Rochelle, France) - defended 22/11/2018.
  • Member of the HDR jury (examiner) of Thomas Cucchi (MNHN, France) - defended 02/05/2018.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Pauline Hanot (MNHN, France) - defended 26/01/2018.
  • Member of the PhD jury (rapporteur) of Antonin Crumière (IGFL, ENS, Lyon, France) - defended 14/12/2017.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Samule Ginot (U. Montpellier 1, France) - defended 30/11/2017.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Jens De Meyer (Ghent University, Belgium) - defended 30/05/2017.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Mathias Bouilliart (Ghent University, Belgium) - defended 31/03/2017.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Nikolaos Karantanis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) - defended 10/03/2017.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Tess Driessens (University of Antwerp, Belgium) - defended 1/12/2016.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of David Penning (University of Louisiana, Lafayette, U.S.A.) - defended 17/10/2016.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Céline Neutens (Ghent University, Belgium) - defended 21/06/2016.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Damien Olivier (Unversité de Liège, Belgium) - defended 25/06/2015.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Eloy Galvez-Lopez (Universidad de Barcelona, Spain) - defended 22/10/2014.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Hester Baverstock (University of York, U.K.) - defended 22/04/2014.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Loic Kever (Université de Liège, Belgium) - defended 25/03/2014.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Mahdi Rajabizadeh (Ghent University, Belgium) - defended 17/12/2013.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Hugo Dutel (MNHN, France) - defended 08/11/2013.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Thomas Wardziak (Université de Lyon 1, France) - defended 26/09/2013.
  • Member of the HDR jury (examiner) of Julien Claude (Université de Montpellier, France) - defended 2013.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Annelies Genbrugge (University of Antwerp, Belgium) - defended 18/05/2011.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Heleen Lysen (Ghent University, Belgium) - defended 11/03/2011.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Gert Roos (University of Antwerp, Belgium) - defended 20/12/2010.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Katleen Huyghe (University of Antwerp, Belgium) - defended 2009.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Simon Lailvaux (Tulane University, U.S.A.) - defended 2005.
  • Member of the PhD jury (examiner) of Keith Metzger (SUNY Stony Brook, U.S.A.) - defended 2005.