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Edited books (4):

Aerts, P., K. D'Aout, A. Herrel and R. Van Damme (2002) Topics in Functional and
Ecological Vertebrate Morphology. Shaker Publishing, Maastricht.

Herrel, A., T. Speck and N. Rowe (2006) Ecology and Biomechanics: A mechanical approach to the ecology of animals and plants.
CRC Press, Boca Raton. 352 pp. full text (PDF)

Tolley, K.A. and A. Herrel (2013) The Biology of chameleons. University of California Press, Berkeley. 296 pp.
full text (PDF)

Böhmer, C., A-C Fabre, J-C. Theil and A. Herrel (2020) Atlas of terrestrial mammal limbs. Taylor & Francis. Doi: 10.1201/b22115.
full text (PDF)

Battesti, V., M. Crépy, A. Herrel, A. Lalis and D. Larpin (2024) Déserts. Vivre en milieu extrême. Book accompanying the temporary exhibition at the MNHN.
Chapters in books or encyclopedia (23):

Herrel, A. (1999) Adaptations to herbivory. In: Corucia
zebrata, Der Wickelschwanzskink (A. Hauschild und P. Gabner eds.). Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. pp. 33-34.
full text (PDF)

Herrel, A. (2000) Die Funktion der Zungenfärbung bei
Blauzungenskinken (Tiliqua spp.). In: Blauzungenskinke, Beiträge zu Tiliqua und Cyclodomorphus (A. Hauschild, R.
Hitz, G. Shea und H. Werning eds.). Natur und Tier Verlag, Münster. pp. 27-30. (English version: 2004 "Blue-tongued skinks, contributions to Tiliqua and
Cyclodomorphus"; Matthias Schmidt Publications).

Aerts, P., K. D'Aout, A. Herrel and R. Van Damme (2002) Introduction. In: Topics in Functional and Ecological Vertebrate Morphology
(P. Aerts, K. D'aout, A. Herrel and R. Van Damme, Eds.). Shaker Publishing, Maastricht. pp. 1-4.
full text (PDF)

Meyers, J.J., A. Herrel and J. Birch (2002) Scaling of morphology, bite force, and feeding kinematics in an iguanian
and a scleroglossan lizard. In: Topics in Functional and Ecological Vertebrate Morphology (P. Aerts, K. D'aout, A. Herrel and R. Van Damme, Eds.).
Shaker Publishing, Maastricht. pp. 47-62.
full text (PDF)

Van Cakenberghe, V., A. Herrel and L.F. Aguirre (2002) Evolutionary relationships between cranial shape and diet in bats
(Mammalia: Chiroptera). In: Topics in Functional and Ecological Vertebrate Morphology (P. Aerts, K. D'aout, A. Herrel and R. Van Damme, Eds.).
Shaker Publishing, Maastricht. pp. 205-236.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A. and P. Aerts (2003) Biomechanical Studies of Food and Diet Selection.
In: Nature Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Nature Publishing Group, London. [doi:10.1038/npg.els.0003213]
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Vanhooydonck, B., P. Aerts, D.J. Irschick and A. Herrel (2006) Power generation during locomotion in Anolis lizards: an ecomorphological approach.
In: Ecology and Biomechanics: A mechanical approach to the ecology of animals and plants (A. Herrel, T. Speck and N. Rowe, Eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp. 253-269.
full text (PDF) (large file - 5mb)

Herrel, A. (2007) Herbivory and foraging mode in lizards. In: Lizard Ecology: The evolutionary consequences of foraging mode.
(S.M. Reilly, L.D. McBrayer and D.B. Miles, Eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp. 209-236.
full text (PDF) (large file - 8mb)

Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel and R. Van Damme (2007) Interactions between habitat use, behavior and the trophic niche of lacertid lizards.
In: Lizard Ecology: The evolutionary consequences of foraging mode. (S.M. Reilly, L.D. McBrayer and D.B. Miles, Eds.) Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. pp. 427-449.
full text (PDF) (large file - 5.6mb)

Herrel, A., J. Van Damme and P. Aerts (2007) Cervical anatomy and function in turtles. In: The Biology of turtles (J. Wyneken, V.L. Bels and M.H. Godfrey, Eds.). CRC Press, Boca Raton. pp. 145-167.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., S. Van Wassenbergh and P. Aerts (2012) Biomechanical Studies of Food and Diet Selection. In: eLS 2012, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester [DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0003213.pub2] full text (PDF)

Herrel, A. (2013) The physiology of chameleons. In: The Biology of chameleons (K.A. Tolley and A. Herrel, Eds.). University of California Press, Berkeley. pp. 57-62.

Measey, J.G., A. Raselimanana and A. Herrel (2013) Ecology and life-history of chameleons. In: The Biology of chameleons (K.A. Tolley and A. Herrel, Eds.). University of California Press, Berkeley. pp. 85-114.

Tolley, K.A. and A. Herrel (2013) Introduction. In: The Biology of chameleons (K.A. Tolley and A. Herrel, Eds.). University of California Press, Berkeley. pp. 1-6.

Bels, V.L.and A. Herrel (2019) Feeding, a tool to understand vertebrate evolution. Introduction to “Feeding in Vertebrates”. In: Feeding in Vertebrates: Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics (Eds. V.L. Bels & I.Q. Wishaw). Springer Verlag. Pp. 1-18. full text (PDF)

Herrel, A., J.C. O'Reilly, A-C. Fabre, C. Bardua, R. Boistel and S. Gorb (2019) Feeding in amphibians: evolutionary transformations and phenotypic diversity as drivers of feeding system diversity. In: Feeding in Vertebrates: Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics (Eds. V.L. Bels & I.Q. Wishaw). Springer Verlag. Pp. 431-467. full text (PDF)

Moon, B.R., D.A. Penning, M. Segall and A. Herrel (2019) Feeding in snakes: form, function, and evolution of the feeding system. In: Feeding in Vertebrates: Evolution, Morphology, Behavior, Biomechanics (Eds. V.L. Bels & I.Q. Wishaw). Springer Verlag. Pp 527-574. full text (PDF)

Boettcher, M., K.C. Leonard, A. Herrel and A. Hartstone-Rose (2020) The soft-tissue anatomy of the highly derived hand of Perodicticus relative to the more generalized Nycticebus. In: Evolution, Ecology and Conservation of Lorises and Pottos.
Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Pp. 76-96. full text (PDF)

Herrel, A. (2021) Le protocole de Nagoya : expérience et retour d'un chercheur. In: La Nature en partage (C. Aubertin & A. Nivart, Eds.), pp. 91-99. IRD Editions, Marseille.
English version: The Nagoya protocol: Experience and feedback from a researcher. In: Nature in common: Beyond the Nagoya Protocol (C. Aubertin & A. Nivart, Eds.), pp. 89-96. IRD Editions, Marseille.

Herrel A. (2022) Postface. In: (A. Volpilhac, Ed.) Histoire de deux caméléons. Vincennes: Editions Thierry Marchaisse. 192 Pp.

Herrel, A. and D. Adriaens (2022) Burrowing in fishes: anatomy, physiology, function and ecology.
In: Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, Second Edition. Doi: 10.1016/B978-0-323-90801-6.00007-0 full text (PDF)

Gomes Rodrigues, H., R. Sumbera, L. Hautier and A. Herrel (2023) Digging up convergence in fossorial rodents: insights into burrowing activity and morpho-functional specializations of the masticatory apparatus.
In: Convergent Evolution (V.L. Bels and A.P. Russell, Eds.). Springer Verlag, Berlin. Pp. 37-63. full text (PDF)

Segall, M., A. Palci, P. Skipwith and A. Herrel (2023) The evolution of the form and function of the head of snakes.
In: Snakes: Morphology, Function, and Ecology (D. Penning Ed.) Pp. 1-70. Nova Publishers. Doi: 10.52305/YHUZ3307
Journal publications (521):
Herrel, A., J. Cleuren and F. De Vree (1995) Prey capture in the
lizard Agama stellio. J. Morphol. 224: 313-329.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J. Cleuren and F. De Vree (1996) Kinematics of feeding
in the lizard Agama stellio. J. Exp. Biol. 199: 1727-1742.
full text (PDF)
Herrel A., R. Van Damme and F. De Vree (1996) Sexual dimorphism of
head size in Podarcis hispanica atrata: Testing the dietary
divergence hypothesis by bite force analysis. Neth. J. Zool. 46 (3/4): 253-262.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J. Cleuren and F. De Vree (1997) Quantitative analysis
of jaw and hyolingual muscle activity during feeding in the
lizard Agama stellio. J. Exp. Biol. 200: 101-115.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., I. Wauters, P. Aerts, and F. De Vree (1997) The
mechanics of ovophagy in the beaded lizard (Heloderma horridum).
J. Herpetol. 31(3): 383-393.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., P. Aerts and F. De Vree (1998) Static biting in lizards:
functional morphology of the temporal ligaments. J. Zool Lond. 244: 135-143.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., P. Aerts and F. De Vree (1998) Ecomorphology of the
lizard feeding apparatus: a modelling approach. Neth. J. Zool. 48(1): 1-25.
full text (PDF) - large file !
Herrel A., J-P Timmermans and F. De Vree (1998) Tongue-flicking
in agamid lizards: morphology, kinematics and muscle activity
patterns. Anat. Rec. 252(1): 102-116.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., L. Spithoven, R. Van Damme and F. De Vree (1999) Sexual
dimorphism of head size in Gallotia galloti; testing the niche
divergence hypothesis by functional analyses. Funct. Ecol. 13(3):
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A. and F. De Vree (1999) The cervical musculature in
helodermatid lizards. Belg. J. Zool. 129(1): 175-186.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., P. Aerts, J. Fret and F. De Vree (1999). Morphology of
the feeding system in agamid lizards; ecological correlates. Anat Rec. 254(4): 496-507.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A. and F. De Vree (1999). Kinematics of intraoral
transport and swallowing in the herbivorous lizard
Uromastix acanthinurus. J. Exp. Biol. 202(9): 1127-1137.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., M. Verstappen and F. De Vree (1999) Modulatory
complexity of the feeding repertoire in scincid lizards. J. Comp. Physiol. A. 184(5):
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., F. De Vree, V. Delheusy and C. Gans (1999) Cranial
kinesis in gekkonid lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 202: 3687-3698.
full text (PDF)
Zaaf, A., A. Herrel, P. Aerts and F. De Vree (1999) Morphology and
morphometrics of the appendicular musculature in geckoes
with different locomotor habits (Lepidosauria). Zoomorphology 119(1), 9-22.
full text (PDF)
Aerts, P., R. Van Damme, B. Vanhooydonck, A. Zaaf and A. Herrel
(2000) Lizard locomotion: how morphology meets ecology. Neth. J. Zool. 50(2): 261-278.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., P. Aerts and F. De Vree (2000) Cranial kinesis in
geckoes: functional implications. J. Exp. Biol. 203: 1415-1423.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers, K.C. Nishikawa and P. Aerts (2000) The
mechanics of prey prehension in chameleons. J. Exp. Biol. 203: 3255-3263.
full text (PDF)
Aerts, P., J. Van Damme and A. Herrel (2001) Intrinsic mechanics and control of fast
cranio-cervical movements in aquatic feeding turtles. Am. Zool. 41: 1299-1310.
full text (PDF)
Alfaro, M. and A. Herrel (2001) Major issues of feeding motor control in vertebrates. Am.
Zool. 41: 1243-1247.
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Herrel, A., R. Van Damme, B. Vanhooydonck and F. De Vree (2001)
The implications of bite performance for diet in two species of lacertid lizards.
Can. J. Zool. 79: 662-670.
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Herrel, A., E. De Grauw and J.A. Lemos-Espinal (2001)
Head shape and bite performance in xenosaurid lizards. J. Exp. Zool. 290: 101-107.
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Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers, K.C. Nishikawa and F. De Vree (2001)
Morphology and histochemistry of the hyolingual apparatus in chameleons.
J. Morphol. 249: 154-170.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers and B. Vanhooydonck (2001)
Relations between habitat use and body shape in a phrynosomatid lizard (Urosaurus
ornatus): a population-level analysis. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 74: 305-314.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers, P. Aerts and K.C. Nishikawa (2001)
Functional implications of supercontracting muscle in the chameleon tongue retractors. J. Exp.
Biol. 204: 3621-3627.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers, K.C. Nishikawa and F. De Vree (2001)
The evolution of feeding motor patterns in lizards: modulatory complexity and constraints. Am.
Zool. 41: 1311-1320.
full text (PDF)
Zaaf, A., R. Van Damme, A. Herrel and P. Aerts (2001)
Spatio temporal gait characteristics of level and vertical locomotion in a level-running and
a climbing gecko. J. Exp. Biol. 204: 1233-1246.
full text (PDF)
Zaaf, A., R. Van Damme, A. Herrel and P. Aerts (2001) Limb joint kinematics during
vertical climbing and level running in a specialist climber: Gekko gecko (Lacertilia:
Gekkonidae). Belg. J. Zool. 131:173-182.
full text (PDF)
Aguirre, L.F., A. Herrel, R. Van Damme and E. Matthysen (2002) Ecomorphological analysis of trophic niche
partitioning in a tropical savanna bat community. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 269: 1271-1278.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., D. Adriaens, P. Aerts and W. Verraes (2002)
Bite performance in clariid fishes with hypertrophied jaw adductors as deduced by bite
modelling. J. Morphol. 253: 196-205.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers, J.-P. Timmermans and K.C. Nishikawa (2002) Supercontracting muscle: producing tension
over extreme muscle lengths. J. Exp. Biol. 205: 2167-2173.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J.J. Meyers and B. Vanhooydonck (2002) Relations between micro habitat use
and limb shape in phrynosomatid lizards. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 77(1): 149-163.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J.C. O'Reilly and A.M. Richmond (2002) Evolution of bite performance in turtles.
J. Evol. Biol. 15: 1083-1094.
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Meyers, J.J., A. Herrel and K.C. Nishikawa (2002) Comparative study of the innervation patterns of
the hyobranchial musculature in three iguanian lizards, Sceloporus undulatus, Pseudotrapelus sinaitus and
Chamaeleo jacksonii. Anat. Rec. 267: 177-189.
full text (PDF)
Verwaijen, D., R. Van Damme and A. Herrel (2002) Relationships between head size, bite force,
prey handling efficiency and diet in two sympatric lacertid lizards. Funct Ecol. 16: 842-850.
full text (PDF)
Aguirre, L.F., A. Herrel, R. Van Damme and E. Mathyssen (2003) The implications of food hardness for diet in bats.
Funct. Ecol. 17: 201-212.
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Dumont, E.R. and A. Herrel (2003) The effects of gape angle and bite point on bite force in bats.
J. Exp. Biol. 206: 2117-2123.
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Irschick, D.J., B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel and A. Andronescu (2003) Effects of loading and size on maximum power output
and gait characteristics in geckos. J. Exp. Biol. 206: 3923-3934.
full text (PDF)
Toro, E., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck and D.J. Irschick (2003) A biomechanical analysis of intra- and
interspecific scaling of jumping biomechanics and morphology in Caribbean Anolis lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 206: 2641-2652.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., B. Vanhooydonck, R. Joachim and D.J. Irschick (2004) Frugivory in polychrotid lizards: effects of body size.
Oecologia 140: 160-168.
full text (PDF). The original publication is available
Herrel, A., B. Vanhooydonck and R. Van Damme (2004) Omnivory in lacertid lizards:adaptive evolution or constraint ?
J. Evol. Biol. 17: 974-984.
full text (PDF)
Huysentruyt, F., D. Adriaens, G.G. Teugels, S. Devaere, A. Herrel, W. Verraes and P. Aerts (2004) Diet
composition in relation to morphology in some African aguilliform clariid catfishes. Belg. J. Zool. 134: 41-46.
full text (PDF)
Lailvaux, S.P., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, J.J. Meyers and D.J. Irschick (2004) Fighting tactics differ in two distinct male phenotypes in a lizard:
Heavyweight and lightweight bouts. Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 271: 2501-2508.
full text (PDF)
Toro, E., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2004) The evolution of jumping performance in Caribbean Anolis lizards:
resolution of a biomechanical trade-off? Am. Nat. 163: 844-856.
full text (PDF).
Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2004) Effects of jaw adductor hypertrophy on
buccal expansions during feeding of airbreathing catfishes (Teleostei, Clariidae). Zoomorphology 123: 81-93.
full text (PDF)
Vincent, S.E., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2004) Sexual dimorphism in head shape and diet in the
cottonmouth snake (Agkistrodon piscivorus). J. Zool., Lond. 264:53-59.
full text (PDF)
Vincent, S., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2004) Ontogeny of intersexual head shape and prey
selection in the pitviper Agkistrodon piscivorus. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 81: 151-159.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J. Podos, S.K. Huber and A.P. Hendry (2005) Bite performance and morphology in a population of Darwin's finches:
implications for the evolution of beak shape. Funct. Ecol. 19: 43-48.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J. Podos, S.K. Huber and A.P. Hendry (2005) Evolution of bite force in Darwin's finches: a key role for head width.
J. Evol. Biol. 18: 669-675.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., M. Canbek, Ü. Özelmas, M. Uyanoglu and M. Karakaya (2005) Comparative functional analysis of the hyolingual anatomy in
lacertid lizards. Anat. Rec. 284: 561-573.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., S. Van Wassenbergh, S. Wouters, P. Aerts and D. Adriaens (2005) A functional morphological approach to the scaling of the feeding system in the African
catfish, Clarias gariepinus. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 2091-2102.
full text (PDF)
Irschick, D.J., B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel and J.J. Meyers (2005) Intraspecific correlations among morphology, performance,
and habitat use within a green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) population. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 85: 211-221.
full text (PDF)
Irschick, D.J., E. Carlisle, J. Elstrott, M. Ramos, C. Buckley, B. Vanhooydonck, J.J. Meyers and A. Herrel (2005) A comparison of habitat use,
morphology, clinging performance, and escape behavior among two divergent green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis) populations.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 85: 223-234.
full text (PDF)
Irschick D.J., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, K. Huyghe and R. Van Damme (2005) Locomotor compensation creates a mismatch between laboratory and field estimates of
escape speed in lizards. Evolution 59: 1579-1587.
full text (PDF)
Metzger K.A. and A. Herrel (2005) Correlations between lizard cranial shape and diet: a quantitative, phylogenetically informed analysis.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 86:433-466.
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Meyers, J.J. and A. Herrel (2005) Prey capture kinematics of ant eating lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 113-127.
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Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2005) Does dewlap size predict male bite force in Jamaican Anolis lizards?
Funct. Ecol. 19: 38-42.
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Vanhooydonck, B., A. Andronescu, A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2005) Effects of substrate structure on speed and
acceleration capacity in climbing geckos. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 85: 385-393.
full text (PDF)
Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel, J.J. Meyers, R. Van Damme and D.J. Irschick (2005) The relationship between dewlap size and performance changes with age and sex in
an A. carolinensis lizard population. Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 59: 157-165.
full text (PDF)
Van Wassenbergh, S., P. Aerts, D. Adriaens and A. Herrel (2005) A dynamical model of mouth closing movements in clariid catfishes:
the role of enlarged jaw adductors. J. Theor. Biol. 234: 49-65.
full text (PDF)
Van Wassenbergh, S., P. Aerts and A. Herrel (2005) Scaling of suction feeding kinematics and dynamics in the African catfish
Clarias gariepinus. J. Exp. Biol. 208: 2103-2114.
full text (PDF)
Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2005) A test of mouth-opening and hyoid-depression mechanisms during prey capture in a catfish.
J. Exp. Biol. 208: 4627-4639.
full text (PDF)
Vincent, S.E., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2005) Aquatic versus terrestrial strike performance and kinematics in the pitviper,
Agkistrodon piscivorus. J. Exp. Zool. 303:476-488.
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Bilcke, J., A. Herrel and R. Van Damme (2006) Correlated evolution of aquatic prey capture strategies in European and American Natricine snakes.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 88: 73-83.
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Herrel, A. and A.C. Gibb (2006) Ontogeny of performance in vertebrates. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 79: 1-6.
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Herrel, A. and J.C. O'Reilly (2006) Ontogenetic scaling of bite force in lizards and turtles. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 79: 31-42.
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Herrel, A., R. Joachim, B. Vanhooydonck and D.J. Irschick (2006) Ecological consequences of ontogenetic changes in head shape and bite performance in the
Jamaican lizard Anolis lineatopus. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 89: 443-454.
full text (PDF)
Irschick D.J., G. Gentry, A. Herrel and B. Vanhooydonck (2006) Seasonal patterns of Sarcophaid fly infections and male mortality in a North American lizard
(Anolis carolinensis) population. J. Herpetol. 40: 107-112.
full text (PDF)
Irschick D.J., M. Ramos, C. Buckley, J. Elstrott, E. Carlisle, S. Lailvaux, N. Bloch, A. Herrel and B. Vanhooydonck (2006) Are morphology -> performance
relationships invariant across different seasons? A test with the green anole lizard (Anolis carolinensis). Oikos 114: 49-59.
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Irschick D.J., A. Herrel and B. Vanhooydonck (2006) Whole-organism studies of adhesion in pad-bearing lizards. J. Comp. Physiol. A. 192: 1169-1177.
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Measey, J. and A. Herrel (2006) Rotational feeding in caecilians: putting a spin on the evolution of cranial design. Biology Letters 2: 485-487.
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Meyers, J.J., D.J. Irschick, B. Vanhooydonck and A. Herrel (2006) Divergent roles for multiple sexual signals in a polygynous lizard. Funct. Ecol. 20: 709-716.
full text (PDF)
Meyers, J.J., A. Herrel and K.C. Nishikawa (2006) Ecomorphology of the feeding system in a specialized group of lizards (Phrynosoma).
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 89: 13-24. full text (PDF)
Toro, E., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2006) Movement control strategies during jumping in a lizard (Anolis valencienni).
J. Biomech. 39: 2014-2019. full text (PDF)
Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel, R. Van Damme and D.J. Irschick (2006) The quick and the fast: the evolution of acceleration capacity in Anolis lizards.
Evolution 60: 2137-2147. full text (PDF)
Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2006) Out on a limb: the differential effect of substrate diameter on acceleration capacity in Anolis
lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 209: 4515-4523. full text (PDF)
Van Wassenbergh, S., P. Aerts and A. Herrel (2006) Scaling of suction feeding performance in the catfish Clarias gariepinus.
Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 79: 43-56. full text (PDF)
Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2006) Modulation and variability of prey capture kinematics in clariid catfishes J. Exp. Zool. Part A 305:
559-569. full text (PDF)
Van Wassenbergh, S., P. Aerts and A. Herrel (2006) Hydrodynamic modeling of aquatic suction performance and intra-oral pressures:
limitations for comparative studies. J. R. Soc. Interface 3: 507-514. full text (PDF)
Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2006) No trade-off between biting and suction feeding performance in clariid catfish. J Exp. Biol. 210:
27-36. full text (PDF)
Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens, F. Huysentruyt, S. Devaere and P. Aerts (2006) A catfish that can strike its prey on land. Nature 440:881.
full text (PDF)
Vincent, S.E., B.R. Moon, R. Shine and A. Herrel (2006) The functional meaning of "prey size" in water snakes (Nerodia fasciata, Colubridae). Oecologia 147:
204-211. full text (PDF)
Vincent, S.E., P.D. Dang, A. Herrel and N.J. Kley (2006) Morphological integration and adaptation in the snake feeding system: a comparative phylogenetic study. J.
Evol. Biol. 19: 1545-1554.
full text (PDF), appendix (PDF)
Bilcke, J., A. Herrel and P. Aerts (2007) Effect of prey- and predator size on the capture success of an aquatic snake. Belg. J. Zool. 137: 191-195.
full text (PDF)
Castilla, A.M., A. Herrel, G. Diaz and A. Francesch (2007) Developmental stage affects eggshell breaking strength in two ground-nesting birds:
the partridge (Alectoris rufa) and the quail (Coturnix japonica). J Exp. Zool. A. 307: 471-477.
full text (PDF)
Geerinckx, T., M. Brunain, A. Herrel, P. Aerts and D. Adriaens (2007) A head with a suckermouth: a functional-morphological study of the head of the suckermouth
armoured catfish Ancistrus cf. triradiatus (Loridariidae, Siluriformes). Belg. J. Zool. 137: 47-66.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., L.D. McBrayer and P.M. Larson (2007) Functional basis for intersexual differences in bite force in the lizard Anolis carolinensis.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 91: 111-119. full text (PDF) The definitive
version is available at
Herrel, A., R.S. James and R. Van Damme (2007) Fight versus flight: physiological basis for temperature dependent behavioral shifts in lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 210:
1762-1767. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., V. Schaerlaeken, J.J. Meyers, K.A. Metzger and C.F. Ross (2007) The evolution of cranial design and performance in squamates:
consequences of skull-bone reduction on feeding behavior. Integr. Comp. Biol. 47: 107-117.
full text (PDF)
Huyghe, K., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, J.J. Meyers and D.J. Irschick (2007) Microhabitat use, diet, and performance data on the Hispaniolan twig anole, Anolis
sheplani. Zoology 110: 2-8. full text (PDF)
Huyghe, K., B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel, Z. Tadic and R. Van Damme (2007) Morphology, performance, behaviour and ecology of three colour morphs in males of
the lizard Podarcis melisellensis. Integr. Comp. Biol. 47: 211-220.
full text (PDF)
Irschick, D.J., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck and R. Van Damme (2007) A functional approach to sexual selection. Funct. Ecol. 21: 621-626.
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James, R.S., C.A. Navas and A. Herrel (2007) How important are skeletal muscle mechanics in setting limits on jumping performance? J. Exp. Biol. 210: 923-933.
full text (PDF)
Parmentier, E., M. Fine, P. Vandewalle, O. Colleye, B. Frederich and A. Herrel (2007) Sound production in the clownfish Amphipirion clarkii. Science 316: 1006.
full text (PDF)
Ross, C.F., A. Eckhardt, A. Herrel, W.L. Hylander, K.A. Metzger, V. Schaerlaeken, R.L. Washington and S.H. Williams (2007) Modulation of
intra-oral processing in mammals and lepidosaurs. Integr. Comp. Biol. 47:118-136.
full text (PDF)
Schaerlaeken, V., J.J. Meyers and A. Herrel (2007) Modulation of prey capture kinematics and the role of lingual sensory feedback in the lizard
Pogona vitticeps. Zoology 110: 127-138.
full text (PDF)
Vanhooydonck, B., R. Van Damme, A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2007) A performance based approach to distinguish indices from handicaps in sexual selection studies.
Funct. Ecol. 21: 645-652. full text (PDF)
Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel and D.J. Irschick (2007) Determinants of sexual differences in escape behavior in Anolis lizards: a
comparative approach. Integr. Comp. Biol. 47: 200-210.
full text (PDF)
Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2007) Interspecific variation in sternohyoideus muscle morphology in clariid catfishes: functional
implications for suction feeding. J. Morphol. 268: 232-242.
full text (PDF)
Van Wassenbergh, S., A. Herrel, R.S. James and P. Aerts (2007) Scaling of contractile properties of catfish feeding muscles. J. Exp. Biol. 210: 1183-1193.
full text (PDF)
Velasco, J and A. Herrel (2007) Ecomorphology of Anolis lizards of Chocoì region in Colombia and comparisons with Greater Antillean ecomorphs. Biol. J.
Linn. Soc. 92: 29-39.
full text (PDF)
Vincent, S.E., B.R. Moon, A. Herrel and N.J. Kley (2007) Are ontogenetic shifts in diet linked to shifts in feeding mechanics? Scaling of the feeding system in the
banded watersnake, Nerodia fasciata. J. Exp. Biol. 210: 2057-2069.
full text (PDF)
Vincent, S.E. and A. Herrel (2007) Functional and ecological correlates of ecologically-based dimorphisms in squamate reptiles. Integr. Comp. Biol. 47: 172-188.
full text (PDF)
Wyckmans, M., S. Van Wassenbergh, D. Adriaens, R. Van Damme and A. Herrel (2007) Size-related changes in cranial morphology affect diet in the catfish
Clariallabes longicauda. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 92: 323-334.
full text (PDF)
Abdala, V., A.S. Manzano and A. Herrel (2008) The distal forelimb musculature in aquatic and terrestrial turtles: phylogeny or environmental constraints?
J. Anat. 213: 159-172. full text (PDF)
Anderson, R., L.D. McBrayer and A. Herrel (2008) Bite force in vertebrates: opportunities and caveats for use of a nonpareil whole-animal
performance measure. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 93: 709-720.
full text (PDF)
Brecko, J., K. Huyghe, B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel, I. Grbac and R. Van Damme (2008) Functional and ecological relevance of intraspecific variation in body size and
shape in a lizard, Podarcis melisellensis. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 94: 251-264.
full text (PDF)
Castilla, A.M., A. Herrel and A. Gosá (2008) Mainland versus island differences in behaviour of Podarcis lizards confronted with dangerous prey: the scorpion Buthus occitanus.
J. Nat. Hist. 42: 2331-2342.
full text (PDF)
Gifford, M.E., A. Herrel and D.L. Mahler (2008) The evolution of sprinting performance among populations of Leiocephalus lizards from the Dominican
Republic. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 93: 445-456. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A. and V. Holanova (2008) Cranial morphology and bite force in Chamaeleolis lizards, adaptations to molluscivory? Zoology 111: 467-475.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., A. De Smet, L.F. Aguirre and P. Aerts (2008) Morphological and mechanical determinants of bite force in bats: do muscles matter? J. Exp. Biol. 211: 86-91.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., K. Huyghe, B. Vanhooydonck, T. Backeljau, K. Breugelmans, I. Grbac, R. Van Damme and D.J. Irschick (2008) Rapid large scale evolutionary divergence in
morphology and performance associated with exploitation of a different dietary resource. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 105: 4792-4795.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., V. Schaerlaeken, C.F. Ross, J.J. Meyers, K.C. Nishikawa, V. Abdala, A. Manzano and P. Aerts (2008) Electromyography and the evolution of motor control:
limitations and insights. Integr. Comp. Biol. 48: 261-271.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., S.E. Vincent, M.E. Alfaro, S. Van Wassenbergh, B. Vanhooydonck and D.J. Irschick (2008) Morphological convergence as a consequence of extreme
functional demands: examples from the feeding system of natricine snakes. J. Evol. Biol. 21: 1438-1448. full text (PDF)
Hoyer, S.C., A. Eckart, A. Herrel, T. Zars, S. Fischer, S.L. Hardie and M. Heisenberg (2008) Octopamine in male aggression of Drosophila. Curr. Biol. 18:
full text (PDF)
Kohlsdorf, T., M.B. Grizante, C.A. Navas and A. Herrel (2008) Head shape evolution in Tropidurinae lizards: does locomotion constrain diet? J. Evol. Biol. 21: 781-790.
full text (PDF)
Manzano, A., V. Abdala and A. Herrel (2008) Morphology and function of the forelimb in arboreal frogs: specializations for grasping ability? J. Anat. 213: 296-307.
full text (PDF)
Schaerlaeken, V., A. Herrel and J.J. Meyers (2008) Modulation, individual variation, and the role of lingual sensory afferents in the control of prey transport
in the lizard Pogona vitticeps. J. Exp. Biol. 211: 2071-2078. full text (PDF)
Schaerlaeken, V., A. Herrel, P. Aerts and C.F. Ross (2008) The functional significance of the lower temporal bar in Sphenodon. J. Exp. Biol. 211: 3908-3914.
full text (PDF)
Van Damme, R., P. Entin, B. Vanhooydonck and A. Herrel (2008) Causes of sexual dimorphism in performance traits: a comparative approach. Evol. Ecol. Res. 10: 229-
250. full text (PDF)
Abdala, V., A.S. Manzano, M.J. Tulli and A. Herrel (2009) The tendinous patterns in the palmar surface of the lizard manus: tests of functional
consequences for grasping ability. Anat. Rec. 292: 842-853. full text (PDF)
Adriaens, D. and A. Herrel (2009) Functional consequences of extreme morphologies in the craniate trophic system. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 1-6.
full text (PDF)
Adriaens, D., T. Geerinckx, J. Vlassenbroeck, L. Van Hoorebeke and A. Herrel (2009) Jaw movements in suckermouth armoured catfishes (Loricariidae): does morphological
decoupling lead to increased functional versatility? Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 51-62.
full text (PDF)
Castilla, A.M., A. Herrel, S. Van Dongen and N. Furio (2009) Determinants of egg shell strength in endangered raptors. J. Exp. Zool. 311A: 303-311.
full text (PDF)
Clabaut, C., A. Herrel, T. Sanger, T. Smith and A. Abzhanov (2009) Development of beak polymorphism in the African Seedcracker, Pyrenestes ostrinus. Evol. Devel. 11: 636-646.
full text (PDF)
Dumont, E.R., A. Herrel, R.A. Medellin, J. Vargas and S. Santana (2009) Built to bite: cranial design and function in the wrikle faced bat
(Centurio senex). J. Zool. 279: 329-337.
full text (PDF)
Hendry, A.P., S.K. Huber, L.F. De Léon, A. Herrel and J. Podos (2009) Disruptive selection and the dynamics of divergence: inferences in a bimodal population of Darwin's finch.
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 276: 753-759. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A. and F. De Vree (2009) Jaw and hyolingual muscle activity patterns and bite forces in the herbivorous lizard Uromastyx acanthinurus.
Arch. Oral Biol. 54: 772-782. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., S.M. Deban, V. Schaerlaeken, J-P. Timmermans and D. Adriaens (2009) Are morphological specializations of the hyolingual system in chameleons and salamanders tuned to
demands on performance? Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 29-39.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J. Podos, B. Vanhooydonck and A.P. Hendry (2009) Force-velocity trade-off in Darwin's finch jaw function: a biomechanical basis for ecological speciation?
Funct. Ecol. 23: 119-125. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., D.V. Andrade, J.E. de Carvalho, A. Brito, A. Abe and C. Navas (2009) Aggressive behavior and performance in the tegu lizard Tupinambis merianae.
Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 680-685. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., V. Schaerlaeken, J. Moravec and C.F. Ross (2009) Sexual shape dimorphism in tuatara, ecological niche divergence or
sexual selection ? Copeia 2009: 727-731. full text (PDF)
Huber, D.R., J.M. Claes, J. Mallefet and A. Herrel (2009) Is extreme bite performance associated with extreme morphologies in sharks. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 20-28.
full text (PDF)
Huyghe, K., A. Herrel, D. Adriaens, Z. Tadic and R. Van Damme (2009) It 's all in the head. Morphological basis for differences in bite force among colour
morphs of the Dalmatian wall lizard. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 96: 13-22.
full text (PDF)
Huyghe, K., J.F. Husak, A. Herrel, Z. Tadic, I.T. Moore, R. Van Damme and B. Vanhooydonck (2009) Relationships between hormones, physiological
performance and immunocompetence in a color-polymorphic species, Podarcis melisellensis. Horm. Behav. 55:488-494.
full text (PDF)
Montuelle, S.J., A. Herrel, P.-A. Libourel, L. Reveret and V.L. Bels (2009) Locomotor-feeding coupling during prey capture in a lizard (Gerrhosaurus major):
effects of prehension mode. J. Exp. Biol. 212: 768-777.
full text (PDF)
Montuelle, S., A. Herrel, V. Schaerlaeken, K.A. Metzger, A. Mutuyeyezu and V.L. Bels (2009) Inertial feeding in the teiid lizard Tupinambis merianae:
the effect of prey size on the movements of hyolingual apparatus and the cranio-cervical system. J. Exp. Biol. 212: 2501-2510.
full text (PDF)
Prikryl, T., P. Aerts, P. Havelková, A. Herrel and Z. Rocek (2009) Pelvic and thigh musculature in frogs (Anura) and origin of anuran jumping locomotion. J. Anat. 214: 100-139.
full text (PDF)
Roos, G., H. Leysen, S. Van Wassenbergh, A. Herrel, P. Jacobs, M. Dierick, P. Aerts and D. Adriaens (2009) Linking morphology and motion: a test of a four-bar mechanism in seahorses.
Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 7-19. full text (PDF)
Roos, G., S. Van Wassenbergh, A. Herrel and P. Aerts (2009) Go with the flow: kinematics of suction feeding in the seahorse Hippocampus reidi. J. Exp. Biol. 212: 3490-3498.
full text (PDF)
Tulli, M.J., F.B. Cruz, A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck and V. Abdala (2009) The interplay between claw morphology and microhabitat use in Neotropical
Iguanian lizards. Zoology 112: 379-392. full text (PDF)
Van Daele, P.A.A.G., A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2009) Biting performance in teeth-digging African mole-rats (Fukomys, Bathyergidae, Rodentia). Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 82: 40-50.
full text (PDF)
Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel, J.J. Meyers and D.J. Irschick (2009) What determines dewlap diversity in Anolis lizards? An among-island comparison. J. Evol. Biol. 22: 293-305.
full text (PDF)
Vanhooydonck, B., G. Meulepas, A. Herrel, R. Boistel, P. Tafforeau, V. Fernandez and P. Aerts (2009) Ecomorphological analysis of aerial performance in a non-specialized
lacertid lizard, Holaspis guentheri. J. Exp. Biol. 212: 2475-2492. full text (PDF)
Vanhooydonck, B., A. Herrel, A. Gabela and J. Podos (2009) Wing shape variation in the medium ground finch (Geospiza fortis): an ecomorphological approach.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 98: 129-138. full text (PDF)
Van Wassenbergh, S., T. Lieben, A. Herrel, F. Huysentruyt, T. Geerinckx, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2009) Kinematics of benthic suction feeding in Callichthyidae and Mochokidae,
with functional implications for the evolution of food scraping in catfishes. J Exp. Biol. 212:116-125.
full text (PDF)
Vincent, S.E., M.C. Brandley, A. Herrel and M.E. Alfaro (2009) Convergence in trophic morphology and feeding performance among piscivorous natricine snakes.
J. Evol. Biol. 22:1203-1211. full text (PDF)
Boistel, R., A. Herrel, G. Daghfous, P-A. Libourel, E. Boller, P. Tafforeau and V. Bels (2010) Assisted walking in Malagasy dwarf chameleons.
Biol. Lett. 6: 740-743. full text (PDF)
Campas, O., R. Mallarino, A. Herrel, A. Abzhanov and M.P. Brenner (2010) Scaling and shear transformations capture beak shape variation in Darwin's finches.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 107: 3356-3360. full text (PDF),
Supplementary Information (PDF)
Castilla, A.M., S. Van Dongen, A. Herrel, A. Francesch, J. Martínez de Aragón, J. Malone and J.J. Negro (2010) Increase in membrane thickness during development
compensates for eggshell thinning due to calcium uptake by the embryo in falcons. Naturwissenschaften. 97: 143-151.
full text (PDF)
Castilla, A.M., A. Herrel, H. Robles, J. Malone, J.J. Negro (2010) The effect of developmental stage on eggshell thickness variation in endangered
falcons. Zoology 113: 184-188
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J. Soons, P. Aerts, J. Dirckx, M. Boone, P. Jacobs, D. Adriaens and J. Podos (2010) Adaptation and function of Darwin's finch beaks: divergence by feeding type and sex.
Emu 110: 39-47. full text. The original publication can be found on the journal website.
Herrel, A. and G.J. Measey (2010) The kinematics of locomotion in caecilians: effects of substrate and body shape.
J. Exp. Zool. 313A: 301-309. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J.A. Moore, E.M. Bredeweg and N.J. Nelson (2010) Sexual dimorphism, body size, bite force, and male mating success in tuatara. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 100: 287-292.
full text (PDF)
Houssaye, A., A. Mazurier, A. Herrel, V. Volpato, P. Tafforeau, R. Boistel and V. de Buffrenil (2010) Vertebral microanatomy in squamates: structure, growth and ecological correlates.
J. Anat.217: 715–727. full text (PDF)
Huyghe, K., J.F. Husak, I.T. Moore, B. Vanhooydonck, R. Van Damme, M. Molina-Borja and A. Herrel (2010) Effects of testosterone on morphology, performance and muscle mass in a lizard.
J. Exp. Zool. 313A: 9-16. full text (PDF)
Huyghe, K., M. Small, B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel, Z. tadic, R. Van Damme and T. Backeljau (2010) Genetic divergence among sympatric colour morphs of the
Dalmatian wall lizard (Podarcis melisellensis). Genetica 138: 387-393.
full text (PDF)
Montuelle, S.J., A. Herrel, P-A. Libourel, L. Reveret and V.L. Bels (2010) Separating the effects of prey size and speed on the kinematics of prey capture in the lizard
Gerrhosaurus major. J. Comp. Physiol. A. 196: 491-499.
full text (PDF)
Roos, G., S. Van Wassenbergh, A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2010) Snout allometry in seahorses: insights on optimisation of pivot feeding performance during ontogeny.
J. Exp. Biol. 213: 2184-2193. full text (PDF)
Ross, C.F., A.L. Baden, J. Georgi, A. Herrel, K.A. Metzger, D.A. Reed, V. Schaerlaeken and M. S. Wolff (2010) Chewing variation in lepidosaurs and primates. J. Exp. Biol. 213: 572-584.
full text (PDF)
Soons, J., A. Herrel, A. Genbrugge, P. Aerts, J. Podos, D. Adriaens, Y. De Witte, P. Jacobs and J. Dirckx (2010) Mechanical stress, fracture risk, and beak evolution
in Darwin's ground finches (Geospiza). Phil. Trans. B. 365: 1093-1098. full text (PDF)
van der Meijden, A., A. Herrel and A. Summers (2010) Comparison of chela size and pincher force in scorpions; getting a first grip. J. Zool. 280: 319-325.
full text (PDF)
Vanhooydonck, B., F.B. Cruz, C.S. Abdala, D.L. Moreno Azócar, M.F. Bonino and A. Herrel (2010) Sex-specific evolution of bite performance in Liolaemus lizards (Iguania: Iguanidae):
the battle of the sexes. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 101: 461-475.
full text (PDF)
Van Wassenbergh, S., J. Brecko, P. Aerts, I. Stouten, G. Vanheusden, A. Camps, R. Van Damme and A. Herrel (2010) Hydrodynamic constraints on prey-capture performance in forward-striking snakes.
J. R. Soc. Interface 7: 773-785. full text (PDF)
Barros, F.C., A. Herrel and T. Kohlsdorf (2011) Head shape evolution in Gymnophthalmidae: does habitat use constrain
the evolution of cranial design in fossorial lizards? J. Evol. Biol. 24: 2423-2433. full text (PDF)
Boistel, R., T. Aubin, P. Cloetens, M. Langer, B. Gillet, P. Josset, N. Pollet and A. Herrel (2011) Whispering to the deaf: Communication by a frog without external vocal
sac or tympanum in noisy environments. PLoSOne 6:e22080. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022080. full text (PDF)
Boistel, R., A. Herrel, R. Lebrun, G. Daghfous, P. Tafforeau, J.B. Losos and B. Vanhooydonck (2011) Shake rattle and roll: the bony labyrinth and aerial descent in squamates. Integ. Comp. Biol. 51: 957-968.
full text (PDF)
Castilla, A.M., R. Richer, A. Herrel, A. Conkey, J. Tribuna and M. Al-Thani (2011) First evidence of scavenging behaviour in the herbivorous lizard Uromastyx aegyptia microlepis.
J. Arid. Environm. 75: 671-673. full text (PDF)
De Leon, L.F., J.A.M. Raeymaekers, E. Bermingham, J. Podos, A. Herrel and A.P. Hendry (2011) Exploring possible human influences on the evolution of Darwin's finches.
Evolution 65: 2258–2272. full text (PDF)
Geerinckx, T., A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2011) Suckermouth armoured catfishes resolve the paradox between combined respiration and suction attachment: a
kinematical study of Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus. J. Exp. Zool. A 315: 121-131.
full text (PDF)
Genbrugge, A., A.-S. Heyde, D. Adriaens, M. Boone, L. Van Hoorebeke, J. Dirckx, P. Aerts, J. Podos and A. Herrel (2011) Ontogeny of the cranial skeleton in a Darwin's finch
(Geospiza fortis). J. Anat. 219: 115-131. full text (PDF)
Genbrugge, A., A. Herrel, M. Boone, L. Van Hoorebeke, J. Podos, J. Dirckx, P. Aerts and D. Adriaens (2011) The head of the finch: a detailed analysis of the feeding apparatus
in two species of finches (Geospiza fortis and Padda oryzivora). J. Anat. 219: 676-695. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., K. Huyghe, P. Okovic, D. Lisicic and Z. Tadic (2011) Fast and furious: effects of body size on strike performance in an arboreal viper Trimeresurus (Cryptelytrops) albolabris.
J. Exp. Zool. A 315: 22-29. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., H.F. Choi, N. De Schepper, P. Aerts and D. Adriaens (2011) Kinematics of swimming in two burrowing anguilliform fishes. Zoology 114: 78-84.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., H.F. Choi, E. Dumont, N. De Schepper, B. Vanhooydonck, P. Aerts and D. Adriaens (2011) Burrowing and subsurface locomotion in anguilliform fish: behavioral
specializations and mechanical constraints. J. Exp. Biol. 214: 1379-1385. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., G.J. Measey, B. Vanhooydonck and K.A. Tolley (2011) Functional consequences of morphological differentiation between populations of the Cape Dwarf Chameleon (Bradypodion pumilum).
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 104: 692-700. full text (PDF)
Ide, C., N. De Schepper, J. Christiaens, C. Van Liefferinge, A. Herrel, G. Goemans, P. Meire, C. Belpaire, C. Geeraerts and D. Adriaens (2011) Bimodality in head shape in European eel
(Anguilla anguilla). J. Zool. 285: 230-238. full text (PDF)
Konow, N,. A. Herrel, C.F. Ross, S.H. Williams, R.Z. German, C.P.J. Sanford and C. Gintof (2011) Evolution of chewing jaw and hyoid muscle activity patterns in gnathostomes.
Integr. Comp. Biol. 51: 235–246. full text (PDF)
Mallarino R., P.R. Grant, B.R. Grant, A. Herrel, W. Kuo and A. Abzhanov (2011) Two developmental modules establish 3-D beak shape variation in Darwin’s finches.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 108: 4057-4062. full text (PDF)
Measey, G.J., A.D. Rebelo, A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck and K.A. Tolley (2011) Diet, morphology and performance in two chameleon morphs: do harder bites equate with harder prey? J. Zool. 285: 247-255.
full text (PDF)
Roos, G., S. Van Wassenbergh, P. Aerts, A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2011) Effects of snout dimensions on the hydrodynamics of suction feeding in juvenile and adult seahorses.
J Theor. Biol. 269: 307-317.full text (PDF)
Schaerlaeken, V., S. Montuelle, P. Aerts and A. Herrel (2011) Jaw and hyolingual movements during prey transport in varanid lizards: effects of prey type. Zoology 114: 165-170.
full text (PDF)
Vanhooydonck, B., R. Boistel, V. Fernandez and A. Herrel (2011) Push and bite: trade-offs between burrowing and biting in a burrowing skink (Acontias percivali).
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 101: 461-475. full text (PDF)
Van Wassenbergh, S., G. Roos, A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and P. Aerts (2011) Why the long face? A comparative study of feeding kinematics of two pipefish with different snout lengths.
J. Fish Biol. 78: 1768-1798.full text (PDF)
Vervust, B., J. Brecko and A. Herrel (2011) Temperature effects on snapping performance in the Common Snapper Chelydra serpentina (Reptilia, Testudines).
J. Exp. Zool. A. 315: 41-47. full text (PDF)
Wyckmans, M., A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2011) Analysis of head shape and diet in a catfish with moderately enlarged jaw adductors (Clariallabes melas). Belg. J. Zool. 141: 11-20.
full text (PDF)
Cornette, R., A. Herrel, J-F. Cosson, F. Poitevin and M. Baylac (2012) Rapid morpho-functional changes among insular populations of the greater white-toothed shrew. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 107: 322-331.
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Cox, P.G., E.J. Rayfield, M.J. Fagan, A. Herrel, T.C. Pataky and N. Jeffery (2012) Functional evolution of the feeding system in rodents. PloS ONE 7: e36299.
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Edwards, S., B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel, G.J. Measey and K.A. Tolley (2012) Convergent evolution associated with habitat decouples phenotype from phylogeny in a clade of lizards. PlosOne 7(12): e51636. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0051636.
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Genbrugge, A., D. Adriaens, B. De Kegel, M. Boone, L. Van Hoorebeke, J. Podos, J. Dirckx, P. Aerts and A. Herrel (2012) Structural tissue organization in the beak of Java and Darwin's finches. J. Anat. 221: 383-393.
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Herrel, A. and C. Bonneaud (2012) Temperature dependence of locomotor performance in the tropical clawed frog, Xenopus tropicalis. J. Exp. Biol. 215: 2465-2470.
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Herrel, A. and C. Bonneaud (2012) Trade-offs between burst performance and maximal exertion capacity in a wild amphibian, Xenopus tropicalis. J. Exp. Biol. 215: 3106-3111.
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Herrel, A. and G.J. Measey (2012) Feeding underground: kinematics of feeding in caecilians. J. Exp. Zool. 317A: 533-539.
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Herrel, A., G.J. Measey, B. Vanhooydonck and K.A. Tolley (2012) Got it clipped? The effect of tail clipping on tail gripping performance in chameleons. J. Herpetol. 46: 91-93.
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Herrel, A., A-C. Fabre, J-P. Hugot, K. Keovichit, D. Adriaens, L. Van Hoorebeke and R. Cornette (2012) Ontogeny of the cranial system in Laonastes aenigmamus. J. Anat. 221: 128-137.
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Herrel, A., L.N. Gonwouo, E.B. Fokam, W.I. Ngundu and C. Bonneaud (2012) Inter-sexual differences in body shape and locomotor performance in the aquatic frog, Xenopus tropicalis. J. Zool. 287: 311-316.
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Huyghe, K., B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel, Z. Tadic and R. Van Damme (2012) Female lizards ignore the sweet scent of success: male characteristics implicated in female mate preference. Zoology 115: 217-222.
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James, R.S., J. Tallis, A. Herrel and C. Bonneaud (2012) Warmer is better: Thermal sensitivity of both maximal and sustained power output in the iliotibialis muscle isolated from adult Xenopus tropicalis. J. Exp. Biol. 215: 552-558.
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Lisicic, D., S. Drakulic, A. Herrel, D. Ðikic, V. Benkovic and Z. Tadic (2012) Effect of competition on habitat utilization in two temperate climate gecko species. Ecological Research 27: 551-560.
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Montuelle, S.J., A. Herrel, P-A. Libourel, S. Daillie and V. Bels (2012) Prey capture in lizards: differences in jaw-neck-forelimb coordination. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 105: 607-622.
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Montuelle, S., A. Herrel, P.-A. Libourel, S. Daillie and V.L. Bels (2012) Flexibility in Locomotor-Feeding Integration during Prey Capture in Varanid
Lizards: Effects of Prey Size and Velocity. J. Exp. Biol. 215: 3823-3835. full text (PDF)
Schaerlaeken, V., V. Holanova, R. Boistel, P. Aerts, P. Velensky, I. Rehak, D.V. Andrade and A. Herrel (2012) Built to bite: feeding kinematics, bite forces and head shape of a specialized durophagous lizard,
Dracaena guianensis (Teiidae). J. Exp. Zool. 317A: 371-381. full text (PDF)
Soons, J., A. Herrel, P. Aerts and J. Dirckx (2012) Determination and validation of the elastic moduli of small and complex biological samples: bone and keratin in bird beaks. J. R. Soc. Interface 9: 1381-1388.
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Soons, J., A. Herrel, A. Genbrugge, D. Adriaens, P. Aerts and J. Dirckx (2012) Multi layered bird beaks: a finite-element approach towards the role of keratin in stress dissipation. J. R. Soc. Interface. 9: 1787-1796.
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Tulli, M-J., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck and V. Abdala (2012) Is phylogeny driving tendon length in lizards? Acta. Zool. 93: 319-329.
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Van Liefferinge, C., A. Dillen, C. Ide, A. Herrel, C. Belpaire, A. Mouton, E. de Deckere and P. Meire (2012) The role of a freshwater tidal area with controlled reduced tide as feeding
habitat for European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). J. Appl. Ichthyol. 28: 572-581. full text (PDF)
Chazeau, C., J. Marchal, R. Hackert, M. Perret and A. Herrel (2013) Proximate determinants of bite force capacity in the mouse lemur, Microcebus murinus. J. Zool. 290: 42-48.
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Cornette, R., M. Baylac, T. Souter and A. Herrel (2013) Does shape co-variation between the skull and the mandible have functional consequences? A 3D approach for a 3D problem.
J. Anat. 223: 329-336. full text (PDF)
Cox, P.G., J. Kirkham and A. Herrel (2013) Masticatory biomechanics of the Laotian Rock Rat, Laonastes aenigmamus, and the function of the zygomaticomandibularis muscle.
PeerJ 1:e160; DOI 10.7717/peerj.160 full text (PDF)
Dutel, H., A. Herrel, G. Clement and M. Herbin (2013) A re-evaluation of the anatomy of the jaw-closing system in the extant coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae.
Naturwissenschaften 100: 1007-1022. full text (PDF)
Edwards, S., W.R. Branch, B. Vanhooydonck, A. Herrel, G.J. Measey and K.A. Tolley (2013) Taxonomic adjustments in the systematics of the southern African lacertid lizards
(Sauria: Lacertidae). Zootaxa 3669: 101-114.full text (PDF)
Edwards, S., K.A. Tolley, B. Vanhooydonck, G.J. Measey and A. Herrel (2013) Is dietary niche breadth linked to morphology and performance in Sandveld lizards Nucras (Sauria: Lacertidae)?
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 110: 674-688. full text (PDF)
Groning, F., M.E.H. Jones, N. Curtis, A. Herrel, P. O'Higgins, S.E. Evans and M.J. Fagan (2013) The importance of accurate muscle modelling for biomechanical analyses: a case study with a lizard skull.
J. R. Soc. Interface 10: 20130216 full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., K.A. Tolley, G.J. Measey, J.M. da Silva, D.F. Potgieter, E. Boller, R. Boistel and B. Vanhooydonck (2013) Slow but tenacious: an analysis of running and gripping performance in chameleons.
J. Exp. Biol. 216: 1025-1030. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., M. Perrenoud, T. Decamps, V. Abdala, A. Manzano and E. Pouydebat (2013) The effect of substrate diameter and incline on locomotion in an arboreal frog. J. Exp. Biol. 216: 3599-3605.
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Houssaye, A., R. Boistel, R. Lebrun, W. Böhme and A. Herrel (2013) Jack of all trades master of all? Snake vertebrae generalist inner organization. Naturwissenschaften 100: 997-1006.
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Konow, N., B. Krijestorac, C.P.J. Sanford, R. Boistel and A. Herrel (2013) A novel feeding behaviour in the Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens. J. Comp. Physiol. A. 199: 641-651.
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Segall, M., K.A. Tolley, B. Vanhooydonck, G.J. Measey and A. Herrel (2013) Impacts of temperature on performance in two species of South African dwarf chameleons,
Bradypodion pumilum and B. occidentale. J. Exp. Biol. 216: 3828-3836. full text (PDF)
Sustaita, D., E. Pouydebat, A. Manzano, V. Abdala, F. Hertel and A. Herrel (2013) Getting a grip on tetrapod grasping: form, function, and evolution. Biol. Rev. 88: 380-405.
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Toussaint, S., E. Reghem, H. Chotard, A. Herrel, C.F. Ross and E. Pouydebat (2013) Food acquisition on arboreal substrates by the grey mouse lemur: implication for primate
grasping evolution. J. Zool. 291: 235–242. full text (PDF)
van der Meijden, A., P.C. Coelho, P. Sousa, and A. Herrel (2013) Choose your weapon; defensive behavior is associated with morphology and performance in scorpions.
PLoS ONE 8(11): e78955. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0078955. full text (PDF)
Angst D., C. Lécuyer, R. Amiot, E. Buffetaut, F. Fourel, F. Martineau, A. Abbourachid and A. Herrel (2014) Isotopic and anatomical evidence of a herbivorous diet in the Early Tertiary giant bird Gastornis. Implications for the structure of Paleocene terrestrial ecosystems.
Naturwissenschaften 101: 313-322. full text (PDF)
Careau, V., P. Biro, C. Bonneaud, E. Fokam and A. Herrel (2014) Individual variation in thermal performance curves: swimming burst speed and jumping endurance in wild-caught tropical clawed frogs.
Oecologia 175: 471-480. full text (PDF)
Cernanský, A., R. Boistel, V. Fernandez, P. Tafforeau, N. Le Noir and A. Herrel (2014) The atlas-axis complex in chamaeleonids (Squamata: Chamaeleonidae), with description of a
new anatomical structure of the posterior skull region. Anat. Rec. 297: 369-396.
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Crandell, K.E., A. Herrel, M. Sasa, J.B. Losos and K. Autumn (2014) Stick or grip? Co-evolution of adhesive toe-pads and claws in Anolis. Zoology 117: 363-369.
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da Silva, J., A. Herrel, G.J. Measey and K.A. Tolley (2014) Sexual dimorphism in bite performance drives morphological variation in a recent
radiation of dwarf chameleons. PLoS ONE 9(1): e86846. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086846 full text (PDF)
da Silva, J., A. Herrel, G.J. Measey, B. Vanhooydonck and K.A. Tolley (2014) Linking microhabitat structure, morphology and locomotor performance traits
in a recent radiation of dwarf chameleons (Bradypodion). Funct. Ecol. 28: 702-713.
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De León, L.F., J. Podos, T. Gardezi, A. Herrel and A. P. Hendry (2014) Darwin's finches and their diet niches: the sympatric coexistence of imperfect generalists. J. Evol. Biol. 27: 1093-1104.
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Fabre, A-C., R. Cornette, K. Huyghe, D.V. Andrade and A. Herrel (2014) Linear versus geometric morphometric approaches for the analysis of head shape dimorphism in lizards. J. Morphol. 275: 1016-1026.
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Fabre, A-C., D.V. Andrade, K. Huyghe, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2014) Interrelationships between bones, muscles, and performance: biting in the lizard Tupinambis merianae.
Evol. Biol. 41: 518–527. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A. and A. van der Meijden (2014) An analysis of the live reptile and amphibian trade in the U.S.A. compared to the global trade in endangered species. Herp. J. 24: 103-110.
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Herrel, A., A.M. Castilla, M.K. Al-Sulaiti and J.J. Wessels (2014) Does large body size relax constraints on bite force generation in lizards of the genus Uromastyx. J. Zool. 292: 170-174.
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Herrel, A., C.L. Redding, J.J. Meyers and K.C. Nishikawa (2014) The scaling of tongue projection in the veiled chameleon, Chamaeleo calyptratus. Zoology 117: 227-236.
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Herrel, A., M. Vasilopoulou-Kampitsi and C. Bonneaud (2014) Jumping performance in the highly aquatic frog, Xenopus tropicalis: sex-specific relationships between morphology and performance. PeerJ 2:e661
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Houssaye, A., P. Tafforeau and A. Herrel (2014) Amniote vertebral microanatomy - what are the major trends? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 112: 735-746.
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Huyghe, K., R. Van Damme, K. Breugelmans, A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, Z. Tadic and T. Backeljau (2014) Parentage analyses suggest female promiscuity and a disadvantage for athletic males in the colour-polymorphic lizard Podarcis melisellensis.
Behav. Ecol. Sociobiol. 68: 1357-1366. full text (PDF)
Kever, L., O. Colleye, G. Lepoint, A. Herrel, P. Roman and E. Parmentier (2014) Hearing capacities and otolith size in two ophidiiform species (Ophidion rochei and Carapus acus).
J. Exp. Biol. 217: 2517-2525. full text (PDF)
Kéver, L., O. Colleye, M. Lugli, D. Lecchini, F. Lerouvreur, A. Herrel and E. Parmentier (2014) Sound production in Onuxodon fowleri (Carapidae) and its amplification by the host shell.
J. Exp. Biol. 217: 4283-4294. full text (PDF)
Robovska-Havelkova, P., P. Aerts, Z. Rocek, T. Prikryl, A-C. Fabre and A. Herrel (2014) Do all frogs swim alike? The effect of ecological specialization on swimming kinematics in frogs. J. Exp. Biol. 217: 3637-3644.
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Sagonas, K., P. Pafilis, P. Lymberakis, C.M. Donihue, A. Herrel and E.D. Valakos (2014) Insularity affects head morphology, bite force and diet in a Mediterranean lizard. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 112: 469-484.
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Van Wassenbergh, S., B. Dries and A. Herrel (2014) New insights into muscle function during pivot feeding in seahorses. Plos One 9(10): e109068. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0109068
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Vanhooydonck, B., R.S. James, J. Tallis, P. Aerts, Z. Tadic, K.A. Tolley, G.J. Measey, and A. Herrel (2014) Is the whole more than the sum of its parts? Evolutionary trade-offs between burst and sustained locomotion in lacertid lizards.
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B. 281: 1777 20132677. full text (PDF)
Videlier, M., C. Bonneaud, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2014) Exploration syndromes in the frog Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis, correlations with morphology and performance? J. Zool. 294: 206–213.
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Watson, P.J., F. Gröning, N. Curtis, L. Fitton, A. Herrel, S. McCormack and M.J. Fagan (2014) Multi-body dynamics modelling of the rabbit skull.
J. R. Soc. Interface 11: 20140564. full text (PDF)
Botton-Divet, L., A. Houssaye, A. Herrel, A.-C. Fabre, R. Cornette (2015) Tools for quantitative form description; an evaluation of different software packages for semi-landmark analysis.
PeerJ 3:e1417. DOI 10.7717/peerj.1417. full text (PDF)
Byron, C., A. Herrel, E. Pauwels, A. De Muynck and B. Patel (2015) Mouse hallucal metatarsal cross-Sectional geometry in a simulated fine branch niche. J. Morphol. 276: 759-765. doi: 10.1002/jmor.20376
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Cornette, R., A. Herrel, E. Stoetzel, S. Moulin, R. Hutterer, C. Denys and M. Baylac (2015) Specific information levels in relation to fragmentation patterns of shrew mandibles: do fragments tell the same story?
J. Archaeol. Sci. 53: 323-330. doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2014.10.020. full text (PDF)
Cornette, R., A. Tresset and A. Herrel (2015) The shrew tamed by Wolff's law: do functional constraints shape the skull through muscle and bone covariation? J. Morphol. 267: 301-309.
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Cornette, R., A. Tresset, C. Houssin, M. Pascal and A. Herrel (2015) Does bite force provide a competitive advantage in shrews? The case of the greater white-toothed shrew. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 114: 795–807.
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Cornette, R., E. Stoetzel, M. Baylac, S. Moulin, R. Hutterer, R. Nespoulet, M.A. El Hajraoui, C. Denys, S. Valenzuela-Lamas and A. Herrel (2015) Species of Crocidura from El Harhoura 2 (Témara, Morocco): the contribution of broken specimens
to the understanding of the Plio-Holocene paleo-environment in North Africa. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol. Palaeoecol. 436: 1-8.
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Dollion A.Y., R. Cornette, K.A. Tolley, R. Boistel, A. Euriat, E. Boller, V. Fernandez, D. Stynder and A. Herrel (2015) Morphometric analysis of chameleon fossil fragments from the Early Pliocene from South Africa:
a new piece of the chamaeleonid history. Naturwissenschaften 102:2. DOI:10.1007/s00114-014-1254-3 full text (PDF)
Dutel, H., A. Herrel, G. Clement and M. Herbin (2015) Redescription of the hyoid apparatus and associated musculature in the extant coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae: functional implications for feeding.
Anat. Rec. 298: 579-601. DOI: 10.1002/ar.23103. full text (PDF)
Dutel, H., M. Herbin, G. Clément and A. Herrel (2015) Bite force in the extant coelacanth Latimeria: the role of the intracranial joint and the basicranial muscle. Curr. Biol. 25: 1228–1233.
doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.02.076 full text (PDF)
Higham, T.E., G.J. Measey, A.V. Birn-Jeffrey, A. Herrel and K.A. Tolley (2015) Functional divergence between morphs of a dwarf chameleon: Differential locomotor kinematics in relation to habitat structure.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 116: 27-40. full text (PDF)
James, R.S., B. Vanhooydonck, J.A. Tallis and A. Herrel (2015) Larger lacertid lizard species produce higher than expected iliotibialis muscle power output; the evolution of muscle contractile mechanics with body size in
lacertid lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 218: 3589-3595. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.124974.full text (PDF)
Lopez-Darias, M., B. Vanhooydonck, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2015) Sex-specific differences in ecomorphological relationships in lizards of the genus Gallotia. Funct. Ecol.
29: 506-514. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12353. full text (PDF)
Munoz, M.M., K.E. Crandell, S. Campbell-Staton, K. Fenstermacher, P. VanMiddlesworth, M. Sasa, J.B. Losos and A. Herrel (2015) Multiple paths to aquatic specialisation in four species of Central
American Anolis lizards. J. Nat. Hist. 49: 1717-1730. doi: 10.1080/00222933.2015.1005714 full text (PDF)
Olivier, D., B. Frederich, A. Herrel and E. Parmentier (2015) A morphological novelty for feeding and sound production in the clownfish Amphiprion clarkii. J Exp. Zool. 323A: 227-238.
doi: 10.1002/jez.1907 full text (PDF)
Perrenoud, M., A. Herrel, A. Borel and E. Pouydebat (2015) Strategies of food detection in a captive cathemeral lemur, Eulemur rubriventer.
Belg. J. Zool. 145: 69-75. full text (PDF)
Richards A.J., A. Herrel and C. Bonneaud (2015) Htsint: a Python library for sequencing pipelines that combines data through gene set generation.
BMC Bioinformatics 16:307. DOI: 10.1186/s12859-015-0729-3. full text (PDF)
Ruppé, L., G. Clément, A. Herrel, L. Ballesta, T. Décamps and E. Parmentier (2015) Cacophony by day, polyphony by night: environmental constraints drive the partitioning of the soundscape in fish.
PNAS 112: 6092-6097. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1424667112. full text (PDF)
Sherratt, E., M.d.R Castañeda, R. Garwood, D.L. Mahler, T.J. Sanger, A. Herrel, K. de Queiroz and J.B. Losos (2015) Amber fossils demonstrate deep-time stability of Caribbean lizard communities.
Proc. Natl. Aacad. Sci. U.S.A. 112: 9961-9966. full text (PDF)
Soons, J., A. Genbrugge, J. Podos, D. Adriaens, P. Aerts, J. Dirckx and A. Herrel (2015) Is beak morphology in Darwin’s Finches tuned to loading demands? PlosOne 10: e0129479. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0129479.
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Thomas, P., E. Pouydebat, I. Hardy, F. Aujard, C.F. Ross and A. Herrel (2015) Sexual dimorphism in bite force in the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus). J. Zool. 296: 133-138
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Toussaint, S., A. Herrel, C.F. Ross, F. Aujard and E. Pouydebat (2015) The use of substrate diameter and orientation in the context of food type in the mouse lemur, Microcebus murinus:
implications for the origins of grasping in primates. Int. J. Primatol. 36: 583-604. full text (PDF)
Vanhooydonck, B., J.G. Measey, S. Edwards, B. Makhubo, K.A. Tolley and A. Herrel (2015) The effects of substrate on locomotor performance in lacertid lizards. Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 115: 869-881.
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Vanhooydonck, B., K. Huyghe, V. Holánová, S. Van Dongen and A. Herrel (2015) Differential growth of naturally and sexually selected traits in an Anolis lizard. J. Zool. 296: 231-238.
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Videlier, M., R. Cornette, C. Bonneaud and A. Herrel (2015) Sexual differences in exploration behavior in Xenopus tropicalis? J. Exp. Biol. 218: 1733-1739. doi:10.1242/jeb.120618
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Bonneaud, C., E. Marnocha, A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, D.J. Irschick and T. Smith (2016) Developmental plasticity affects sexual size dimorphism in an anole lizard
(Anolis sagrei). Funct. Ecol. 30: 235-243. doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12468 full text (PDF)
Botton-Divet, L., R. Cornette, A-C. Fabre, A. Herrel and A. Houssaye (2016) Morphological analysis of long bones in semi-aquatic mustelids and their terrestrial relatives.
Integr. Comp. Biol. 56: 1298-1309. full text (PDF)
da Silva, J.M., L. Carne, G.J. Measey, A. Herrel and K.A. Tolley (2016) The relationship between diet, cranial morphology, bite performance and habitat
in a radiation of dwarf chameleons (Bradypodion). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 119: 52-67. full text (PDF)
De Busschere, C., J. Courant, A. Herrel, R. Rebelo, D. Rödder, G.J. Measey and T. Backeljau (2016) Unequal contribution of native South African phylogeographic lineages to the invasion of the African
clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, in Europe. PeerJ 4:e1659. DOI 10.7717/peerj.1659. full text (PDF)
Donihue, C.M., K.M. Brock, J. Foufopoulos and A. Herrel (2016) Feed or fight: testing the impact of food availability and intraspecific aggression on the functional ecology of an
island lizard. Funct. Ecol. 30: 566-575. full text (PDF)
Druzinsky, R.E., J.P. Balhoff, A.W. Crompton, J. Done, R.Z. German, M.A. Haendel, A. Herrel, S.W. Herring, H. Lapp,
P.M. Mabee, H. Muller, C.J. Mungall, P.W. Sternberg, K. Van Auken, C.J. Vinyard, S.H. Williams, C.E. Wall (2016)
Muscle Logic: New Knowledge Resource for Anatomy Enables Comprehensive Searches of the Literature on the Feeding Muscles of Mammals. PlosOne 11(2): e0149102. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0149102
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Edwards, S., A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, G.J. Measey and K.A. Tolley (2016) Diving in head first: Investigations into trade-offs between phenotypic traits and sand-diving
predator escape strategy in desert lizards (Meroles, Lacertidae, Squamata). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 119: 919-931. Doi:10.1111/bij.12856.
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Fabre, A-C., D. Bickford, M. Segall and A. Herrel (2016) The impact of diet, habitat use, and behavior on head shape evolution in homalopsid snakes.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 118: 634-647. full text (PDF)
Gargan, L.M., R. Cornette, J.M. Yearsley, W.I. Montgomery, J. Paupério, P.C. Alves, F. Butler, M. Pascal,
A. Tresset, A. Herrel, J. Lusby, D.G. Tosh, J.B. Searle and A.D. McDevitt (2016) Molecular
and morphological insights into the origin of the invasive greater white-toothed shrew (Crocidura russula) in
Ireland. Biol. Inv. 18:857-871. DOI 10.1007/s10530-016-1056-y full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., M. Lopez-Darias, B. Vanhooydonck, R. Cornette, T. Kohlsdorf and R. Brandt (2016) Do adult phenotypes reflect selection on juvenile performance?
A comparative study on performance and morphology in lizards. Integr. Comp. Biol. 56: 469-478. doi:10.1093/icb/icw010 full text (PDF)
Ihlow, F., J. Courant, J. Secondi, A. Herrel, R. Rebelo, G.J. Measey, F. Lillo, A. De Villiers, S. Vogt, C. De Busschere, T. Backeljau and D. Rödder (2016)
Impacts of climate change on the global invasion potential of the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis. PlosOne 11(6): e0154869. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0154869
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Ingram T, A. Harrison, D.L. Mahler, R. Castaneda, R.E. Glor, A. Herrel, Y.E. Stuart and J.B. Losos (2016) Comparative tests of the role of dewlap size in Anolis lizard speciation.
Proc. R. Soc. B. 283: 20162199. doi: full text (PDF)
Libourel, P.-A. and A. Herrel (2016) Sleep in amphibians and reptiles, a review and an analysis of evolutionary patterns. Biol. Rev. 91: 833-866. DOI: 10.1111/brv.12197
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Olberding, J.P., A. Herrel, T.E. Higham and T. Garland Jr. (2016) Limb segment contributions to the evolution of hind limb length in phrynosomatid lizards.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 117: 775–795. full text (PDF)
Segall, M., R. Cornette, A-C. Fabre, R. Godoy-Diana and A. Herrel (2016) Does aquatic foraging impact head shape evolution in snakes? Proc. R. Soc. B. 283: 20161645. full text (PDF)
Thomas, P., E. Pouydebat, M. Le Brazidec, F. Aujard and A. Herrel (2016) Determinants of pull strength in captive grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus). J. Zool. 298: 77-81.
full text (PDF)
Thomas, P., A. Herrel, I. Hardy, F. Aujard and E. Pouydebat (2016) Exploration behavior and morphology are correlated in captive grey mouse lemurs
(Microcebus murinus). Int. J. Primatol. 37: 405-415. full text (PDF)
Wittorski, A., J.B. Losos and A. Herrel (2016) Proximate determinants of bite force in Anolis lizards. J. Anat. 228: 85-95.
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Anzeraey, A., M. Aumont, T. Decamps, A. Herrel and E. Pouydebat (2017) The effect of food properties on grasping and manipulation in the aquatic frog, Xenopus laevis.
J. Exp. Biol. 220: 4486-4491 doi: 10.1242/jeb.159442 full text (PDF)
Baeckens, S., A. Herrel, C. Broeckhoven, M. Vasilopoulou-Kampitsi and R. Van Damme (2017) Evolution of the lacertid vomeronasal-lingual system. Sci. Reports. 7: 10141.
DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-09415-7 full text (PDF)
Bochaton, C., S. Bailon, A. Herrel, S. Grouard, I. Ineich, A. and R. Cornette (2017) Human impacts reduce morphological diversity in an insular species of lizard.
Proc R. Soc. B 284: 20170921. full text (PDF)
Botton-Divet, L., R. Cornette, A. Houssaye, A-C. Fabre and A. Herrel (2017) Swimming and running, a study of the convergence in long bone morphology among semi-aquatic mustelids
(Carnivora: Mustelidae). Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 121: 38-49. full text (PDF)
Cernansky, A., A. Bolet, J. Müller, J-C. Rage, M. Augé and A. Herrel (2017) A new exceptionally preserved specimen of Dracaenosaurus (Squamata, Lacertidae)
from the Oligocene of France as revealed by micro-computed tomography. J. Vert. Paleontol. 37: e1384738. full text (PDF)
Courant, J., S. Vogt, R. Marques, J.G. Measey, J. Secondi, R. Rebelo, A. de Villiers, F. Ihlow, C. De Busschere, T. Backeljau, D. Rödder and A. Herrel (2017) Are invasive
populations characterized by a broader diet than native populations? PeerJ 5:e3250 DOI 10.7717/peerj.3250 full text (PDF)
Courant, J., J. Secondi, V. Bezeiriat and A. Herrel (2017) Resources allocated to reproduction decrease at the range edge of an expanding population of an invasive amphibian.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 122: 157-165. full text (PDF)
Decamps, T., A. Herrel, L. Ballesta, F. Holon, T. Rauby, Y. Gentil, C. Gentil, H. Dutel, R. Debruyne, J.-B. Charassin, G. Eveillard, G. Clément and M. Herbin (2017)
The third dimension: a novel setup for filming coelacanths in their natural environment. Methods Ecol. Evol. 8: 322-328.
full text (PDF)
Dollion, A., G.J. Measey, R. Cornette, L. Carne, K.A. Tolley, J. da Silva, R. Boistel, A-C. Fabre, and A. Herrel (2017) Does diet drive the evolution of head shape and bite force in chameleons of the genus Bradypodion?
Funct. Ecol. 31: 671-684. full text (PDF)
Fabre P-H., A. Herrel, Y. Fitriana, L. Meslin and L. Hautier (2017) Masticatory muscle architecture in a water-rat from Australasia (Murinae, Hydromys) and its implication for the
evolution of carnivory in rodents. J. Anat. 231: 380-397. full text (PDF)
Gomes Rodrigues, H., A. Herrel and G. Billet (2017) Ontogenetic and life history trait changes associated with convergent ecological specializations in extinct ungulate mammals.
Proc. Natl. Aacad. Sci. U.S.A. 114: 1069-1074. full text (PDF)
Hanot, P., A. Herrel, C. Guintard and R. Cornette (2017) Artificial selection and morphological integration in the appendicular skeleton of domestic equids.
Proc. R. Soc. B 284: 20171241; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2017.1241. full text (PDF)
Karatanis, N., L. Rychlik, A. Herrel and D. Youlatos (2017) Arboreal gaits in three sympatric rodents Apodemus agrarius, Apodemus flavicollis (Rodentia, Muridae) and Myodes glareolus
(Rodentia, Cricetidae). Mammalian Biol. 83: 51-63. full text (PDF)
Karantanis, N., L. Rychlik, A. Herrel and D. Youlatos (2017) Arboreal locomotion of a tiny scansorial mammal: the gaits of the Eurasian harvest mice Micromys minutus
(Rodentia: Muridae). J. Exp. Zool. A 327: 38-52. full text (PDF)
Karantanis, N., L. Rychlik, A. Herrel and D. Youlatos (2017) Arboreality in acacia rats (Thallomys paedulcus; Rodentia, Muridae): Gaits and gait metrics.
J. Zool. 303: 107–119. full text (PDF)
Karantanis, N., L. Rychlik, A. Herrel and D. Youlatos (2017) Comparing the arboreal gaits of Muscardinus avellanarius and Glis glis
(Gliridae, Rodentia): a first quantitative analysis. Mamm. Study 42: 161-172. full text (PDF)
Kerr, E., R. Cornette, H. Gomes Rodrigues, S. Renaud, P. Chevret, A. Tresset and A. Herrel (2017) Can functional traits help explain the coexistence of two species of
Apodemus? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 122: 883-896. full text (PDF)
Le Brazidec, M., A. Herrel, P. Thomas, G. Boulinguez-Ambroise, F. Aujard and E. Pouydebat (2017) How aging affects grasping behavior and pull strength
in captive grey mouse lemurs (Microcebus murinus)? Int. J. Primatol. 38: 1120-1129. full text (PDF)
Louppe, V., J. Courant and A. Herrel (2017) Differences in mobility at the range edge of an expanding invasive population of Xenopus laevis in the West of France?
J. Exp. Biol. 220: 278-283. full text (PDF)
Manzano, A., A. Herrel, A-C. Fabre and V. Abdala (2017) Variation in brain anatomy in frogs and its possible bearing on their locomotor ecology. J. Anat. 231: 38-58.
full text (PDF)
Rödder, D., F. Ihlow, J. Courant, J. Secondi, A. Herrel, R. Rebelo, G.J. Measey, F. Lillo, A. De Villiers, C. De Busschere and T. Backeljau (2017) Global realized niche
divergence in the African-clawed Frog Xenopus laevis. Ecol. Evol. 7: 4044-4058. full text (PDF)
Abdala, V. M.L. Ponssa, M.J. Tulli, A-C. Fabre and A. Herrel (2018) Frog tendon structure and its relationship with locomotor modes. J. Morphol. 279:895-903.
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Annabi, A., R. Elmouadeb and A. Herrel (2018) Distinctive accumulation patterns of heavy metals in Sardinella aurita (Clupeidae) and Mugil cephalus
(Mugilidae) tissues. Env. Sci. Poll. Res. 25: 2623-2629. full text (PDF)
Barrillot, B., J. Roux, S. Arthaud, L. Averty, A. Clair, A. Herrel and P-A. Libourel (2018) Intramuscular administration of ketamine-medetomidine assures stable anaesthesia needed for long-term
surgery in the argentine tegu Salvator merianae. J. Zoo Wildl. Med. 49: 291-296. full text (PDF)
Böhmer, C., A-C. Fabre, M. Herbin, S. Peigné and A. Herrel (2018) Anatomical basis of differences in locomotor behavior in martens: a comparison of the forelimb musculature between
two sympatric species of Martes. Anat. Rec. 301: 449–472. full text (PDF)
Botton-Divet, L., A. Houssaye, A. Herrel, A-C. Fabre and R. Cornette (2018). Swimmers, diggers, climbers and more, a study of integration in the locomotor apparatus of mustelids
(Carnivora: Mustelidae). Evol. Biol. 45: 182-195. full text (PDF)
Boyle, K. and A. Herrel (2018) Neurocranium shape variation of piranhas and pacus (Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) in association with ecology and phylogeny.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 125: 93-114. full text (PDF)
Boyle, K. and A. Herrel (2018) Relative size variation of the otoliths, swim bladder, and Weberian apparatus structures in piranhas and pacus
(Characiformes: Serrasalmidae) with different ecologies and its implications for the detection of sound stimuli. J. Morphol. 279: 1849-1871. full text (PDF)
Courant, J, J. Secondi, J. Vollette, A. Herrel and J-M. Thirion (2018) Assessing impacts of the invasive Xenopus laevis on amphibians in western France. Amph. Rept.
39: 219-227. full text (PDF)
Da Silva, F.O., A-C. Fabre, Y. Savriama, J. Ollonen, K. Mahlow, A. Herrel, J. Müller and N. Di-Poï (2018) The ecological origins of snakes as revealed by skull evolution.
Nat. Comm. 9: 376. Doi: 10.1038/s41467-017-02788-3 full text (PDF)
De Meyer, J., A. Herrel, C. Belpaire, G. Goemans, C. Ide, B. De Kegel, J. Christiaens and D. Adriaens (2018) Broader head, stronger bite: In vivo bite forces in European eel
(Anguilla anguilla). J. Fish Biol. 92: 268-273. full text (PDF)
Donihue, C.M., A. Herrel, A-C. Fabre, A. Kmath, A.J. Geneva, T.W. Schoener, J.J. Kolbe and J.B. Losos (2018) Hurricane-induced selection on the morphology
of an island lizard. Nature 560: 88-92. full text (PDF)
Dufour, C.M.S., A. Herrel and J.B. Losos (2018) Ecological character displacement between a native and an introduced species: the invasion of Anolis cristatellus in Dominica.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 123: 43-54. full text (PDF)
Dufour, C.M.S., A. Herrel and J.B. Losos (2018) The effect of recent competition between the native Anolis oculatus and the invasive A. cristatellus on display behavior.
PeerJ 6:e4888; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4888 full text (PDF)
Dufour, C.M.S., J.B. Losos and A. Herrel (2018) Do differences in bite force and head morphology between a native and an introduced species of anole
influence the outcome of species interactions? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 125: 576–585. full text (PDF)
Fraimout, A., P. Jacquemart, B. Villaroel, D.J. Aponte, T. Decamps, A. Herrel, R. Cornette and V. Debat (2018) Phenotypic plasticity of Drosophila suzukii wing to developmental temperature:
implications for flight. J. Exp. Biol. 221, jeb166868. doi:10.1242/jeb.166868 full text (PDF)
Ginot, S., A. Herrel, J. Claude and L. Hautier (2018) Skull size and biomechanics are good estimators of in vivo bite force in murid
rodents. Anat. Rec. 301: 256–266. full text (PDF)
Gomes Rodrigues, H., R. Cornette, J. Clavel, G. Cassini, B-A. Bhullar, M. Fernandez-Monescillo, K. Moreno, A. Herrel and G. Billet (2018) Differential influences of allometry, phylogeny, and
environment on the rostral shape diversity of extinct South American notoungulates. R. Soc. Open Sci. 5: 171816. Doi:
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Hanot, P., A. Herrel, C. Guintard and R. Cornette (2018) The impact of artificial selection on morphological integration in the appendicular skeleton of domestic horses.
J. Anat. 232: 657–673. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., S. Petrochic and M. Draud (2018) Sexual dimorphism, bite force, and diet in the diamondback terrapin, Malaclemys terrapin. J. Zool. 304: 217–224.
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Karantanis, N., L. Rychlik, A. Herrel and D. Youlatos (2018) Vertical locomotion in Micromys minutus (Rodentia: Muridae): insights into the evolution of eutherian climbing. J. Mamm. Evol. 25: 277–289.
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Libourel, P-A., B. Barrillot, S. Arthaud, B. Massot, A-L. Morel, O. Beuf, A. Herrel* and P-H. Luppi* (2018) Partial homologies between sleep states in
lizards, mammals, and birds suggest a complex evolution of sleep states in amniotes. PLOS Biol. 16: e2005982. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.2005982 *co last authors
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Louppe, V., J. Courant, M. Videlier and A. Herrel (2018) Differences in standard metabolic rate at the range edge versus the center of an expanding invasive population of Xenopus laevis
in the West of France. J. Zool. 305: 163-172. full text (PDF)
Lowie, A., A. Herrel, V. Abdala, A.S. Manzano and A-C. Fabre (2018) Does the morphology of the forelimb flexor muscles differ between lizards using different habitats?
Anat. Rec. 301: 424–433. full text (PDF)
Mélotte, G., E. Parmentier, C. Michel, A. Herrel and K. Boyle (2018) Hearing capacities and morphology of the auditory system in Serrasalmidae
(Teleostei: Otophysi). Sci. Rep. 8: 1281. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-19812-1. full text (PDF)
Meyers, J.J., K.C. Nishikawa and A. Herrel (2018) The evolution of bite force in horned lizards: the influence of dietary specialization. J. Anat. 232: 214-226.
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Miralles, A., J. Marin, D. Markus, A. Herrel, S.B. Hedges and N. Vidal (2018) Molecular evidence for the paraphyly of Scolecophidia and its evolutionary implications.
J. Evol. Biol. 31: 1782-1793. full text (PDF)
Renaud, S., R. Ledevin, L. Souquet, H. Gomes Rodrigues, S. Ginot, S. Agret, J. Claude, A. Herrel and L. Hautier (2018) Evolving teeth within a stable masticatory
apparatus in Orkney mice. Evol. Biol. 45: 405–424. full text (PDF)
Ross, C., L.B. Porro, A. Herrel, S. Evans and M. Fagan (2018) Bite force and cranial bone strain in four species of lizards. J. Exp. Biol. 221: jeb180240. doi: 10.1242/jeb.180240
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Taverne, M., A-C. Fabre, M. Herbin, A. Herrel, C. Lacroux, A. Lowie, F. Pagès, S. Peigné, J-C. Theil and C. Böhmer (2018) Convergence in the functional properties of forelimb muscles in
carnivorans: adaptations to an arboreal life-style? Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 125: 250-263. full text (PDF)
Ter-Avetisyan, G., A. Dumoulin, A. Herrel, H. Schmidt, J. Strump, S. Afzal and F. Rathjen (2018) Loss of axon bifurcation in mesencephalic trigeminal neurons impairs the maximal
biting force in Npr2-deficient mice. Front. Cell. NeuroSci. 12:153. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2018.00153 full text (PDF)
Videlier, M., C. Bonneaud and A. Herrel (2018) Intra-individual variation in exploration behaviour in a largely aquatic frog: effects of sex and personality traits.
Herpetol. J. 28: 10-18. full text (PDF)
Zablocki-Thomas, P.B., A. Herrel, I. Hardy, L. Rabardel, M. Perret, F. Aujard and E. Pouydebat (2018) Personality, performance, and an indicator of reproductive
success are affected by age and early life parameters in a small primate. Ecol. Evol. 8: 4598-4605. Doi: 10.1002/ece3.3833 full text (PDF)
Zablocki-Thomas, P.B., C.J. Karanewsky, J.L. Pendleton, F. Aujard, E. Pouydebat and A. Herrel (2018) Drivers of in vivo bite performance in wild brown mouse lemurs and a comparison
with the grey mouse lemur. J. Zool. 305: 180-187. Doi: 10.1111/jzo.12550 full text (PDF)
Abourachid, A., A. Herrel, T. Decamps, F. Pages, A-C. Fabre, L. Van Hoorebeke, D. Adriaens and M.A. Garcia Amado (2019). Locomotion in Hoatzin nestlings: a new
quadrupedal coordination for birds. Sci. Adv.5: eaat0787. Doi:10.1126/sciadv.aat0787 full text (PDF)
Boettcher, M.L., K.C. Leonard, E. Dickinson A. Herrel and A. Hartstone-Rose (2019) Extraordinary grip strength and specialized myology in the hyper-derived hand of Perodicticus potto?
J. Anat. 235: 931-939. Doi: 10.1111/joa.13051 full text (PDF)
Böhmer, C., A-C Fabre, M. Taverne, M. Herbin, S. Peigné and A. Herrel (2019) Functional relationship between myology and ecology in carnivores: do forelimb muscles reflect adaptations to prehension?
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 127: 661-680. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blz036 full text (PDF)
Boulinguez-Ambroise, G. P. Zablocki Thomas, F. Aujard, A. Herrel and E. Pouydebat (2019) Ontogeny of food grasping in mouse lemurs: behavior, morphology and performance.
J. Zool. 308: 1-8. Doi: 10.1111/jzo.12652 full text (PDF)
Brocklehurst, R., L. Porro, A. Herrel, D. Adriaens and E. Rayfield (2019) A digital dissection of two teleost fishes: comparative functional anatomy of the cranial musculoskeletal system in pike
(Esox lucius) and eel (Anguilla anguilla). J. Anat. 235: 189-204. Doi: 10.1111/joa.13007 full text (PDF)
Courant, J., J. Secondi, L. Guillemet, E. Volette and A. Herrel (2019) Rapid changes in dispersal on a small spatial scale at the range edge
of an expanding population. Evol. Ecol. 33: 599-612. Doi: 10.1007/s10682-019-09996-x full text (PDF)
Courant, J., L. Adil, B. De Kegel, D. Adriaens and A. Herrel (2019) Conserved growth rate and age structure of Xenopus laevis in the edge and core of an expanding population.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 128: 122-129. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blz088 full text (PDF)
De Meyer, J. D.J. Irschick, B. Vanhooydonck, J.B. Losos, D. Adriaens and A. Herrel (2019) The role of bite force in the evolution of head shape and head shape dimorphism in Anolis
lizards. Funct. Ecol. 33: 2191-2202. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13438 full text (PDF)
Dufour, C.M.S., C.M. Donihue, J.B. Losos and A. Herrel (2019) Parallel increases in grip strength after a major hurricane in two species of Anolis lizards on Dominica.
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Dutel, H., M. Galland, P. Tafforeau, J.A. Long, M.J. Fagan, P. Janvier, A. Herrel, M. Santin, G. Clément and M. Herbin (2019) Neurocranial development of the coelacanth and the evolution of the sarcopterygian head.
Nature 569: 556-559. Doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1117-3 full text (PDF)
Giacomini, G., D. Scaravelli, A. Herrel, A. Veneziano, D. Russon, R.P. Brown and C. Meloro (2019) 3D photogrammetry of bat skulls: perspectives for macro and micro-evolutionary analyses.
Evol. Biol. 46: 249-259. Doi: 10.1007/s11692-019-09478-6 full text (PDF)
Ginot, S., A. Herrel, J. Claude and L. Hautier (2019) Morphometric models for estimating bite force in Mus and Rattus: mandible shape and size do better than lever-arm ratios.
J. Exp. Biol. 222: jeb204867. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.204867 full text (PDF)
Handschuh, S., N. Natchev, S. Kummer, C.J. Beisser, P. Lemell, A. Herrel and V. Vergilov (2019) Cranial kinesis in the miniaturised lizard Ablepharus kitaibelii (Squamata: Scincidae).
J. Exp. Biol. 222: jeb198291. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.198291 full text (PDF)
Hanot, P., A. Herrel, C. Guintard and R. Cornette (2019) Unravelling the hybrid vigor in domestic equids: the effect of hybridization on bone shape variation and covariation.
BMC Evol. Biol. 19: 188. Doi: 10.1186/s12862-019-1520-2 full text (PDF)
Houssaye, A., A. Herrel, R. Boistel and J-C. Rage (2019) Adaptation of the vertebral inner structure to an aquatic life in snakes: pachyophiid peculiarities in comparison to extant and extinct forms.
C. R. Palevol. 18: 783-799. Doi: 10.1016/j.crpv.2019.05.004 full text (PDF)
Huby, A., A. Lowie, A. Herrel, R. Vigouroux, B. Frédérich, X. Raick, G. Kurchevski, A.L. Godinho and E. Parmentier (2019) Functional diversity in biters: the evolutionary morphology of oral jaw system in pacus, piranhas and relatives (Teleostei: Serrasalmidae).
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 127: 722-741. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blz048 full text (PDF)
Kruger, N., J. Measey, A. Herrel and J. Secondi (2019) Anti-predator strategies of the invasive African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis, to native and invasive predators in western France.
Aquatic Invasions 14: 433-443. Doi: 10.3391/ai.2019.14.3.03 full text (PDF)
Louppe, V., B. Leroy, A. Herrel and G. Véron (2019) Current and future climatic regions favourable for a globally introduced wild carnivore, the raccoon Procyon lotor.
Sci. Rep. 9: 9174. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-45713-y full text (PDF)
Lowie, A., E. Gillet, B. Vanhooydonck, D.J. Irschick, J.B. Losos and A. Herrel (2019) Do the relationships between hind limb anatomy and sprint speed variation differ between sexes in Anolis
lizards? J. Exp. Biol. 222: 188805. Doi:10.1242/jeb.188805. full text (PDF)
Mamou, R., F. Marniche, M. Amroun and A. Herrel (2019) Seasonal variation in diet and prey availability in the wall lizard Podarcis vaucheri (Boulenger, 1905)
from the Djurdjura Mountains, northern Algeria. Afr. J. Herpetol. 68: 18-32. Doi: 10.1080/21564574.2018.1509138 full text (PDF)
Padilla, P., V. Ducret, C. Bonneaud, J. Courant and A. Herrel (2019) Acclimation temperature effects on locomotor traits in adult aquatic anurans (X. tropicalis and X. laevis) from different latitudes:
possible implications for climate change. Conserv. Physiol. 7: coz019. Doi: 10.1093/conphys/coz019 full text (PDF)
Padilla, P., J. Courant and A. Herrel (2019) Allocation trade-offs impact organ size and muscle architecture in an invasive population of Xenopus laevis in Western France.
J. Anat. 235: 1057-1064. Doi: 10.1111/joa.13063 full text (PDF)
Pafilis, P., A. Herrel, G. Kapsalas, M. Vasilopoulou-Kampitsi, A-C. Fabre, J. Foufopoulos and C.M. Donihue (2019) Habitat shapes the thermoregulation of Mediterranean lizards introduced to replicate experimental islets.
J. Therm. Biol. 84: 368-374. Doi: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2019.07.032 full text (PDF)
Segall, M., A. Herrel and R. Godoy-Diana (2019) Hydrodynamics of frontal striking in aquatic snakes: drag, added mass, and the possible consequences for prey capture success.
Bioinsp. Biomim. 14: 036005. Doi: 10.1088/1748-3190/ab0316 full text (PDF)
Taverne, M., A-C. Fabre, N. King-Gillies, M. Krajnovic, D. Lisicic, L. Martin, L. Michal, D. Petricioli, A. Stambuk, Z. Tadic, C. Vigliotti, B. Wehrle and A. Herrel (2019) Diet variability
among insular populations of Podarcis lizards reveals diverse strategies to face resource-limited environments. Ecol. Evol. 9: 12408-12420. Doi: full text (PDF)
Watanabe, A., A-C. Fabre, R.N. Felice, J.A. Maisano, J. Müller, A. Herrel & A. Goswami (2019) Ecomorphological diversification in squamates from conserved pattern of cranial integration.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 116: 14688-14697. Doi: 10.1073/pnas.1820967116 full text (PDF)
Zablocki-Thomas, P., A. Herrel, C. Karanewski, F. Aujard and E. Pouydebat (2019) Heritability and genetic correlations of personality, life history, and morphology in the grey mouse lemur
(M. murinus). R. Soc. Open Sci. 6: 190632. Doi: 10.1098/rsos.190632 full text (PDF)
Araspin, L., A. Serra Martinez, C. Wagener, J. Courant, V. Louppe, P. Padilla, J. Measey and A. Herrel (2020) Rapid shifts in the temperature dependence of locomotor performance in an invasive frog,
Xenopus laevis, implications for conservation. Integr. Comp. Biol. 60: 456-466. Doi: 10.1093/icb/icaa010 full text (PDF)
Boettcher, M.L., K.C. Leonard, E. Dickinson, F. Aujard, A. Herrel and A. Hartstone-Rose (2020) The forearm musculature of the grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus): an ontogenetic study.
Anat Rec. 303: 1354-1363. Doi: 10.1002/ar.24258 full text (PDF)
Boulinguez-Ambroise, G., A. Herrel and E. Pouydebat (2020) Ontogeny of locomotion in mouse lemurs: Implications for primate evolution. J. Hum. Evol. 142: 102732. Doi: 10.1016/j.jhevol.2019.102732
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Brassard, C., M. Merlin, E. Monchâtre-Leroy, C. Guintard, J. Barrat, C. Callou, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2020) How does masticatory muscle architecture covary with mandibular shape in domestic dogs?
Evol. Biol. Doi: 10.1007/s11692-020-09499-6 full text (PDF)
Brassard, C., M. Merlin, C. Guintard, E. Monchâtre-Leroy, J. Barrat, N. Bausmayer, S. Bausmayer, A. Bausmayer, M. Beyer, A. Varlet, C. Houssin, C. Callou, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2020)
Bite force and its relation to jaw shape in domestic dogs. J. Exp. Biol. 223: jeb224352. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.224352 full text (PDF)
Brassard, C., M. Merlin, C. Guintard, E. Monchâtre-Leroy, J. Barrat, C. Callou, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2020) Interrelations between the cranium, the mandible and muscle architecture in modern domestic dogs.
Evol. Biol. 47: 308-324. full text (PDF)
Cernanský, A., A. Herrel, J.M. Kibii, C.V. Anderson, R. Boistel and T. Lehman (2020) The only complete articulated early Miocene chameleon skull (Rusinga island, Kenya) suggests an African origin for
Madagascar’s endemic chameleons. Sci. Rep. 10:109. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-57014-5 1 full text (PDF)
Dollion, A.Y., A. Herrel, O. Marquis, M. Leroux-Coyau and S. Meylan (2020) The colour of success: does female mate choice rely on male colour change in the chameleon Furcifer pardalis?
J. Exp. Biol. 223: jeb224550. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.224550
Donihue, C.M., A. Kowaleski, J.B. Losos, A. Algar, S. Baeckens, R.W. Buchkowski, A.-C. Fabre, H.K. Frank, A.J. Geneva, R.G. Reynolds, J.T. Stroud, J.A. Velasco, J.J. Kolbe, D.L. Mahler and A. Herrel
(2020) Hurricane effects on neotropical lizards span geographic and phylogenetic scales. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 117: 10429-10434. Doi: 10.1073/pnas.2000801117 full text (PDF)
Donihue, C.M., A. Herrel, J. Martín, J. Foufopoulos, P. Pafilis and S. Baeckens (2020) Rapid and repeated divergence of animal chemical
signals in an island introduction experiment. J. Anim. Ecol. 89: 1458-1467. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13205 full text (PDF)
Ducret, V., M. Videlier, C. Moureaux, C. Bonneaud and A. Herrel (2020) Do female frogs have higher resting metabolic rates than males? A case study with Xenopus allofraseri.
J. Zool. 312: 221-226. Doi: 10.1111/jzo.12820 full text (PDF)
Dufour, C.M.S., D.L. Clark, A. Herrel and J.B. Losos (2020) Recent biological invasion shapes species recognition and aggressive behavior in a native species:
a behavioral experiment using robots in the field. J. Anim. Ecol. 89: 1604-1614. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13223 full text (PDF)
Gomes, V., A. Herrel, M.A. Carretero and A. Kaliontzopoulou (2020) New insights into bite performance: morphological trade-offs underlying the duration and magnitude of bite force.
Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 93: 175–184. Doi: 10.1086/708248 full text (PDF)
Hanot, P., S. Gerber, C. Guintard, A. Herrel, L. Verslype and R. Cornette (2020) Reconstructing the functional traits of the horses from the tomb of King Childeric.
J. Arch. Sci. 121: 105200. Doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2020.105200 full text (PDF)
Harbers, H., D. Neaux, K. Ortiz, B. Blanc, R. Schafberg, A. Haruda, F. Casabianca, J. Studeur, S. Renaud, R. Cornette, Y. Locatelli, J-D. Vigne, A. Herrel and T. Cucchi (2020)
The mark of captivity: plastic responses in the ankle bone of a wild ungulate (Sus scrofa). R. Soc. Open Sci. 7: 192039. Doi: 10.1098/rsos.192039
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Harbers, H., C. Zanolli, M. Cazenave, J-C. Theil, K. Ortiz, B. Blanc, Y. Locatelli, R. Schafler, F. Lecompte, I. Baly, F. Laurens, C. Callou, J-D. Vigne, A. Herrel, L. Puymerail, T. Cucchi (2020)
Limb bone cortical morphology, captivity and domestication: an experimental approach on a wild boar model. Sci. Rep. 10: 19070. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-020-75496-6
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Hartstone-Rose, A., E. Dickinson, M.L. Boettcher and A. Herrel (2020) A primate with a panda’s thumb: the anatomy of the pseudothumb of Daubentonia madagascariensis.
Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 171: 8-16. Doi: 10.1002/ajpa.23936 full text (PDF)
Herrel A., D. Joly and E. Danchin (2020) Epigenetics in ecology and evolution. Funct. Ecol. 34: 381-384. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13494 full text (PDF)
Le Guilloux, M., A. Miralles, J. Measey, B. Vanhooydonck, J. O’Reilly, A. Lowie and A. Herrel (2020) Trade-offs between burrowing and biting force in fossorial scincid lizards?
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 130: 310-319. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blaa031 full text (PDF)
Leonard, K.C., M.L. Boettcher, E. Dickinson, N. Malhotra, F. Aujard, A. Herrel & A. Hartstone-Rose (2020) The ontogeny of masticatory muscle architecture in Microcebus murinus.
Anat. Rec. 303: 1364-1373. Doi: 10.1002/ar.24259 full text (PDF)
Louppe, V., B. Leroy, A. Herrel and G. Veron (2020) The globally invasive small indian mongoose Urva auropunctata is likely to spread with climate change.
Sci. Rep. 10: 7461. full text (PDF)
Luger, A.M., A. Ollevier, B. De Kegel, A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2020) Is variation in vertebral morphology linked to prehensility in chameleons?
J. Morphol. 281: 229-239. Doi: 10.1002/jmor.21093 full text (PDF)
Mansuit, R., G. Clement, A. Herrel, P. Tafforeau, M. Santin and M. Herbin (2020) Development and growth of the pectoral fin skeleton in the extant coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae.
J. Anat. 236: 493-509. Doi: 10.1111/joa.13115 full text (PDF)
Nourizonoz, A., R. Zimmermann, C. L. A. Ho, S. Pellat, Y. Ormen, C. Prévost-Solié, G. Reymond, F. Pifferi, F. Aujard, A. Herrel, D. Huber (2020) EthoLoop: automated closed-Loop
neuroethology in naturalistic environments. Nat. Meth. 17: 1052-1059. full text (PDF)
Padilla, P., J. Tallis, J. Hurst, J. Courant, R.S. James and A. Herrel (2020) Do muscle contractile properties drive differences in locomotor performance in invasive populations of Xenopus laevis in France?
J. Comp. Physiol B. 190: 771-778. Doi: 10.1007/s00360-020-01310-4 full text (PDF)
Rajabizadeh, M., R.A. Pyron, R. Nazarov, N.A. Poykarov, D. Adriaens and A. Herrel (2020) Additions to the phylogeny of colubrine snakes in Southwestern Asia, with description of a new genus and species (Serpentes: Colubridae: Colubrinae.
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Segall, M., R. Cornette, R. Godoy-Diana and A. Herrel (2020) Exploring the functional meaning of head shape disparity in aquatic snakes.
Ecol. Evol. 10: 6993-7005. Doi: 10.1002/ece3.6380 full text (PDF)
Tan, W.C., A. Herrel and J. Measey (2020) Dietary observations of four southern African agamid lizards (Agamidae). Herpetol. Cons. Biol. 15: 69-78.
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Tan, W.C., B. Vanhooydonck, J. Measey and A. Herrel (2020) Morphology, locomotor performance, and habitat use in southern African agamids.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 130: 166-177. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blaa024 full text (PDF)
Taverne, M., N. King-Gillies, M. Krajnovic, D. Lisicic, Ó. Mira, D. Petricioli, I. Sabolic, A. Štambuk, Z. Tadic, C. Vigliotti, B. Wehrle and A. Herrel (2020) Proximate and ultimate drivers of variation in bite force in insular lizards Podarcis melisellensis and Podarcis sicula.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 131: 88-108. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blaa091 full text (PDF)
Wehrle, B.A., A. Herrel, B-Q. Nguyen-Phuc, S. Maldonado Jr., R.K. Dang, R. Agnihotri, Z. Tadic and D.P. German (2020) Rapid dietary shift in Podarcis sicula resulted in localized
changes in gut function. Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 93:396-415. Doi: 10.1086/709848 full text (PDF)
Alejevski, F., M. Leemans, A-L. Gaillard, D. Leistenschneider, C. de Flori, M. Bougerol, S. LeMével, A. Herrel, J-B. Fini, G. Pézeron, H. Tostivint (2021) Conserved role
of the urotensin II-related peptide 2 (Urp2)-urotensin II receptor 4 (Utr4) signaling pathway to control spine straightness in a tetrapod. Open Biology 11: 210065. Doi: 10.1098/rsob.210065
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Bemmann, M., E. Schulz-Kornas, J.U. Hammel, A. Hipp, J. Moosmann, A. Herrel, A. Rack, U. Radespiel, E. Zimmermann, T.M. Kaiser and K. Kupczik (2021) Movement analysis of primate molar teeth under load using
synchrotron X-ray microtomography. J. Struct. Biol. 213: 107664. Doi: 10.1016/j.jsb.2020.107658 full text (PDF)
Boulinguez-Ambroise, G., A. Herrel, G. Berillon, J.W. Young, R. Cornette, A. Meguerditchian, C. Cazeau, L. Bellaiche and E. Pouydebat (2021) Increased performance in juvenile baboons is consistent with ontogenetic changes in morphology.
Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 175: 546–558. Doi: 10.1002/ajpa.24235 full text (PDF)
Brassard, C., M. Merlin, E. Monchâtre-Leroy, C. Guintard, J. Barrat, H. Garès, A. Larralle, R. Triquet, C. Houssin, C. Callou, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2021)
Masticatory system integration in a commensal canid: interrelationships between bones, muscles, and bite force in the red fox. J. Exp. Biol. 224: jeb224394. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.224394 full text (PDF)
Butterfield, T.G., A. Herrel, M.E. Olson, J. Contreras-Garduño and R. Macip-Ríos (2021) Morphology of the limb, shell, and head explain the variation in performance and ecology across 14 turtle taxa (12 species).
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 134: 879-891. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blab117 full text (PDF)
Cruz, F.B., D.L. Moreno Azocar, B. Vanhooydonck, J.A. Schulte II, C.S. Abdala and A. Herrel (2021) Drivers and patterns of bite force evolution in Liolaemid lizards.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 134: 126–140. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blab075 full text (PDF)
Dearden, R.P., R. Mansuit, A. Cuckovic, A. Herrel, D. Didier, P. Tafforeau and A. Pradel (2021) The morphology and evolution of chondrichthyan cranial muscles: a digital dissection of the elephantfish Callorhinchus milii and the catshark Scyliorhinus canicula.
J. Anat. 238: 1082-1105. Doi: 10.1111/joa.13362 full text (PDF)
Debaere, S.F., C.M. Donihue, A. Herrel and S. Van Wassenbergh (2021) An aerodynamic perspective on hurricane-induced selection on Anolis lizards.
Funct Ecol. 35: 2026–2032. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13848 full text (PDF)
Donihue, C.M., J.C. Daltry, S. Challenger, A. Herrel (2021) Population increase and changes in behavior and morphology in the critically endangered Redonda
ground lizard (Pholidoscelis atratus) following the successful removal of alien rats and goats. Integr. Zool. 16: 379-389. Doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.12500 full text (PDF)
Ducret, V., A.J. Richards, M. Videlier, T. Scalveni, K.A. Moore, K. Paszkiewicz, C. Bonneaud, N. Pollet and A. Herrel (2021) Transcriptomic analysis of the trade-off between endurance and burst-performance in the frog Xenopus allofraseri.
BMC Genomics 22:204. Doi: 10.1186/s12864-021-07517-1 full text (PDF)
Dutel, H., F. Groening, A.C. Sharp, P.J. Watson, A. Herrel, C.F. Ross, M. Jones, S.E. Evans and M.J. Fagan (2021) Comparative cranial biomechanics in two lizard species: impact of variation in cranial design.
J. Exp. Biol. 224: jeb234831. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.234831 full text (PDF)
Ginal, P., M. Mokhatla, N. Kruger, J. Secondi, A. Herrel, J. Measey and D. Rödder (2021) Ecophysiological models for the African Clawed Frog, Xenopus laevis: Is europe a large playground
for this superinvader? J. Exp. Zool. A 335: 158-172. Doi: 10.1002/jez.2432 full text (PDF)
Hejazi Nooghabi, A., Q. Grimal, A. Herrel, M. Reinwald and L. Boschi (2021) Contribution of bone-reverberated waves to sound localization of dolphins: a numerical model.
Acta Acustica 5: 3. Doi: 10.1051/aacus/2020030 full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., A. Lowie, A. Miralles, P. Gaucher, N.J. Kley, J. Measey and K.A. Tolley (2021) Burrowing in blindsnakes: a preliminary analysis of burrowing forces and consequences for the evolution of morphology.
Anat. Rec. 304: 2292–2302. Doi: 10.1002/ar.24686 full text (PDF)
Huby, A., R. Mansuit, M. Herbin and A. Herrel (2021) Revision of the muscular anatomy of the paired fins of the living coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae (Actinistia, Sarcopterygii).
Biol J. Linn. Soc. 133: 949-989. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blab047 full text (PDF)
Kouvari, M., A. Herrel and R. Cornette (2021) Humans and climate as possible drivers of the morphology and function of the mandible of Suncus etruscus
in Corsica. J. Archaeol. Sci. 132: 105434. Doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2021.105434 full text (PDF)
Kruger, N., J.G. Measey, G. Vimercati, A. Herrel and J. Secondi (2021) Does the spatial sorting of dispersal traits affect the phenotype of the non-dispersing stages of the invasive frog Xenopus laevis through coupling?
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 132: 257-269. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blaa191 full text (PDF)
Liang, C., A. Marghoub, L. Kever, S. Bertazzo, A. Abzhanov, M. Vickaryous, A. Herrel, S. Evans and M. Moazen (2021) Lizard osteoderms – morphological characterisation, biomimetic design and manufacturing based on
three species. Bioinsp. Biomim. 16: 066011. Doi: 10.1088/1748-3190/ac26d0 full text (PDF)
Louppe, V., A. Herrel, B. Pisanu, S. Grouard and G. Veron (2021) Assessing occupancy of two invasive carnivores in two Caribbean islands: implications for insular ecosystems.
J. Zool. 313: 182-194. Doi: 10.1111/jzo.12845 full text (PDF)
Lowie, A., B. De Kegel, M. Wilkinson, J. Measey, J.C. O'Reilly, N.J. Kley, P. Gaucher, J. Brecko, T. Kleinteich, L. Van Hoorebeke, A. Herrel* and D. Adriaens* (2021) Under pressure:
the relationship between cranial shape and burrowing force in caecilians (Gymnophiona). J. Exp. Biol. 224: jeb242964. *co last authors doi:10.1242/jeb.242964
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Luger, A., V. Vermeylen, A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2021) Do substrate roughness and gap distance impact gap-bridging strategies in arboreal chameleons.
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Luger, A., P.J. Watson, H. Dutel, M.J. Fagan, L. Van Hoorebeke, A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2021) Regional patterning in tail vertebral form and function in chameleons (C. calyptratus).
Integr. Comp. Biol. 61: 455-463. Doi: 10.1093/icb/icab125 full text (PDF)
Mansuit, R. and A. Herrel (2021) The evolution of appendicular muscles during the fin-to-limb transition: possible insights through studies of soft tissues, a perspective.
Front. Ecol. Evol. 9:702576. Doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.702576 full text (PDF)
Mansuit, R., G. Clément, A. Herrel, H. Dutel, P. Tafforeau, M. Santin and M. Herbin (2021) Development and growth of the pelvic fin in the extant coelacanth Latimeria chalumnae.
Anat. Rec. 304: 541-558. Doi: 10.1002/ar.24452 full text (PDF)
Neaux, D., B. Blanc, K. Ortiz, Y. Locatelli, F. Laurens, I. Baly, C. Callou, F. Lecompte, R. Cornette, G. Sansalone, A. Haruda, R. Schafberg, J-D. Vigne, V. Debat, A. Herrel and T. Cucchi (2021)
How changes in functional demands associated with captivity affect the skull shape of a wild boar (Sus scrofa). Evol. Biol. 48: 27-40. Doi: 10.1007/s11692-020-09521-x full text (PDF)
Neaux, D., B. Blanc, K. Ortiz, Y. Locatelli, R. Schafberg, A. Herrel, V. Debat and T. Cucchi (2021) Assessing the influence of biomechanical constraints associated with captivity on the craniomandibular
integration in wild boar. J. Anat. 239: 489-497. Doi: 10.1111/joa.13425 full text (PDF)
Patton, A., L.J. Harmon, M.R. Castañeda, H.K. Frank, C.M. Donihue, A. Herrel* and J.B. Losos* (2021) When adaptive radiations collide: different evolutionary trajectories
between and within island and mainland lizard clades. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 118: e2024451118 *co last authors Doi: 10.1073/pnas.2024451118 full text (PDF)
Rajabizadeh, M., D. Adriaens, B. De Kegel, A. Avci, C. Ilgaz and A. Herrel (2021) Body size miniaturization in a lineage of colubrid snakes: Implications for cranial anatomy.
J. Anat. 238: 131-145. Doi:10.1111/joa.13293 full text (PDF)
Rajabizadeh, M., S. Van Wassenbergh, C. Mallet, M. Rücklin and A. Herrel (2021) Tooth shape adaptations in aglyphous colubrid snakes inferred from 3D geometric morphometrics and finite element analysis.
Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 191: 454–467. Doi: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlaa063 full text (PDF)
Roscian, M., A. Herrel, R. Cornette, A. Delapré, Y. Cherel and I. Rouget (2021) Underwater photogrammetry for close-range 3D imaging of dry-sensitive objects: the case study of cephalopod beaks.
Ecol. Evol. 11: 7730–7742. Doi: 10.1002/ece3.7607 full text (PDF)
Tan, W.C., J. Measey, B. Vanhooydonck and A. Herrel (2021) The relationship between bite force, morphology, and diet in southern African agamids.
BMC Ecol. Evol. 21: 126. Doi: 10.1186/s12862-021-01859-w full text (PDF)
Taverne, M., H. Dutel, M. Fagan, A. Štambuk, D. Lisicic, Z. Tadic, A-C. Fabre and A. Herrel (2021) From micro to macroevolution: drivers of shape variation in an island radiation of Podarcis lizards
in the Adriatic. Evolution 75: 2685-2707. Doi: 10.1111/evo.14326 full text (PDF)
Terray, L., E. Stoetzel, A. Herrel and R. Cornette (2021) The contribution of functional traits to the understanding of palaeo-environmental changes.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 133: 1110–1125. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blab057 full text (PDF)
Zablocki-Thomas, P., G. Boulinguez-Ambroise, C. Pacou, J. Mézier, A. Herrel, F. Aujard and E. Pouydebat (2021) Behavioral reactions to a mirror in the nocturnal
grey mouse lemur (Microcebus murinus): sex differences in avoidance. PeerJ 9: e11393. Doi: 10.7717/peerj.11393 full text (PDF)
Zablocki-Thomas, P., S. Lailvaux, F. Aujard, E. Pouydebat and A. Herrel (2021) Maternal and genetic correlations between morphology and physical performance traits in a small captive primate,
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Brassard, C., J.L. Forbes-Harper, H.M. Crawford, J-M. Stuart, N.M. Warburton, M.C. Calver, P. Adams, E. Monchâtre-Leroy, J. Barrat, S. Lesellier, C. Guintard, H. Garès, A. Larralle, R. Triquet, M. Merlin, R. Cornette, A. Herrel, P.A. Fleming (2022)
Morphological and functional divergence of the lower jaw between native and invasive red foxes. J. Mamm. Evol. 29: 335–352. Doi: 10.1007/s10914-021-09593-2 full text (PDF)
Brassard, C., A. Balasescu, R-M. Arbogast, V. Forest, C. Bemilli, A. Boroneant, F. Convertini, M. Gandelin, V. Radu, P.A. Fleming, C. Guintard, T.L. Kreplins, C. Callou, A. Filippo,
A. Tresset, R. Cornette, A. Herrel and S. Bréhard (2022) Unexpected morphological diversity in ancient dogs compared to modern relatives. Proc. R. Soc. B. 289: 20220147. Doi: 0.1098/rspb.2022.0147
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Carrión, P.L., J.A.M. Raeymaekers, L.F. De León, J.A. Chaves, D.M.T. Sharpe, S.K. Huber, A. Herrel, B. Vanhooydonck, K.M. Gotanda, J.A.H. Koop, S.A. Knutie, D.H. Clayton, J. Podos and A.P. Hendry (2022)
The terroir of the finch: How spatial and temporal variation shapes phenotypic traits in Darwin's finches. Ecol. Evol. 12: e9399 Doi: 10.1002/ece3.9399. full text (PDF)
Chotard, A., J. Ledamoisel, T. Crouchet, T. Decamps, A. Herrel, A. Chaine, V. Llaurens and V. Debat (2022) Evidence of attack deflection suggests adaptive evolution of wing tails in butterflies.
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Dollion, A.Y., S. Meylan, O. Marquis, M. Leroux-Coyau and A. Herrel (2022) Do male panther chameleons (Furcifer pardalis) use different aspects of color change in the visible and the ultraviolet range to settle intrasexual agonistic interactions?
Sci. Nat. 109: 13. Doi: 10.1007/s00114-022-01784-y full text (PDF)
Donihue, C.M., A. Herrel, J. Foufopoulos and P. Pafilis (2022) Body condition and jumping predict initial survival in a replicated island introduction experiment.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 135: 490-498. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blab172 full text (PDF)
Gautreau, E., X. Bonnet, J. Sandoval, G. Fosseries, A. Herrel, M. Arsicault, S. Zeghloul, M.A. Laribi (2022) A biomimetic method to replicate the natural fluid
movements of swimming snakes to design aquatic robots. Biomimetics. 7: 223. Doi: 10.3390/biomimetics7040223 full text (PDF)
Giacomini, G., A. Herrel, G. Chaverri, R.P. Brown, D. Russo, D. Scaravelli and C. Meloro (2022) Functional correlates of skull shape in Chiroptera: feeding and echolocation adaptations.
Integr. Zool. 17: 430-442. Doi: 10.1111/1749-4877.12564 full text (PDF)
Jowers, M., Y. Simone, A. Herrel, M.P. Cabezas, R. Xavier, M. Holden, R. Boistel, J.C. Murphy, M. Santin, S. Caut, R.J. Auguste, A. van der Meijden, F. Andreone and I. Ineich (2022)
The Terrific skink bite revealed through 3D imaging: Extreme insularity as a likely driver to land crab predation. Sci. Rep. 12:4596. Doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-08148-6 full text (PDF)
Kéver, L., D. Olivier, A. Marghoub, S.E. Evans, M.K. Vickaryous, M. Moazen and A. Herrel (2022) Biomechanical behavior of lizard osteoderms and skin under external loading.
J. Exp. Biol. 225: jeb244551. Doi:10.1242/jeb.244551 full text (PDF)
Kraus, A., M. Lövy, O. Mikula, J. Okrouhlík, N.C. Bennett, A. Herrel and R. Šumbera (2022) Bite force in strictly subterranean rodent family, African mole-rats (Bathyergidae): the role of digging mode, social organisation, and ecology.
Funct. Ecol. 36: 2344-2355. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.14132 full text (PDF)
Kruger, N., J. Secondi, L. du Preez, A. Herrel and J. Measey (2022) Phenotypic variation in Xenopus laevis tadpoles from contrasting climatic regimes is the result of adaptation and plasticity.
Oecologia 200: 37-50. Doi: 0.1007/s00442-022-05240-6 full text (PDF)
Lailvaux, S.P., A. Mishra, P. Pun, Md.W. Ul Kabir, R.S. Wilson, A. Herrel and Md.T. Hoque (2022) Machine learning accurately predicts the multivariate performance phenotype
from morphology in lizards. PlosOne 17: e0261613. Doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0261613 full text (PDF)
Lemieux-Labonté, V.*, C. Vigliotti*, Z. Tadic, B. Wehrle, P. Lopez, E. Bapteste, F-J. Lapointe, D. German and A. Herrel (2022) Proximate drivers of population-level lizard gut microbial diversity: impacts of diet, insularity,
and local environment. Microorganisms 10: 1550. Doi: 10.3390/microorganisms10081550 * co-first authors. full text (PDF)
Lowie, A., B. De Kegel, M. Wilkinson, J. Measey, J.C. O'Reilly, N.J. Kley, P. Gaucher, J. Brecko, T. Kleinteich, D. Adriaens and A. Herrel (2022) Under pressure: the relationship between head shape, head musculature and
bite force in caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona). J. Exp. Biol. 225: jeb243599. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.243599 full text (PDF)
Lowie, A. B. De Kegel, M. Wilkinson, J. Measey, J.C. O'Reilly, N.J. Kley, P. Gaucher, J. Brecko, T. Kleinteich, D. Adriaens and A. Herrel (2022)
Is vertebral shape variability in caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) constrained by forces experienced during burrowing? J. Exp. Biol. 225: jeb244288. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.244288 full text (PDF)
Lowie, A., B. De Kegel, M. Wilkinson, J. Measey, J.C. O'Reilly, N.J. Kley, P. Gaucher, J. Brecko, A. Herrel* and D. Adriaens* (2022) Regional differences in vertebral shape along the axial skeleton in caecilians
(Amphibia: Gymnophiona). J. Anat. 241: 716-728. * co-last authors. Doi: 10.1111/joa.13682 full text (PDF)
Marghoub, A. C.J.A. Williams, J.V. Leite, A.C. Kirby, L. Kéver, L.B. Porro, P.M. Barrett, S. Bertazzo, A. Abzhanov, M. Vickaryous, A. Herrel, S.E. Evans and M. Moazen
(2022) Unravelling the structural variation of lizard osteoderms. Acta Biomat. 146: 306-3016. Doi: 10.1016/j.actbio.2022.05.004 full text (PDF)
Mohanty, N.P., C. Wagener, A. Herrel and M. Thaker (2022) The ecology of sleep in non-avian reptiles. Biol. Rev. 97: 505-526. Doi: 10.1111/brv.12808
full text (PDF)
Neaux, D., H. Harbers, B. Blanc, K. Ortiz, Y. Locatelli, A. Herrel, V. Debat and T. Cucchi (2022) The effect of captivity on cranial and postcranial ontogenetic trajectories in wild boar.
J. Exp. Zool. B 338: 575-585. Doi: 10.1002/jez.b.23130 full text (PDF)
Roscian, M., A. Herrel, P. Zaharias, R. Cornette, V. Fernandez, I. Kruta, Y. Cherel and I. Rouget (2022) Every hooked beak is maintained by a prey: ecological signal in cephalopod beak shape.
Funct. Ecol. 36: 2015-2028. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.14098 full text (PDF)
Rothier, P.S., M.N. Simon, G. Marroig, A. Herrel and T. Kohlsdorf (2022) Development and function explain the modular evolution of phalanges in the digits of gecko lizards.
Proc. R. Soc. B 289: 20212300 Doi: 0.1098/rspb.2021.2300 full text (PDF)
Tardieu, C., O. Demirhan, E. Akbal, L. Ozgozen, Ö. Sunkar Biçer, A. Delapré, R. Cornette and A. Herrel (2022) Modifications of the locomotor system in habitually quadrupedal humans.
J. Anat. 241: 765-775. Doi: 10.1111/joa.13693 full text (PDF)
Taverne, M., T. Decamps, O. Mira, I. Sabolic, J.D. da Silva, M. Glogoski, D. Lisicic, A. Stambuk and A. Herrel (2022) Relationships between dietary breadth and flexibility in jaw movement: a case study of two recently diverged insular populations of Podarcis lizards.
Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 265: 111140. Doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2021.111140 full text (PDF)
Williams, C., A. Kirby, A. Marghoub, L. Kéver, S. Ostashevskaya-Gohstand, S. Bertazzo, M. Moazen, A. Abzhanov, A. Herrel, S.E. Evans and M. Vickaryous (2022) A review of the osteoderms of lizards
(Reptilia: Squamata). Biol. Rev. 97: 1-19. Doi: 10.1111/brv.12788 full text (PDF)
Araspin, L., C. Wagener, P. Padilla, A. Herrel and J. Measey (2023) Thermal shifts in the thermal dependence of locomotor performance across an altitudinal gradient in native populations of Xenopus laevis.
Physiol. Biochem. Zool. 96: 272-281. Doi: 10.1086/725237 full text (PDF)
Araspin, L., J. Measey and A. Herrel (2023) Does aquatic performance predict terrestrial performance: a case study with an aquatic frog, Xenopus laevis. J. Exp. Biol. 226: jeb246545.
Doi: 10.1242/jeb.246545 full text (PDF)
Brassard, C., M. Balasse, A. Balasescu, V. Radu, M. Ollivier, D. Fiorillo, A. Herrel and S. Bréhard (2023) Chalcolithic dogs show morphological and dietary adaptations to different socio-economic systems.
J. Archaeol. Sci. 157: 105820. Doi: 10.1016/j.jas.2023.105820 full text (PDF)
Cajigas Gandia, A., R.A. Bosch, C.A. Mancina and A. Herrel (2023) Climatic variation along the distributional range in Cuban Anolis lizards: Species and ecomorphs under future
scenarios of climate change. Global Ecol. Cons. 42: e02401. full text (PDF)
Cucchi, T., H. Harbers, D. Neaux, M. Balasse, L. Garbé, D. Fiorillo, H. Bocherens, D. Drucker, C. Zanolli, R. Cornette, R.M. Arbogast, S. Bréhard, A. Bridault, L. Gourichon,
J. Guilaine, C. Manen, T. Perrin, R. Schafberg, A. Tresset, J.D. Vigne and A. Herrel (2023) Morphological diversification in Western Europe wild boars (Sus scrofa)
during 4500 years of Neolithic transition. Quat. Sci. Rev. 309: 108100 Doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2023.108100 full text (PDF)
Dearden, R.P., A. Herrel and A. Pradel (2023) Evidence for high-performance suction feeding in the Pennsylvanian stem-group holocephalan Iniopera.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 120: e2207854119. Doi: 10.1073/pnas.2207854119 full text (PDF)
Donihue, C., A. Herrel, M. Taverne, J. Foufopoulos and P. Pafilis (2023) The evolution of diet and morphology in insular lizards: insights from a replicated island introduction experiment.
Animals 13: 1788. Doi: 10.3390/ani13111788 full text (PDF)
Dumont, M. J. Milgram, A. Herrel, R. Shahar, B. Shacham, C. Houssin, A. Delapré, R. Cornette and M. Segall (2023) “Show me your teeth and I will tell you what you eat”: differences in tooth enamel in snakes with different diets.
Integr. Comp. Biol. 63: 265-275. Doi: 10.1093/icb/icad028 full text (PDF)
Gautreau, E., X. Bonnet, T. Fox, G. Fosseries, V. Valle, A. Herrel and M. Laribi (2023) Complementary methods to acquire the kinematics of swimming snakes: a
basis to design bio-inspired robots. J. Bionic Engineer. 20: 668-682. Doi: 10.1007/s42235-022-00291-0 full text (PDF)
Ginal, P., N. Kruger, L. Araspin, M. Mokhatla, J. Secondi, A. Herrel, J. Measey and D. Rödder (2023) More time for aliens? Performance shifts lead to increased activity time budgets propelling invasion success.
Biol. Inv. 25: 267-283. Doi: 10.1007/s10530-022-02903-6 full text (PDF)
Lowie, A., B. De Kegel, M. Wilkinson, J. Measey, J.C. O'Reilly, N.J. Kley, P. Gaucher, J. Brecko, A. Herrel and D. Adriaens (2023) The anatomy of the head muscles in caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona): variation in relation
to phylogeny and ecology? J. Anat. 242: 312-326. Doi: 10.1111/joa.13763 full text (PDF)
Marghoub, A., L. Kéver, C. Williams, A. Abzhanov, M. Vickaryous, A. Herrel, S. Evans and M. Moazen (2023) The role of cranial osteoderms on the mechanics of the skull in scincid lizards.
Anat. Rec. 306: 2415-2424. Doi: 10.1002/ar.25168 full text (PDF)
Mathou, A., X. Bonnet, K. Daoues, R. Ksas and A. Herrel (2023) Evolutionary convergence of muscle architecture in relation to locomotor ecology in snakes.
J. Anat. 242: 862-871. Doi: 10.1111/joa.13823 full text (PDF)
Padilla, P., A. Herrel and M. Denoël (2023) May future climate change promote the invasion of the marsh frog? An integrative thermo-physiological study.
Oecologia 202: 227-238. Doi: 10.1007/s00442-023-05402-0 full text (PDF)
Padilla, P., A. Herrel and M. Denoël (2023) What makes a great invader? Anatomical traits as predictors of locomotor performance and metabolic rate in an invasive frog.
J. Exp. Biol. 226: jeb246717. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.246717 full text (PDF)
Roscian, M., L. Souquet, A. Herrel, T. Uyeno, D. Adriaens, B. De Kegel and I rouget (2023) Comparative anatomy and functional implications of variation in the buccal mass in coleoids.
J. Morphol. 284: e21595. Doi: 10.1002/jmor.21595 full text (PDF)
Rothier, P.S., A-C. Fabre, J. Clavel, R.B.J. Benson and A. Herrel (2023) Mammalian forelimb evolution is driven by a uneven proximal-to-distal morphological diversity.
eLife 12: e81492. Doi: 10.7554/eLife.81492 full text (PDF)
Saulnier Masson, R., K. Daoues, J. Measey and A. Herrel (2023) The evolution of bite force and head morphology in scincid lizards: diet and habitat use as possible drivers.
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 140: 58-73. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blad052 full text (PDF)
Segall, M., C. Houssin, A. Delapré, R. Cornette, A. Herrel, J. Milgram, R. Shahar and M. Dumont (2023) Armed to the teeth: the underestimated diversity in tooth shape in snakes and its relation to feeding behavior and diet.
Ecol. Evol. 13: e10011. Doi: 10.1002/ece3.10011 full text (PDF)
Simon, M., P.S. Rothier, C.M. Donihue, A. Herrel and J.J. Kolbe (2023) Can extreme climatic events induce shifts in adaptive potential? Conceptual framework and empirical test.
J. Evol. Biol. 36: 195-208. Doi: 10.1111/jeb.14115 full text (PDF)
Sivault, E., K. McConkey, F. Bretagnolle, A. Sengupta, J. Lambert*, E. Heymann*, A. Herrel* and P.-M. Forget* (2023) Can body mass and skull morphology predict seed and fruit ingestion potential for mammal species? A test using extant species
and its application to extinct species. Funct. Ecol. 37: 1504-1515. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.14300 full text (PDF) * co-last authors.
Souquet, L., O. Basuyaux, G. Guichard, A. Herrel, I. Rouget, S. Evans and M. Moazen (2023) The growth of the buccal mass in Sepia officinalis: functional changes throughout ontogeny.
Mar. Biol. 170: 82. Doi: 10.1007/s00227-023-04224-1 full text (PDF)
Stin, V., R. Godoy-Diana, X. Bonnet and A. Herrel (2023) Measuring the 3D wake of swimming snakes (Natrix tessellata) using volumetric particle image velocimetry.
J. Exp. Biol. 226, jeb245929. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.245929 full text (PDF)
Tan, W.C., A. Herrel and D. Rödder (2023) A global analysis of habitat fragmentation research in reptiles and amphibians: What have we done so far? Biodiv. Conserv. 32: 439-468.
Doi: 10.1007/s10531-022-02530-6 full text (PDF)
Taverne, M., P.J. Watson, H. Dutel, R. Boistel, D. Lisicic, Z. Tadic, A-C. Fabre, M.J. Fagan and A. Herrel (2023) Form function relationships as drivers of dietary change in a lizard.
Proc. R. Soc. B 290: 20230582 Doi: 10.1098/rspb.2023.0582 full text (PDF)
van der Meijden, A., J.C. Gonzalez-Gomez, M.D. Pulido-Osorio and A. Herrel (2023) Measurement of voluntary bite forces in large carnivores using a semi-automated reward-driven system.
J. Exp. Biol. 226: jeb245255. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.245255 full text (PDF)
White, H.E., A.S. Tucker, V. Fernandez, R. Portela Miguez, L. Hautier, A. Herrel, D.J. Urban, K.E. Sears and A. Goswami (2023) Paedomorphosis in the ancestry of marsupial mammals.
Curr. Biol. 33: 2136-2150. Doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.04.009 full text (PDF)
Anelli, V., M. Bars-Closel, A. Herrel and T. Kohlsdorf (2024) Different selection regimes explain morphological evolution in fossorial lizards. Funct. Ecol. 38:1250-1264.
full text (PDF)
Ballell Mayoral, A., H. Dutel, M. Fabbri, E. Martin-Silverstone, A. Kersley, C. Hammond, A. Herrel and E. Rayfield (2024) Ecological drivers of jaw morphological evolution in lepidosaurs.
Proc. R. Soc. B. 291: 20242052. Doi: 10.1098/rspb.2024.2052 full text (PDF)
Bettencourt-Amarante, S., R. Furet, R. Abensur and A. Herrel (2024) Does habitat modification impact morphology, performance, and inflammatory responses in an amphibian with limited
dispersal capacity (Lisssotriton helveticus)? Ecol. Evol. 14: e70114. full text (PDF)
Dearden, R.P., A. Herrel and A. Pradel (2024) The pharynx of the iconic stem-group chondrichthyan Acanthodes (Agassiz, 1833) revisited with micro computed tomography.
Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 202: zlae058. Doi: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae058 full text (PDF)
Dumont, M., A. Herrel, J. Courant, P. Padilla, R. Shahar and J. Milgram (2024) Femoral bone structure and mechanics at the edge and core of an expanding population of an invasive frog, Xenopus laevis.
J. Exp. Biol. 227: jeb24619. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.246419 full text (PDF)
Evans, B.J., V. Gvoždík, M. Knytl, C.M.S. Cauret, A. Herrel, E. Greenbaum, J. Patel, T. Papenfuss and J. Measey (2024) Rapid sex chromosome turnover in African clawed frogs (Xenopus) provides insights into the origins of new sex chromosomes.
Mol. Biol. Evol. 41: msae234. Doi: 10.1093/molbev/msae234 full text (PDF)
Fosseries, G., A. Herrel, R. Godoy Diana, N. Vidal, P. Gaucher, M. Traimond, A. Joris, K. Daoues, A. Gouygou, O. Chateau, H. Gossuin, P. Banzept, C. Banzept, D. Lefebvre, X. Bonnet (2024)
Can All Snakes Swim? A review of the evidence and testing species across phylogeny and morphological diversity. Zoology 167: 126223. Doi: 10.1016/j.zool.2024.126223 full text (PDF)
Georgalis, G.L., K.T. Smith, L. Marivaux, A. Herrel, E. Essid, W. Marzougui, R. Temani and R. Tabuce (2024) A new giant trogonophiid amphisbaenian (Squamata) with extreme dental adaptations from the Eocene of Chambi, Tunisia.
Zool. J. Linn. Soc. 202: zlae133 Doi: 10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae133 full text (PDF)
Gutjahr, R., L. Kéver, T. Jonsson, D. Talamantes Ontiveros, B.P. Chagnaud and A. Herrel (2024) Gekko gecko as a model organism for understanding aspects of laryngeal vocal evolution.
J. Exp. Biol. 227: jeb247452. Doi: 10.1242/jeb.247452. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A. Y. Locatelli, K. Ortiz, J-C. Theil, R. Cornette and T. Cucchi (2024) Cranial muscle architecture in wild boar: does captivity drive ontogenetic trajectories?
J. Morphol. 285: e21676 Doi: 10.1002/jmor.21676 full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J.M. Taft, D.C. Main, J.M. da Silva and K.A. Tolley (2024) Branching out: Perch diameter and orientation affect pull strength in chameleons (Genus: Bradypodion).
Biol. J. Linn. Soc. 143: blae003. Doi: 10.1093/biolinnean/blae003 full text (PDF)
Heude, E., H. Dutel, F. Sanchez-Garrido, K. Prummel, F. Lam, C. Mosimann, A. Herrel and S. Tajbakhsh (2024) Exaptation of neck muscles supported the water-to-land transition.
Nat. Comm. 15: 10564. Doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-54724-x full text (PDF)
Maliuk, A., A. Marghoub, C.J.A. Williams, E. Stanley, L. Kéver, M. Vickaryous, A. Herrel, S.E. Evans and M. Moazen (2024) Comparative analysis of the osteoderms across the lizard body.
Anat. Rec. 307: 3191-3203. Doi: 10.1002/ar.25418 full text (PDF)
Mensah, J.B. P-M. Forget, É. Guilbert, A. Herrel, B.Y. Ofori and A. Naas (2024) Night life: Positional behaviors and activity patterns of the Neotropical Kinkajou, Potos flavus (Carnivora, Procyonidae).
J. Zool. 324: 231-243. Doi: 10.1111/jzo.13211 full text (PDF)
Oliveira, T.G., L. Araspin, C.A. Navas and A. Herrel (2024) Impacts of a simulated infection on the locomotor behavior of invasive and non-invasive species of congeneric anurans.
Ecol. Evol. Physiol. 97: 71-80. Doi: 10.1086/729774 full text (PDF)
Padilla, P., A. Herrel and M. Denoël (2024) Invading new climates at which cost? Ontogenetic differences in the thermal dependence of metabolic rate in an invasive amphibian.
J. Therm. Biol. 121: 103836. Doi: 10.1016/j.jtherbio.2024.103836 full text (PDF)
Parmentier, E., A. Herrel, M. Banse, H. Hornstra, F. Bertucci and D. Lecchini (2024) Diving into dual functionality: swim bladder muscles in Lionfish for buoyancy and sonic capabilities. J. Anat. 244: 249-259.
Doi: 10.1111/joa.13963 full text (PDF)
Petford, M.A., A. Herrel, G.J. Alexander and K.A. Tolley (2024) Differences between urban and natural populations of dwarf chameleons (Bradypodion damaranum): a case of urban warfare?
Urban Ecosystems 27: 577-589. Doi: 0.1007/s11252-023-01474-1 full text (PDF)
Rothier, P., A-C. Fabre, R. Benson, Q. Martinez, P-H. Fabre, B. Hedrick and A. Herrel (2024) Of flippers and wings: the locomotor environment as a driver of the evolution of forelimb morphological diversity in mammals.
Funct. Ecol. 38: 2231-2246. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.14632 full text (PDF)
Sabolic, I., Ó. Mira, D.Y.C. Brandt, D. Lisicic, J. Stapley, M. Novosolov, R. Bakaric, I. Cizelj, M. Glogoški, T. Hudina, M. Taverne, M.E. Allentoft, R. Nielsen, A. Herrel and A. Štambuk (2024)
Plastic and genomic change of a newly established lizard population following a founder event. Mol. Ecol. 33: e17255. Doi: 10.1111/mec.17255 full text (PDF)
Souquet, L., M. Roscian, J. Andreoletti, R. Cornette, H. Dutel, I. Kruta, N. Landman, A. Herrel and I. Rouget (2024) Nautilid beaks: unsuspected disparity and palaeoecological interpretation.
Lethaia 57: 1-19. Doi: 10.18261/let.57.2.2 full text (PDF)
Stin, V., R. Godoy-Diana, X. Bonnet and A. Herrel (2024) Form and function of anguilliform swimming: A review. Biol. Rev. 99: 2190-2210. Doi: 10.1111/brv.13116 full text (PDF)
Wang, S., M. Didziokas, M. Roscian, S. Evans, I. Rouget, A. Herrel, M. Moazen and L. Souquet (2024) A comparative analysis of cephalopod beaks rostrum puncture abilities using engineering tools.
Marine Biol. 171: 131. Doi: 0.1007/s00227-024-04451-0 full text (PDF)
Baeckens, S., J. Martín, P. Pafilis, A. Herrel and C. Donihue (2025) Temporal dynamics of scent mark composition in field-experimental lizard populations.
Funct. Ecol. 39: 154-164. Doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.14687 full text (PDF)
Ebel, R., A. Herrel, T.M. Scheyer and S. Keogh (2025) Review of osteoderm function and future research directions. J. Zool. 325: 1-24. Doi: 10.1111/jzo.13224 full text (PDF)
Harrison S.L., G.P. Sutton, A. Herrel & D.C. Deeming (2025) Estimated and in vivo measurements of bite force demonstrate exceptionally large bite forces in parrots (Psittaciformes).
J. Anat. 246: 299-315. Doi: 10.1111/joa.14144 full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., J-C. Theil, L. Faure, F. Druelle and G. Berillon (2025) Age- and size-related changes in hind limb muscles in two baboon species (Papio anubis and P. papio).
J. Anat. 246: 108-119. Doi: 10.1111/joa.14140 full text (PDF)
Toyama, K.S., J.B. Loos, A. Herrel and D. L. Mahler (2025) Sexual size dimorphism as a determinant of fighting performance dimorphism in Anolis lizards. J. Evol. Biol. 38: 251-260.
Doi: 10.1093/jeb/voae148 full text (PDF)
In press
Bettencourt-Amarante, S., R. Abensur, R. Furet, C. Ragon and A. Herrel (in press) Do human-induced habitat changes impact the morphology of a common amphibian, Bufo bufo?.
Urban Ecosyst.
Birkedal, H., A. Rodriguez-Palomo, M.S.B. Jacobsen, T.E.K. Christensen, M.R.V. Jørgensen, I. Kantor, G. Willan, A. Herrel, A. Marghoub, M. Moazen, S. Evans, M. Vickaryous, C.J.A. Williams
(accepted pending revision) Enamel-like stiffness achieved by poorly oriented nanocrystals in the capping tissue of Mexican beaded lizard osteoderms. Acta Biomat.
Brassard, C., L. Wertani, A. Herrel and H. Jerbi (in press) Variability of jaw muscles in Tunisian street dogs and adaptation to skull shape. Anat. Rec.
Clarac, F., A. Sanchez-Gimeno, A. Quilhac, A. Herrel, Q. Grimmal and A. Pradel (in press) An integrative model of chimera jaw links mechanical stress to localized cartilage mineralization. C.R. Palevol.
Naas, A., J.B. Mensah, P-M. Forget, E. Guilbert and A. Herrel (accepted pending revision) Tails in Action: comparative analysis of the use of the prehensile tail and substrates in Alouatta macconnelli,
Sapajus apella and Potos flavus. Am. J. Primatol.
Oliveira, T.G., C.A. Navas and A. Herrel (in press) Impacts of immune system activation on locomotor behavior of male and female anurans of the species Xenopus laevis.
Herpetol. Jnl.
Simon, M.N. E.A. Courtois, A. Herrel, and D.S. Moen (in press) Macroevolutionary divergence along allometric lines of least resistance in frog hindlimb traits and its effect on locomotor evolution. Am. Nat.
Vicent-Castelló, P., A. Herrel, D.J. Harris and A. Kaliontzopoulou (in press) Walking or hanging: the role of habitat use for body shape evolution in lacertid lizards. J. Evol. Biol. full text (PDF)
Non ISI publications with peer review (14):
Herrel, A., B. Vanhooydonck, J. Porck and D.J. Irschick (2008) Anatomical basis of differences in locomotor behavior in Anolis lizards: a comparison
between two ecomorphs. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 159: 213-238. full text (PDF)
Castilla, A.M., A. Herrel and A. Gosá (2009) Marine prey in the diet of Podarcis atrata from the Columbretes Islands. Munibe 57: 187-190.
full text (PDF)
Castilla, A.M., A. Herrel and A. Gosá (2009) Predation by scorpions (Buthus occitanus) on Podarcis atrata from the Columbretes Islands. Munibe 57: 191-194.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., M. Da Costa Cottam, K. Godbeer, T. Sanger and J.B. Losos (2011) An ecomorphological analysis of native and introduced populations of the endemic lizard Anolis maynardi of the Cayman Islands.
Breviora 522: 1-10. full text (PDF)
Brecko, J., B. Vervust, A. Herrel and R. Van Damme (2011) Head Morphology and Diet in the Dice Snake (Natrix tessellata). Mertensiella 18: 20-29.
full text (PDF)
Losos, J.B., M.L. Woolley, D.L. Mahler, O. Torres-Carvajal, K.E. Crandell, E.W. Schaad, A.E. Narváez, F. Ayala-Varela and A. Herrel (2012)
Notes on the Natural History of the Little Known Ecuadorian Horned Anole, Anolis proboscis. Breviora 531: 1-17.
full text (PDF)
Scarpetta, S., L. Gray, A.N. Montes de Oca, M. Castañeda, A. Herrel, J.B. Losos, R. Luna-Reyes, N. Jiménez Lang and S. Poe (2015) Morphology and ecology of the Mexican cave anole
Anolis alvarezdeltoroi. Mesoamerican Herpetology 2: 261-270. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A., C. Moureaux, M. Laurin, G. Daghfous, K. Crandell, K.A. Tolley, G.J. Measey, B. Vanhooydonck and R. Boistel (2016) Frog origins: inferences based on ancestral reconstructions of locomotor
performance and anatomy. Fossil Imprint 72: 108-116. full text (PDF)
Mamou, R., F. Marniche, M. Amroun and A. Herrel (2016) Trophic ecology of two sympatric lizard species: the Algerian sand lizard and the wall lizard in Djurdjura, northern Algeria.
Zool. Ecol. DOI: 10.1080/21658005.2016.1229889 full text (PDF)
Losos, D.N., J.B.R. Weaver, T.W. Fies, A. Herrel, A-C. Fabre and J.B. Losos (2017) The curious case of the left-sided dewlap: directional asymmetry in the Curaçao
anole, Anolis lineatus. Breviora 553: 1-7. full text (PDF)
Courant, J., E. Vollette and A. Herrel (2018) Changes in the aquatic macro-invertebrate communities through the expanding range of an invasive anuran.
Food Webs 17: e00098. full text (PDF)
Perez-Martinez, C.A., A. Kamath, A. Herrel and J.B. Losos (2021) The anoles of La Selva: niche partitioning and ecomorphology in a mainland
community of Anolis lizards. Breviora 570:1-27. full text (PDF)
Takesh, M., N. Rastegar-Pouyani, A. Gharzi and A. Herrel (2024) On the historical biogeography of the subfamily Uromastycinae: how did Saara achieve its eastern
range. Iran. J. Anim. Biosyst. 20: 23-34. Doi: 10.22067/ijab.2024.86882.1067 full text (PDF)
Aléssio, F. and A. Herrel (2024) How does a lizard eat spaghetti? The predation on an amphisbaenian by Peter's Lava Lizard Tropidurus hispidus (Spix, 1805) in
Northeastern Brazil. Herpetol. Notes 17: 703-707. full text (PDF)
Popular articles, newsletters, reports, book reviews and notes (17):
Herrel, A. and B. Vanhooydonck (2003) Implicaciones de estudios ecomorfológicos en la conservación de murciélagos. Andïra 3: 6-7.
full text (PDF)
Meyers, J.J., A. Herrel and B. Vanhooydonck (2005) Gambelia wislizenii (Leopard Lizard) - Ophiophagy. Herp. Review 36: 448-449.
full text (PDF)
Castilla, A.M., A. Herrel, G. Diaz and A. Francesch (2006) Importancia de la cáscara del huevo en perdiz roja y codorniz. Jara & Sedal 6(54): 78-82.
full text (PDF)
Mahler, D.L., A. Herrel and J.B. Losos (2010) Anolis Newsletter VI.
full text (PDF)
Conradie, W., H. Engelbrecht, A. Herrel, G.J. Measey, S.V. Nielsen, B. Vanhooydonck and K.A. Tolley (2011) Reptile survey of Venetia Limpopo Nature Reserve,
Limpopo Province - South Africa. African Herp News 55: 6-12. full text (PDF)
McCleary, R.J.R., D.P. Bickford, A. Herrel and A-C. Fabre (2014) GERARDA PREVOSTIANA (Gerard’s Watersnake). REPRODUCTION. Herp. Review 45: 516.
full text (PDF)
Measey, G.J., T. Backeljau, A. Herrel, R. Rebelo and D. Rödder (2016) Unbekannte Eindringlinge: der afrikanishe Krallefrosch in Europa. Elaphe pp. 58-63.
full text (PDF)
Herrel, A. (2016) Book review: The design of life's interactions: biomechanics as a key tool in ecology and evolutionary biology. TREE 31: 660-661.
full text (PDF)
Anderson, C.V., A-C. Fabre and A. Herrel (2016) Anolis roquet. (Martinique’s Anole). COLORATION. Herp. Review 47: 665-666.
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Cucchi, T., N. Lescureux and A. Herrel (2017) Relations homme/animal. In: Prospectives de l'institut écologie et environnement du CNRS; compte-rendu des journées des 22, 23 et 24 février 2017, Bordeaux.
full text (PDF)
Donihue, C.M., G.J. Giller and A. Herrel (2017) Pholidoscelis atrata (Redonda Ground Lizard). DIET. Herp. Review. 48: 655.
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Guintard, C., C. Brassard, A. Herrel and R. Cornette (2020) La tête du chien : Un système anatomique intégré. Centrale Canine Magazine 204: 37-39.
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Boistel, R., A. Herrel, A. Hocine, J-G. Bauzin and B. Cherickh (2020) Étude aérodynamique du vol d’un lézard Draco : Approches expérimentale, numérique et par
méthodes inverses. Lettre 3AF 45: 37-40. full text (PDF)
Herrel, A. (2021) La vie dans les déserts et les dunes : adaptation aux milieu extrêmes. Geochronique 157: 48-53.
Tostivint, H., F. Alejevski, M. Leemans, A-L. Gaillard, S. Le Mével, A. Herrel, J-B. Fini et G. Pézeron (2022) Des neuropeptides impliqués dans la morphogenèse de l’axe vertébral
Les leçons du poisson et du crapaud. Med. Sci. 38: 27-29. full text (PDF)
Ginal, P., J. Measey, A. Herrel, J. Secondi, R. Rebelo, J. Courant and D. Rödder (2023) Unbekante Eindringlinge: der Glatte Krallenfrosch in Europa, sech Jahre Später.
Elaphe 76-87. full text (PDF)
Rave, A., C. Bea, A. Herrel and J. Teyssier (2025) Les caméléons chnagent-ils selon leurs émotions?. Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.14778896
Policy briefs (2):
Action on invasive alien species should better anticipate climate change effects on biological invasions in Europe. Participated in this Biodiversa+ policy brief with results of the
INVAXEN project. full text (PDF)
Integrating amphibian conservation into transport infrastructure projects and reporting under the taskforce on nature-related financial disclosures (TNFD). Participated in this policy brief on amphibian conservation and
transport infrastructure. full text (PDF)
Journal covers